Strange answers from Gabe


Jul 16, 2003
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During several interviews with Gabe he's given a lot of weird answers that don't sound like they're associated with a game. For example:

Hoaxer: We have seen tram in City-17. Will it be possible to use it?

Gabe Newell: That's a good idea.

I would expect most people to say, "Yes you can use the tram". But Gabe says things like "That's a good idea." It's almost like he knows something we don't, like they've actually encased real life into a game and they forget about little things since they didn't actually program it! Or maybe they've just thrown so much stuff into Half-Life 2 it's hard to keep track. *Sigh* I can dream.
Gabe is God!
You have invoke teh Masters!They are not insane!
Gabe has a sense of humore, that's all.
well, he does like to tease people and hint at things. Gabe is not one to give a flat out answer, he likes to play with your mind.
Maybe he's saying "Yes you can but that's just one of the optional ways to get past certain areas and we don't want to give too much away".
I'm with Ahnteis here, sounds like a possible way though a mission.

Oh, 20 combine, a crowbar, and one clip in my Glock...

ohhh...the power is on to that tram...

*Crunching and screaming heard*

Cool, 20 clips of ammo for my machine gun!

maybe he means "yea thats a good idea, maybe we should of done that or would you like us to spend more time on the game to add that and delay the game"
Or maybe hes like "Yeah thats a good idea :rolleyes:"

but I think hes just drunk with power, or jager, either way.
Oh no, Gabe said something vague. It must mean the tram is delayed or something.
or MAYBE: "Yeah, thats a good idea... too bad Half-Life 2 is a giant hoax ready to be revealed"
biozeminades (SP??????????????????????????????????????????!questionmark???????????????)
Probably using the tram is a major part of the game, like it was in HL1. And he is just being sacrcastic. Besides, wouldn't be just 1337 to shoot biozeminades while riding in the tram at 30 mph?
He means: "That's a good idea. Maybe that's why we implemented it."

Haha - the tram is probably physically simulated and can be derailed and driven along roadways leaving sparking grooves in the road. Great for moving cover in firefights?
They had trams in HL1. I think he was implying that they hadn't made them driveable, but hey, why not.
I imagine he spends so much time doing online interviews and replying to waves of email that he hasen't actually had the time to see or play his game for quite a while.
Yes that's a good idea, means you can use them: good idea as in you should use them since they're available to you.
Duh, they had trams you could ride in HL 1.

I bet MONEY that you start HL2 riding a tram of some sort, or something that you can't get out of(way to force you to watch the credits).
yeah let's throw trams on people with the manipulator :?
Hoaxer: Will we guess during the game who was mother of Alyx Vance?

Gabe Newell: The G-Man is actually a hermaphrodite. Don't tell anyone ;)

HAHA, to funny!
The G-man is Gordon's father, Gordon is Alyx's father, and Alyx is the G-man's mother. Gotta love time travel technology.
Its quite disheartening to see game professionals joke about their product in such an immature way. I really hope this interview is fake.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
Its quite disheartening to see game professionals joke about their product in such an immature way. I really hope this interview is fake.
Lighten up man they were just kidding around for the last half.
Originally posted by Doom3>hl2
Its quite disheartening to see game professionals joke about their product in such an immature way. I really hope this interview is fake.




No, nevermind...
lmao, some people have no sense of humor.

Not, not at your level. My sense of humor is a tad bit more mature fortunatly. It just doesnt make me feel any more confortable about a game when the developers call their characters hermephrodites and think thats just halarious. It makes me wonder how mature and grown up a game made by such people will be, gabe and co. are prolly sitting in their desks right now snickering and pointing at the guy across the room who just farted =|
dont listen to doom, just look at his name. hes only on these boards to start flame wars. and seriously, there is no such thing as a "mature sense of humor" that would be called an oxymoron.
Gabe wasn't laughing with/at his creation, he was laughing at the interviewer, because he found it a dumb question (or he tried to avoid it by making a joke). I'd like to see you make a funny joke at the top of your head while you're talking to a few hundred-thousand people (which is what you're indirectly doing when you give an interview about HL2).

Shouldn't you be bashing Chris Rock? His humor is quite immature and for some people even shocking (he discusses racial things alot) but i still think he's one of the best comedians out there. Like lobster said, i don't think you have a sense of humor, really.