Street Fighter 4!


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Let's hype it up ...






(As you can see, Gen and Cammy are confirmed :))

Suddenly it's 1991 and i'm a little kid trying to squeeze through the crowd of people surrounding the SF2 machine at my local arcade - standing on tiptoes to get a brief glimpse and realising that this was something very special :bounce:

Gentlemen, arcade sticks at the ready. FIGHT!
had a chance to play one match at a local arcade that imported the game or something
pretty solid
can't wait for the full version on console
The purest expression, the glory, the test of skill. 2 men enter, one man leave - you are obviously cut from a poorer cloth ...
The rendering style is interesting, I like it.
I may finally have a reason to buy a current generation console. The horror.
the screens don't do it justice
it really looks sharp in motion+in person
All the responses saying, "I can't wait for a console release on this," YOU are what killed arcades. You lazy gamers who want to just sit at home and play a fighting game...probably online, instead of going out to the arcade and dumping in your quarters.

Well screw you, man.

I can't wait for an ARCADE release on this. Lazy slobs. Enjoy your online.
I'm all for the return of the arcade - so much has been lost since attendances began to dwindle - but they're just too damn expensive these days!
All the responses saying, "I can't wait for a console release on this," YOU are what killed arcades. You lazy gamers who want to just sit at home and play a fighting game...probably online, instead of going out to the arcade and dumping in your quarters.

Well screw you, man.

I can't wait for an ARCADE release on this. Lazy slobs. Enjoy your online.

Im actually heading down to china town some time because I hear an arcade there is getting the game in, but yeah don't know about your area, but the only arcades near me are in the city, and well thats expensive to do often D:
All the responses saying, "I can't wait for a console release on this," YOU are what killed arcades. You lazy gamers who want to just sit at home and play a fighting game...probably online, instead of going out to the arcade and dumping in your quarters.

Well screw you, man.

I can't wait for an ARCADE release on this. Lazy slobs. Enjoy your online.

actually, i'll be playing them both
so there.
Haven't really been into SF since after Alpha 2. I hope they ditch the horrible American voiceovers for this one, along with stuff like gameshow-host-voices shouting 'READY GUYS???!?!?!' or 'IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!!' at the beginning of a round.
Well, at least it's good to know that the people here are trying to play it in arcades as well. I was just having this conversation at a golfland on Sunday, talking about how it's online play that killed the arcade. The arcade was once a staple of life; you couldn't live without the thing. But attendance started dropping, people didn't want to go out anymore and spend their quarters, and then online came and it was the nail in the coffin. Now arcades are empty. I don't even see children there anymore and it breaks my heart. A generation growing up without the arcade. ;(

I hope they ditch...gameshow-host-voices shouting 'READY GUYS???!?!?!' or 'IT'S TIME TO PARTY!!!!' at the beginning of a round.
I think I hate you. I might actually hate you. How're you going to hate the announcer? He's the greatest of all time. How can you possibly hate "Go for broke!" and "Triumph or die?"

I'm gonna take you for a ride.
Shit sucks. I know it's a fighting game, who gives a shit about fighting game canon, but come on. Gouken's dead. Retconning that, of all things, throws everything out the window.

If you were going to throw another ansatsuken user into the mix, why not Little Miss? That makes more sense, since we actually know Gouken died but nobody knows what happened to her. She'd be the last descendant of Goutetsu and therefore COULD be as strong as Gouken now. Or at least she could be using the techniques Gouken would use.

Alternatively make her a Goutetsu-ryuu ansatsuken user instead of Gouken-ryuu. That'd be savage. Or give her some of Retsu's moves.

But no, Capcom doesn't give a shit about their own canon. They probably don't even remember Little Miss.
Shit sucks. I know it's a fighting game, who gives a shit about fighting game canon, but come on. Gouken's dead. Retconning that, of all things, throws everything out the window.

If you were going to throw another ansatsuken user into the mix, why not Little Miss? That makes more sense, since we actually know Gouken died but nobody knows what happened to her. She'd be the last descendant of Goutetsu and therefore COULD be as strong as Gouken now. Or at least she could be using the techniques Gouken would use.

Alternatively make her a Goutetsu-ryuu ansatsuken user instead of Gouken-ryuu. That'd be savage. Or give her some of Retsu's moves.

But no, Capcom doesn't give a shit about their own canon. They probably don't even remember Little Miss.

I didn't understand a word of that :)
Damn it, I had faith in you Warbie. :laugh:

Gouken had a daughter known only as Oujo-sama, or Little Miss. She trained with Ryu and Ken. Nobody knows what happened to her after Gouken was killed--she was gone by the time Ken arrived to fight Gouki (Akuma).

There were only two drawings ever done for Little Miss, and Capcom has long since forgotten about her. Although I once heard that Makoto was inspired by Little Miss in her original design, because she was going to be an ansatsuken user...but also she was going to be Ryu's sister. All that was thrown out. I don't know how true the first part is anyway; she could've just been inspired by Ryu's brother Shun.

Anyway, assuming Little Miss didn't die, where'd she go? She could've taken up residence with Retsu, the monk from Street Fighter 1, who was a good friend of Gouken. Gouki would not have killed her, but he wouldn't have raised her either. At most he would've seen to her safety and then left.

So Capcom could've totally brought her into canon again by using her instead of Gouken, and she could've either used Gouken's passive, non-killing ansatsuken, or she could've used the murderous ansatsuken developed by Goutetsu and used by Gouki, the "true" ansatsuken. Seeing your father die in front of you by being literally dragged into hell and having his lung punched out would probably give you some murderous intent. But more likely, she'd be a Gouken-ryuu martial artist on a master level. And she could have some kempo moves as well, from training with Retsu.

That way too, it'd explain how Ryu mysteriously learned joudan soukutu geri and shin shoryuken in SFIII, both of which you can see Gouken do in that video. Also if you watch in that video you can see Gouken has shippuu jinrai kyaku, a move that was supposed to have been invented by Ken. Shit's ridiculous; that move is supposed to be from Ken's improvisation, not an actual ansatsuken move.

tl;dr: Darkside knows more about Street Fighter than Capcom, and is deeply saddened at no Little Miss.
only 1 more month til the NA release
anybody planning on buying an arcade stick/gamepad?
i know i'm gonna hafta invest in something cause the 360 controller simply will not do.
I'm highly considering picking up the $150 pro stick, the only problem is money and the fact that I'm not a real big fan of the Japanese-style ball sticks, so I might want to buy a "corn dog"-style stick and swap that out. The nice thing about the Mad Catz SFIV pro stick is that all the buttons are hot swappable and the stick itself has a universal bracket, so you just unscrew and mount a new stick. Really, really nice.

Man, interesting this thread got bumped; for the past two hours I've been watching tourney videos. I'm watching the Arcade Infinity teams matchup in another tab.
Nah, he's a new guy. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was added in there after Bob was announced for Tekken 6. (They're both fat, blonde American guys who are deceptively fast)

Watching people play as him, he seems OK, but I hate the way he looks too much to ever consider playing as him. I'll play him to get his unlockable stuff, and his ending, and then never choose him again.

Oh, speaking of unlockables, some more stuff for consoles:

one unlockable outfit per character
you can unlock the Japanese voices, and INDIVIDUALLY set dub/sub settings per character (so English Cammy and Japanese Ryu, for instance)
you can turn off the announcer (for Laivasse :p)
you can select your win pose; I think there are 11 win poses per character?
selectable taunts at the versus screen
selectable colors at the versus screen for default outfit, don't know about unlockable outfit
My friend got to play this at Comic-con. He got his ass handed to him by some guy in a Batman suit, 5 rounds in a row.
Meh that list sounds alright, the selecting poses/taunts seems kind of ridiculous to me. Why not have some taunts you can actually perform when you win, like UT's pelvic thrust. But more tea bagging. Also costumes serve no interest to me, and I've never understand the idea behind it unless its incorporated into online play somehow like in VF5.

Also as far as rufus, yes he does look completely retarded with that weird animation of his stomach.

I played about six rounds (low on quarters) at one of the two arcades in Vancouver. Call me a hater but I just really didn't like the new graphics style. I really think Capcom just got lazy and instead of doing good quality sprites opted to do some (arguably cheaper production wise) semi-cell models or whatever they are. I just don't like the flow of the movements. Everything's jerky. Jumps seem to just send you up and gravity feels like it's twice what it should be. Everything looks clumsy, especially the grabs. The hitboxes are clunky.

Compare to:

Maybe I've been spoiled by 3rd Strike. I was really hoping for an actual revival of the series, not a look into the past. As if 3s didn't get boring enough with the same YunChunKen matchups, they decided to bring back the same characters yet again. I think the logic was that since SF2 was such a massive success in both Japan and the States, that going back to those old characters would revive SF interest in North America (and it seems to have worked).

I guess if I want a current-gen fighter I'll have to look to KoF :|


EDIT: I'm also really pissed that you can still pull that dumbass flying HK-low HK combo on the shotos that you've been able to pull off since SF2. It's so retardedly powerful and I managed to win against people in SF4 by resorting/spamming to it when not knowing any of the new combos.
Yeah but you should know how expensive 3S was to make. 3S also flopped hard. 3S was never popular, with any demographic (Japan or the West). This was really the only way to get Street Fighter back on its feet; cost-effective, and returning to its roots which, as you said, sparked interest.

KoF XII sure is pretty, though. I myself never liked KoF games, didn't like the system. The only way I play those games is if they have Geese. Because, y'know, best fighting game character ever.

hk low hk
Stop playing against scrubs. Stop BEING a scrub. Didn't you just say you play 3S? Why must you scrub?
Stop playing against scrubs. Stop BEING a scrub. Didn't you just say you play 3S? Why must you scrub?
Keywords: one of TWO arcades in my entire area. The entire Greater Vancouver Regional District. The common player demographic here plays ddr most of his life.

I'm a scrub because I can't just pick up a game I'm totally expecting to play differently? As I said, choppy gameplay. I had a very limited number of rounds. The game felt like SF2, so I start playing it like old SF2, which means fireball/cheap move spam. I also failed to read up on all the newfangled meter systems so I really had no idea what I was doing.

I played about six rounds (low on quarters) at one of the two arcades in Vancouver. Call me a hater but I just really didn't like the new graphics style. I really think Capcom just got lazy and instead of doing good quality sprites opted to do some (arguably cheaper production wise) semi-cell models or whatever they are. I just don't like the flow of the movements. Everything's jerky. Jumps seem to just send you up and gravity feels like it's twice what it should be. Everything looks clumsy, especially the grabs. The hitboxes are clunky.

Compare to:

Maybe I've been spoiled by 3rd Strike. I was really hoping for an actual revival of the series, not a look into the past. As if 3s didn't get boring enough with the same YunChunKen matchups, they decided to bring back the same characters yet again. I think the logic was that since SF2 was such a massive success in both Japan and the States, that going back to those old characters would revive SF interest in North America (and it seems to have worked).

I guess if I want a current-gen fighter I'll have to look to KoF :|


EDIT: I'm also really pissed that you can still pull that dumbass flying HK-low HK combo on the shotos that you've been able to pull off since SF2. It's so retardedly powerful and I managed to win against people in SF4 by resorting/spamming to it when not knowing any of the new combos.

first off: cool that you're in Van. i had a chance to play ONE round at the arcade in Metrotown about a month or so ago... really hard to judge it by that

but i know what you mean about 3S. i'm a HUGE fan of the game and i much prefer the art style/graphics and the way it plays and feels

however, i'm willing to give SFIV a chance and hopefully it'll grow on me because i love the thought of being able to play SF online :P
#you can unlock the Japanese voices, and INDIVIDUALLY set dub/sub settings per character (so English Cammy and Japanese Ryu, for instance)
you can turn off the announcer (for Laivasse :p)
Now these are some unlocks/misc. options that a man can really give a crap about. To whom do I submit my crap?
My friend got to play this at Comic-con. He got his ass handed to him by some guy in a Batman suit, 5 rounds in a row.
I don't think it was a Batman suit...
I really gave Makoto a shot at first. Bitch has horrible recovery on certain moves. Need to practice with her more. Actually owning the game might help with that.

I admit I mess with Ken too much. I hate it immensely, but he's ****ing cheap (NO NOT JUST SCRUB MOVES K. CHP>DPP>>SA3 LAWL).

Ryu is a douche.