Strider blowing up the bridge was unexpected?


Feb 19, 2004
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I'm sorry if that's been discussed before, but I've juste read HL2Fallout's Source engine description (here), and in the AI section thay say something that made my jaw dropped on the floor:

The sequence where the Strider blows up the bridge was unscripted and unexpected by Valve

Is the unexpected part of the whole thing that is amazing... :eek:
So they say... although i think they would call it "it was hinted that it could do something cool with the bridge"

They probably have "hints" like this all over the maps... something similar to what far car uses just a lot more advanced
Well, you could program the strider like it's basically a tall walking tank. It has the weapons of a tank, and so it uses it cannon to blast through objects that block it's way towards enemy so it can use it mg on ther infantry.
Well, if they put a marken on Freeman so that the monsters know where to shoot at, is it so really amazing that they put a marker on a object and as soon as the monster is in the proximity it shoots at it. (This is a layman speaking, I guess it's more complex than that).

Nice stuff though, nice stuff.
The A.I. probably know what's blowuppable and what's not, so if the Strider sees something he can break in his way he'll probably do it.
id be funny if the strider started dance and gabes like WTF?
lazicsavo said:
Well, if they put a marken on Freeman so that the monsters know where to shoot at, is it so really amazing that they put a marker on a object and as soon as the monster is in the proximity it shoots at it. (This is a layman speaking, I guess it's more complex than that).

Nice stuff though, nice stuff.

nitpick: it probably doesn't blow it up as soon as it sees it, but it knows it can make a faster route by blowing up a bridge or a wall. /nitpick
What bridge are you talking about in what video?
Near the end of the E3 HL2 video from 2003, a strider blows up a footbridge over a street to get to freeman.
in the strider vid? aka bink?

The 2k3 presentation is in binks now (you prolly already knew that)
The sequence where the Strider blows up the bridge was unscripted and unexpected by Valve

This isnt 100% true.

It was only the strider's ability to duck and move under relatively low obstacles that was unexpected and this was discovered long before the 2003 demos were made.
I wonder how the AI would react to a tornado in-game. I remember someone at VALVe made a mini-tornado and it worked pretty well. Sounds like fun.
The.Spiral said:
I'm sorry if that's been discussed before, but I've juste read HL2Fallout's Source engine description (here), and in the AI section thay say something that made my jaw dropped on the floor:

Is the unexpected part of the whole thing that is amazing... :eek:

Thx for info, that is truly amazing :thumbs:
UKchaos2 said:
This isnt 100% true.

It was only the strider's ability to duck and move under relatively low obstacles that was unexpected and this was discovered long before the 2003 demos were made.

Hmm. It seems to me based on information Valve's given us about how the AI reacts to objects that can be physically moved, destroyed, used in whatever way, that there's no reason the strider couldn't have randomly decided to shoot it. If something can work with the laws of physics, the enemy AI will know that. Obviously the strider knew that bridge would be in it's way, it knows it can be atleast partially destroyed, so why couldn't it just decide to try and completely destroy it? It failed to remove it from it's path, so it tried another way to get by it, by ducking. Doesn't seem too difficult to me, but then again I could be completely wrong. :)

Gabe's said in an interview that characters/enemies in the game are always aware of the presence of objects that can be physically altered in the game world. I can only hope =]
oh man reading, more and more about hl2 make sme want to have it more.
I wonder if the Strider's will have a 'hate list' to know who to attack first when multiple parties are dealing out the damage.

This whole thing about the AI acting independently to different conditions certainly has picqued my interest, especially in regards to mods. If the AI code truly is this mature, and the game engine can accomodate it, then HL2 will be *very* highly regarded. It is situations and interviews like this that you don't hear about when they're talking about Doom III.
Oh yeah, reading up on HL2 has now become a major hobby for me before release. I also have friends who tell me a good bit about HL2's physics, as they have the leaked copy. I don't give out info on the forums or anywhere about that info though. I only base what I say here on what the valve team has released through interviews, etc. But yeah, HL2's AI system should be amazing if they pull it off.
Zyphria said:
I wonder if the Strider's will have a 'hate list' to know who to attack first when multiple parties are dealing out the damage.

This whole thing about the AI acting independently to different conditions certainly has picqued my interest, especially in regards to mods. If the AI code truly is this mature, and the game engine can accomodate it, then HL2 will be *very* highly regarded. It is situations and interviews like this that you don't hear about when they're talking about Doom III.

Yea Valve have said early on that the AI attacks enemies that are directly threatening them at the time - like in the E3 2003 videos (the video with the Ant Lions and Gordon using the globes to control them), the Ant Lion Gaurd attacks the Combine soldiers (who are shooting at it) before attacking Gordon.
Hmm. It seems to me based on information Valve's given us about how the AI reacts to objects that can be physically moved, destroyed, used in whatever way, that there's no reason the strider couldn't have randomly decided to shoot it. If something can work with the laws of physics, the enemy AI will know that. Obviously the strider knew that bridge would be in it's way, it knows it can be atleast partially destroyed, so why couldn't it just decide to try and completely destroy it? It failed to remove it from it's path, so it tried another way to get by it, by ducking. Doesn't seem too difficult to me, but then again I could be completely wrong.

Yes, but the point is the destruction of the bridge wasnt unexpected because the map was designed to be broken and the A.I was designed to recognise obstructions as targets.
Quick, turn off the PC before the strider becomes a sentient being and launches tactical nukes from around the room through your 56k in an effort to bring the world under the control of the machine God!
I want this game now...

...and i almost want the new hammer more...
...i want to play with the striders...!

(And i want a strider action figure... :D )

(In the future: Half-life 6

VALVe playtests:
The player runs through blazing fire...

...he see a sgt. and puts a well put bullet in to his head.
The rest of the enemies think: WTF... and then they throw their weapons and stands with their hands up in the air...
VALVe guys... f*ck this totally ruins our story! The AI is to smart... now they even relalizes when they are going to loose :( )
i want a strider action figure too and a little gorden so i can jsut screw hl2 ill jsut paly in on my acton figutes
Didn't Valve also tell us that the bit where the Combines kick the door in was unscripted as well?
yes hey said so but it was scripted an the stuff about "the ai surprised us" is pure propaganda as well
Didn't Valve also tell us that the bit where the Combines kick the door in was unscripted as well?

It is unscripted - in the finished game. Despite what was reported to happen in the leak, do you honestly believe the final product features doors that open by themselves?

Come on, use your common sense.
I think it was "unexpected" as in, the strider would have the option to go under it, or to blow it up, and the AI made it's choice. The word unexpected is just PR to give it more flavor :p
sk1llfatal said:
yes hey said so but it was scripted an the stuff about "the ai surprised us" is pure propaganda as well

and you play the HL2 stolen build too often...
nothing of what i said can be found out cause of playing the leak
It's just a part of was the strider going to pass the bridge?
sk1llfatal said:
nothing of what i said can be found out cause of playing the leak

Oh, so the only way you'd know that the door busting in scene was scripted would be that your good ol' mate Tom told you so? or you work for valve? :dozey:

In any case, source DOESN'T have a scripting language for the A.I., so wither your claim is faulty or you just speculating that it is a propaganda. More over, if it is a propagnada and the A.I is scripted - the critics and gamers will be pissed at valve for telling lies and as a result HL2 won't be that well recieved - which is their loss, so there goes the theory that valve is lying about the A.I.

Why lie about something when later on people will find out about eventually in the full version?
When the AI realize that it's underpaid we all will be doomed!