Strider blowing up the bridge was unexpected?

And if you somehow don't believe me, here's proof:

Gamespy E3 2003 Coverage said:
Set outside, the creature caught our attention and quickly blew up a portion of a building overlooking an archway. The strider made its way to the arch, realized it was too tall to get through, crouched and did a limbo to scoot under the archway, straightening back up on the other side. None of this appeared to be scripted: We're told this is all real AI and physics, and the movements are completely believable as the creature scoots under the arch.

Then you're gonna say, "HOW DID GAMESPY KNOW??" Because Gabe was there and he said it.
i was trying to post my proof...but its being removed constantly
Flatiator said:
i was trying to post my proof...but its being removed constantly

Because there's no "stolen build" discussion.

A) It's stolen
B) Anything in it is subject to change without notice
C) Nothing in it can be taken seriously
Quick, turn off the PC before the strider becomes a sentient being and launches tactical nukes from around the room through your 56k in an effort to bring the world under the control of the machine God!

i can see it now: 13% complete stridernukelaunch.exe
timeleft:14 hours 33 min. 43 seconds
UKchaos2 said:
No, only specific sections of levels can be broken. Fully destructable scenery is too cpu extensive.

The level designer defines which things are breakable and the A.I is given hints. The strider isnt told to destroy the bridge, its just given an option to.

Source is capable of supporting A LOT of breakable objects, including some structures. Not all ofcourse, but most can be breakable. By the way, did you even read my post? Perhaps I didn't use the term "hints", but what you just said is the same thing I was trying to describe.
Flatiator said:
i was trying to post my proof...but its being removed constantly

If your posting links to the Alpha then thats why.

Basically the alpha was full of macros that Valve had recorded from real gameplay events.


The Source engine doesn't have any scripting because it doesn't have a scripting language. However you can program an entity to perform a certain action which then either the AI or the level designer invokes in game. The actions are programmed in C++ which is not a scripting language therfor nothing is scripted. :rolleyes:
thefiznut said:
Source is capable of supporting A LOT of breakable objects, including some structures. Not all ofcourse, but most can be breakable. By the way, did you even read my post? Perhaps I didn't use the term "hints", but what you just said is the same thing I was trying to describe.

I love your Avatar :P

All I care about is wether or not I can bust some strider kneecaps.
Why did the strider blow up the over walkway, and then shoot it afterwards, from the look of it , it didn't provide any advantage or significance.
because valve thought it would be interesting to see a strider blowing up a building...that's why they scripted it
Impulse147 said:
Why did the strider blow up the over walkway, and then shoot it afterwards, from the look of it , it didn't provide any advantage or significance.

Flying debris = bad for resistance. It also would scare the sh*t outta any opposing enemies, seeing a monster like that with a huge ass cannon..
Only thing that bothered me with that video was when the second strider showed um it knocked a 20 ft. long concrete pillar out of place , and the pillar fell down like it weighed 15 pounds.
Also, the Strider was trying to blow the bridge to pass at full height. But the long and lanky git didn't blow the whole thing up nicely so it had to crouch and go.

Flatiator said:
that scene was entirely scripted...

Listen mate, the stolen build = half-finished product.

So that proves you wrong instantly. If that was where you were getting your proof from.
Impulse147 said:
Why did the strider blow up the over walkway, and then shoot it afterwards, from the look of it , it didn't provide any advantage or significance.

I'd say it tried to destroy it, then when it couldn't, it did the second best thing and limbo'd underneath it...
lans said:
Also, the Strider was trying to blow the bridge to pass at full height. But the long and lanky git didn't blow the whole thing up nicely so it had to crouch and go.

Listen mate, the stolen build = half-finished product.

So that proves you wrong instantly. If that was where you were getting your proof from.

Answer your pms lans tartare. Someone wants to talk to u ;)
i thought this thread was about the e3 striders vid...
i dont think the striders will be scripted in the full game (i really hope not), but i think (know) they were in that specific demo.
Watch the 2k4 E3 video it shows 2 strider videos, both the same area, different outcomes each time.
they can make two different scripts on the same map...but i hope and think not they did.
But why do you care what happens in the rolling demo map we werent supposed to play?

Wouldnt you rather discuss what WILL happen in the version of the game we ARE supposed to play?

When valve said 'this section is unscripted' they were talking about the version of the game we are going to play, not the game that was stolen. Get it?