Strider Fire.

rumblefish said:
stuff like magnetism, light, gravity and heat is 'apparently' caused because of Quarks [little 2D things that make up everything], so, using this theory and extending it from what has allready been theorised, then the strider ray gun thing, COULD be a mass flow of quarks into a small area, caused by some kind of energy source, then polarising[is that when something switches to the opposite?] and forcing the quarks into a focussed [typo] beam and disrupting the other quarks in their path causing a nock on effect de-stabilising the matter in its path?


Quarks is the building block of atoms. Each Electron, Neutron, proton has certain types of quarks, depending on the atoms characteristics
the gun can be picked up from a destroyed Strider & when fired it distorts everything around Gordon...

It's gonna be fun to try it out on some Combine scum!
Brian Damage said:
You're not thinking of Independance Day, are you? That was a "Plasma Bomb", apparently...

Nah, I just forgot now, its a sci-fi movie.

The guy fired the weapon and all the surrounding space around the gun start to be pulled in a similar way to the strider gun effect.

I remember they called it anti-matter weapon in that movie. :thumbs:
and whats about the BFG in doom3?! after reading all the posts and articles from the links I think I can say the BFG is a tesla gun!! the projectile isnt that fast but the damage is extremely high and it expands wires to enemies in the area, just like teslas theory about the connection of everything in the world by electricity. (damn I hated physics in school, but rl is too damn interesting! :LOL: )
Quarks are believed currently to be one of the fundamental particles of nature, along with electrons, muons, and tau particles (i think they're called leptons) along with the force carrier particles (photon, gluon, W and Z bosons, and the (theoretical) graviton). There are three quarks in a proton and neutron. All protons and neutrons are the same, it's the numbers of each that determines the properties of the atom.

To me, it looks like the Strider's main weapon is a something like Star Trek's warp drive converted into a weapon. It fires a distortion of space, like ripple in a pond. This distortion would tend to shred up anything it hit.
Its possible that the striders weapon uses the fundemental aspects of teleportation, but a seriously disrupted one to cause breakdowns in living cells and local atoms (Thus the reason why everybody desintergrates)
It's called the singularity cannon. The distortion is caused by the generation of matter that has infinite density and infinitesimal volume for a few nano seconds. Any longer and the strider would be crushed, the resulting distortion is directed using massive magnetic fields.

The effect is a cannon capable of disrupting matter at the quantum level, destroying the intraatomic bonds.

I didn't realise there were so many scientific geniuses in these forums!!!

Why the hell are you discussing HL2 when you could all be curing cancer or AIDs!?!?!?

Platinum said:
because she ... it doesnt add to the gameplay ...

This is one of those times when you should put the keyboard away I think!
Stalin223 said:
Fire causes 'heat shimmer' a distortion of the air, it doesn't bend it like Obscene Gravitationa Forces would.

A heat haze is caused by light 'bending' (changing its direction of travel), in exactly the same way light would 'bend' in a gravitational field.

When you see a 'heat shimmer' what do you think it is you are seeing?
The Thing said:
I think it's more like a contained gravitational weapon. Possibly with an outer shell of gravitons.

Hmm... Do you think Valve worry themselves too much with how these weapons would work in reality? At the end of the day it's a model of a non real weapon, that can be used to attack you in a similar way as other projectile weapons, and looks great when it's being fired.
Well, I don't know what it is, but it looks cool! :D
And remember in one of the binks, Gordon and a bunch of his buddies got hit by a strider? An you could see them floating around in slow motion... weird...
rumblefish said:
stuff like magnetism, light, gravity and heat is 'apparently' caused because of Quarks [little 2D things that make up everything], so, using this theory and extending it from what has allready been theorised, then the strider ray gun thing, COULD be a mass flow of quarks into a small area, caused by some kind of energy source, then polarising[is that when something switches to the opposite?] and forcing the quarks into a focussed [typo] beam and disrupting the other quarks in their path causing a nock on effect de-stabilising the matter in its path?


The highlighted section in the quote above is proof that your theory is imaginative at best, and completely wrong at worst. Nice try though. :D Was this a serious attempt at an explanation, or were you just trying to show of you 'understanding' of quarks?

rumblefish said:
focussed [typo]

You made the effort to indicate your typo... why not just correct it, it would have been just as quick! Or have you lost your delete and backspace keys? BTW that's not a typo anyway!
Teta_Bonita said:
An you could see them floating around in slow motion... weird...

Maybe this is the normal effect when you are killed, letting you see the scene around you as you die. A nice effect I think, very stylish.

Am I right in thinking I have seen this effect on death in other games? Max Payne springs to mind.
I think Teta_Bonita was pointing out how the Striders weapon seems to make people float in the air while disintegrating.

Animal, are you speculating, or is that info coming from... other sources?
Speculating. You cannot create matter. You can assemble it(that's what the current push with nanobots is for...little robots that grab atoms and such and form molecules), but not create it from nothing. Just like can't create can augment it, but not create it.

Most "guns" that you see in movies and such have already been developed, and most patented. Funny, how when the oil bisiness is booming, there are not a ton of electric cars and motors, even though Tesla was doing it in the 30's...but when the gas runs out, Tesla has it covered.

Energy weapons have been in development for a long time...hence the "cold war", IMHO, as pure energy has no heat...heat is a form of energy.
Reaperman said:
:-( it looks like the effect was reduced/removed...

watch the 2004 bink, its barely noticable... (in 2003, it bent a LOT, in 2004, it doesnt bend at all/not enough to notice)

Umm where do you find the 2004 bink?
cadaveca said:
Speculating. You cannot create matter. You can assemble it(that's what the current push with nanobots is for...little robots that grab atoms and such and form molecules), but not create it from nothing. Just like can't create can augment it, but not create it.

Most "guns" that you see in movies and such have already been developed, and most patented. Funny, how when the oil bisiness is booming, there are not a ton of electric cars and motors, even though Tesla was doing it in the 30's...but when the gas runs out, Tesla has it covered.

Energy weapons have been in development for a long time...hence the "cold war", IMHO, as pure energy has no heat...heat is a form of energy.

Yes, I know you can't make energy/matter, at least without finding some way to bypass some of the most basic laws of reality. I interptreted the term "Generation of matter" to mean that the gun was using energy to create a singularity. I just wanted to know whether or not he was speculating, 'cos he sounded damn sure of himself.
I do to, sometimes,when i'm wrong. but then again, i'm an adult, and admit when i'm wrong.


Anyway, you cannot have infintisimal (sp?) density and volume. A cubic meter can only hold...what...a mol?

A wave, harmonic to the wavelength of the bond between atoms would do it. Type of energy, unknown...
Animal said:
It's called the singularity cannon. The distortion is caused by the generation of matter that has infinite density and infinitesimal volume for a few nano seconds. Any longer and the strider would be crushed, the resulting distortion is directed using massive magnetic fields.

The effect is a cannon capable of disrupting matter at the quantum level, destroying the intraatomic bonds.


sounds about right......


so is it like it creates its own little black hole?
cadaveca said:
Speculating. You cannot create matter. You can assemble it(that's what the current push with nanobots is for...little robots that grab atoms and such and form molecules), but not create it from nothing. Just like can't create can augment it, but not create it.

Most "guns" that you see in movies and such have already been developed, and most patented. Funny, how when the oil business is booming, there are not a ton of electric cars and motors, even though Tesla was doing it in the 30's...but when the gas runs out, Tesla has it covered.

What is this... a forum for people to try and make themselves look clever? I am sure everyone here knows everything you have said. It's common knowledge for anyone who has had any amount of education.

Why mention nanobots? There are many other ways to assemble matter, none of which add to this thread.

Why mention gun patents?

What has the oil business got to do with this thread?

The only reason I can see that you made your post is to try to 'show off'. Well done, we're all impressed!

cadaveca said:
Energy weapons have been in development for a long time...hence the "cold war", IMHO, as pure energy has no heat...heat is a form of energy.

What are you talking about? Have I missed some posts... as I don't see how this is relevant either?

"Energy has no heat". Really, you shock us all. Thanks for letting us know. :flame:
cadaveca said:
I do to, sometimes,when i'm wrong. but then again, i'm an adult, and admit when i'm wrong.


Anyway, you cannot have infintisimal (sp?) density and volume. A cubic meter can only hold...what...a mol?

A wave, harmonic to the wavelength of the bond between atoms would do it. Type of energy, unknown...

I'm glad your a member of this forum... you are giving me a great deal of fun!

Of course you can have infinitesimal (there's the correct spelling for you) density and volume. Almost everything can be infinitesimal. Don't let the fact that that's not what he said stop you though. What Animal said was.

infinite density and infinitesimal volume

Infinite density is what is assumed when the volume that a mass is taking up is infinitesimal. It is an immeasurably large density, so is said to be infinite. Animal is indeed correct.
maybe i should read better. lol.

MY posts relate to tesla, and how i think it's an energy weapon.

the "lifting" of bodies makes me thin it's a disintergrator ray of some sort...the whole thing is..most of what valve uses in thier games relate to real life...connections to modern science are the weapon has to have some sort of "feasability", imho...


"It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that the calculus was given a formal mathematical foundation by Karl Weierstrass and others using the notion of a limit, which obviates the need to use infinitesimals.

Nevertheless, the use of infinitesimals continues to be convenient for simplifying notation and calculation."

cadaveca said:
"It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that the calculus was given a formal mathematical foundation by Karl Weierstrass and others using the notion of a limit, which obviates the need to use infinitesimals.

Nevertheless, the use of infinitesimals continues to be convenient for simplifying notation and calculation."



JBrown03 said:
I'm glad your a member of this forum... you are giving me a great deal of fun!

Heh......i don't think i need to say anything to get my point across..... :cheers:
"The Copenhagen Interpretation"

next thing the combine are romulans.
cadaveca said:
maybe i should read better. lol.

MY posts relate to tesla, and how i think it's an energy weapon.

Roger! The does depend on your definition of energy in this context however. You could easily argue a conventional gun is an energy weapon, transferring large amount of kinetic energy to the target. :sniper:

cadaveca said:
the "lifting" of bodies makes me thin it's a disintergrator ray of some sort...

I'm intrigued, explain further. How would the disintegration of something cause it to float?

cadaveca said:
the whole thing is..most of what valve uses in thier games relate to real life...connections to modern science are the weapon has to have some sort of "feasability", imho...


cadaveca said:

"It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that the calculus was given a formal mathematical foundation by Karl Weierstrass and others using the notion of a limit, which obviates the need to use infinitesimals.

Nevertheless, the use of infinitesimals continues to be convenient for simplifying notation and calculation."


Was there a point you were trying to make?
Yogibbear said:
JBrown03 said:
I'm glad your a member of this forum... you are giving me a great deal of fun!

Heh......i don't think i need to say anything to get my point across..... :cheers:

Sorry... I really should check my spelling. It should have been...

JBrown03 said:
I'm glad you're a member of this forum... you are giving me a great deal of fun!

Or have a grabbed the wrong end of the stick?
The floating could probably be explained with the assumption the strider fires a miniature black hole. The black hole's gravity tears the victim apart and pulls him towards it's centre, that is away from the ground. I have no idea tho how the black hole is able to stay stationary after hitting the target moments after being fired at it with an incredible velocity.. Not the perfect theory but IMO the gun's got to have sumfin to do with gravity to explain the floating.
i think it is a turret with the I-RIFLE like in e32k4 video in town ;) with buggy :)
Animal said:
It's called the singularity cannon. The distortion is caused by the generation of matter that has infinite density and infinitesimal volume for a few nano seconds. Any longer and the strider would be crushed, the resulting distortion is directed using massive magnetic fields.

The effect is a cannon capable of disrupting matter at the quantum level, destroying the intraatomic bonds.


Man people on these forums are good at talking out of their asses, now im not claiming to know what type of gun this is, but i do know one thing
1. Did you know that as soon as a scientific theory gets an infinite variable they stop and make up a new one? know why? because anything with infinite density/size etc cannot physically exist. This is why the theory of relativity is sed to break down at extremely small levels and quantum physics to come in play - because quantum takes out the infinite values inherent in general relativity. Or in other words, no, the strider doesnt generate matter of infinite density.
Not to mention that you cant "generate" matter, you can only use the matter available, and since something of infinite density needs to be made of infinite matter, the whole universe would collapse on to that one point if the strider TRIED to generate matter of infinite density.
When they finally figure out a unified theory of relativity and quantum - ideally the need for a singularity dissappears.

and to the guy who sed that pure energy has no heat - WTF, thats like saying Pure water has no ice. heat is a form of energy, so if it was pure energy in the form of heat then yes, it would have heat, if it was pure energy in the from of something else, then no, it wouldnt have heat.
I think your comment is what we refer to as a "tautology"
cadaveca said:
Speculating. You cannot create matter. You can assemble it(that's what the current push with nanobots is for...little robots that grab atoms and such and form molecules), but not create it from nothing. Just like can't create can augment it, but not create it.

Sorry, that's just wrong... you can create matter from energy, this is what particle accelerators and "atom smashing" is all about. There is no conservation of mass, only conservation of energy... Einstein anyone?

Take 2 particles... make them go REALLY fast (ie, something relatively close to the speed of light), smashy them together, and you can get a 3rd particle that is heavier than the original 2 combined.
RacingGun said:
Sorry, that's just wrong... you can create matter from energy, this is what particle accelerators and "atom smashing" is all about. There is no conservation of mass, only conservation of energy... Einstein anyone?

Take 2 particles... make them go REALLY fast (ie, something relatively close to the speed of light), smashy them together, and you can get a 3rd particle that is heavier than the original 2 combined.

That's not creating matter..that is modifying the existing matter.

JBrown03 said:
Roger! The does depend on your definition of energy in this context however. You could easily argue a conventional gun is an energy weapon, transferring large amount of kinetic energy to the target. :sniper:

I'm intrigued, explain further. How would the disintegration of something cause it to float?

by the loss of molecular bonds, and if it is wavelength based, possibly by lower atomic weight after the weapon blast...wavelength disintergration woul be slithgtly slow, as the molecules harmonate, and the reverberate, amplify, and explode.

Was there a point you were trying to make?

That the blackhole idea cannot work...infinitisimals are generalizations, like my quote says; they are merely placeholders.
And infinitisemal is a number greater than zero, but less that a positive number...and hence an unending's how scientist explain something that they cannot complete, IMHO.

i said earlier that the type of energy was unknown, becasue i know that it would not be heat, or than would kinda be an incendiary gun, i guess, and light would reflect, however, radiation in the form of microwave, with short bursts should do it.
fantasiser said:
and to the guy who sed that pure energy has no heat - WTF, thats like saying Pure water has no ice. heat is a form of energy, so if it was pure energy in the form of heat then yes, it would have heat, if it was pure energy in the from of something else, then no, it wouldnt have heat.
I think your comment is what we refer to as a "tautology"

no not a has specific forms...go back to school bud.
cadaveca said:
That's not creating matter..that is modifying the existing matter.

Alright then, explain this one: position meets electron. Both are real particles and have a finite mass. Position annihilates with electron. 2 gamma rays (ie. light) are emitted. Resulting mass... 0.

Also, what I said before... particle 'a' has mass 'ma', particle 'b' has mass 'mb', smash them together really fast, and you get particle 'c' with mass 'mc'. Unfortunately 'mc' does NOT equal 'ma' + 'mb'. Feel free to explain that one in your universe where mass can not be created (or destroyed).
RacingGun said:
Alright then, explain this one: position meets electron. Both are real particles and have a finite mass. Position annihilates with electron. 2 gamma rays (ie. light) are emitted. Resulting mass... 0.

Also, what I said before... particle 'a' has mass 'ma', particle 'b' has mass 'mb', smash them together really fast, and you get particle 'c' with mass 'mc'. Unfortunately 'mc' does NOT equal 'ma' + 'mb'. Feel free to explain that one in your universe where mass can not be created (or destroyed).

the matter is still there, but in particles that cannot be currently measured, or maybe they can. quarks, maybe? you can't make something from nothing, just like you cannot turn lead to gold.
this is where the infinitisemals come into play...we know that the matter still exists...but it's form is, well, to me, unknown. positon and electrons are opposite could simply say taht the lost particles were emitted, like radiation. It's your point here, that has lead to the "discovery" of smaller particles other than neutron, protons, and electrons.
Perhaps theres no science behind all this. My basic GCSE physics seems to be no match for you guys. Perhaps valve just created a kind of energy gun that just vapourises its victims. In my life i havent come across a weapon that does this in real life, so i have to assume its purely fictional therefore there is no scientific solution. You can debate your physics knowledge between you fair doo's, i can't see a solution though!
fantasiser said:
the theory of relativity is sed to break down at extremely small levels and quantum physics to come in play - because quantum takes out the infinite values inherent in general relativity. Or in other words, no, the strider doesnt generate matter of infinite density.

Um... yeah it is "said" by some people but those people are very old and stupid......

the theory of relativity does hold and doesn't break down at extremely small levels... it's just that people in the past can't undertsand the theory of relativity that it didn't work... and anyway the theory of relativity was made to try to make a link between the really big and the really small.....(in terms of space/light etc...)

Go ahead flame me..... maybe they'll reveal something in one of those hl2 makings of books so we can all stop arguing.......


[edit:] i like hectic glen
You aren't getting it... mass and energy are no longer 2 separate entities with 2 separate conservation laws. E=mc^2 anyone? Basically for ANY object, you can calculate the equivalent energy that it would create if you could somehow convert all the mass into pure energy. So really, you now have you combine conservation of mass and conservation of energy into one conversation law because you can turn mass into energy and visa versa.

Go take a class on special relativity if you don't believe me.