Strider Mountain Media


Jan 7, 2005
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The Team at Strider Mountain have released another small combination media release with both a set of in-game shots of the simply named ?Map 3? and a short video showcasing both some of the Beta Maps and the developmental process behind some of the maps.[br]

[br]To view the rest of the 'Map 3' pictures, just jump over here. </br>

For those of you that haven't heard of Strider Mountain, the best blurb I've found is from their site;[br]
The rebels are loosing the battle against the strider onslaught that keeps growing. To help turn the tide of war you need to destroy the source of the Striders. That source is at the summit of what the rebels call, StriderMountain. There is only one way to get into the mountain geography and it's extremely dangerous terrain. The danger proves to be too much and you are forced way off target. Now, you must fight your way through the Combine Mountain Base Camp because it's the only entry to the mountain. As Gordon Freeman, you must survive the summit and destroy the source of the Striders.

The video can be found here here and the main site here
What kind of lube are the rebels using to make them so loose?
Those maps look like something off HL1, lol.

They could of got a better person to write for them, not hard to find a good speaking englishman!
Whats with the tree with bright red leaves? I know some trees have red leaves but thats going a bit far...
I must say I didn't pick that up... I usually do these late at night :p
this mod looks good, and it does not require your flamings..
Yeah the fact that they raided FPSBanana for models makes everything look better. @sarcasm

I'm willing to bet that the gun in the first picture shoots AR2 balls.
Looks meh. Havnt seen the new videos. Ill take a deeper look when i get back to nyc.
V-Man's Opinion on Strider Mountain

I'm honestley not interested in any third party mods, as I don't think people should be making singleplayer mods based off of Half Life storylines. In my opinion it just confuses people over the entire thing, especially in areas as enigmatic as the G-Man.

However, in relevance to the gameplay and the look of the game instead of mods in general, I'd have to say it doesn't look that great and the story's not that original.
I wouldn't recommend it.