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Hey all doesnt strider look amazing?!??! lol but how do you THINK you kill it? Throw a car bumper at its head multiple times lol
Yes it does. The bigger they are the harder they fall. *hint hint*
How pointless...

I guess the best way would be to take out its legs, or just one of them
The manipulator has weight limits, and I think a 40 foot strider is well beyond that weight limit, even if your trying to only lift one foot. Also, lets say you actualy DID get a grab on the foot. The striders leg movement power is alot stronger than puny Gordon, so it could potentialy just swing it's leg around, and you'd go flying.
from the gamespy e3 coverage, when talking about the strider scene:

"For his trouble, we hit the Strider a few times with our shotgun, and you could practically see the life drain out of the creature, as it collapsed to earth in a convincing manner."
probably anything that weighs more than gordon himself (85kg for now) will not be liftable with the manipulator (unless gordon is some kind of he-man or something).
Originally posted by @bel
from the gamespy e3 coverage, when talking about the strider scene:

"For his trouble, we hit the Strider a few times with our shotgun, and you could practically see the life drain out of the creature, as it collapsed to earth in a convincing manner."

That was just set up like that for the e3 coverage. Come on, its a friggin walking 50 feet tall TANK. I dont think I've ever seen shotguns that can blow up tanks in a couple of shots.
that's true, but you don't know what they'd already done to the poor beast. i'm saying: maybe they just used the shotgun to finish it off.

i like the life draining part though. :D
Probably a couple rockets from the RPG Launcher to the main part of the Strider and it will go down.
i think your supposed to hit its legs with stuff, until maby one of them will break and it will fall.
yeah in the (official?) hl2 trailer grenades are thrown at the strider. the explosions seem pretty heavy, still he doesn't react that much to the bombs... :D
I'm starting to wish that they had kept the strider top-top-secret, and it would have just busted out at us as we turned an innocent-looking corner....

Hey maybe they have something even MORE crazy than the strider & they are gonna do just that - blow us away with some incredible killing machine!

/dies again from anticipation
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
I'm starting to wish that they had kept the strider top-top-secret, and it would have just busted out at us as we turned an innocent-looking corner....

Hey maybe they have something even MORE crazy than the strider & they are gonna do just that - blow us away with some incredible killing machine!

/dies again from anticipation

I think you just caused half the forum readers to die from anticipation... oh $h(t!!!! *dies*
hmm...You know, we really DON"T know what kind, or how many different types, of aliens are in the game....

I doubt anything bigger then a strider, however it doesn't have to be LARGE to leave you awestruck.

like in HL1, the tram, where you have to power up the generators, and there is that big arse baddie there in the way...nasty dood, and while its been awhile, I think that was the only time we saw that particuler creature...
incorrect, the "garg" appears 2 more times after that in the original halflife and once in opfor, don't know about blue shift though.

Man, the scariest thing about the garg is that it WILL catch up wih you. You just have to make sure you have a good head start. Running like a scared cat as the screen shakes and shakes and shakes is so freaking scary. Freaks te hell out of me.
To kill a strider, a vehicle with some firepower might be handy -- perhaps that tank pic we've seen running around. Tank vs. Strider would be fun. Also, I am hoping at some point you can commandeer a strider and, uh, stride around and fight other striders.

A stridermatch MP mode might be some fun though perhaps a little unvaried.
I wonder what would happen if you drove an APC at full speed straight into the Strider's legs? Hmmmm :D

Can't wait! If there isn't an opertunity to drive a jeep through the Striders legs (a la Jurassic Park 2 : The Lost World with the Brontosauruses), I'm sure as hell going to make a mod! :D
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
I'm starting to wish that they had kept the strider top-top-secret, and it would have just busted out at us as we turned an innocent-looking corner....

Nah, they'll probably just do that with the other 25-30 enemies we haven't seen ;)
The Strider's legs look pretty fragile, that's probably one of it's weak points...
Though I must admit the strider is sweet as all getout....

I do remember reading in one the preliminary (PC Gamer?) articles Gabe said the majority if not all of his 'favorite' aliens have not even been seen yet, i do not think he was refering to the Strider in reguards to it being one of his favorites, so it would be logical to think there are MUCH cooler aliens we haven't seen; a bigger plus is that statement means the cooler aliens are probably not just one or two but a moderately good number (though I have no clue how that would be easily possible, I do love the strider)...

Either way.... after thinking of cooler aliens... i must be back to my white padded room :bounce:
Originally posted by BackFyr
Though I must admit the strider is sweet as all getout....

Either way.... after thinking of cooler aliens... i must be back to my white padded room :bounce:

Have fun, and don't listen to the little voices in your head...:)
To me the Hydra looks like a bad ass, like that 3 Headed thing in the Blast chamber.
Originally posted by MrWhite
How pointless...

I guess the best way would be to take out its legs, or just one of them

Do you ever have anything good to say? The thread has already been made, so say something worth saying, or dont say anything. This is the general discussion, seems like all you trolls jump on anything that isnt offical news from valve, need to all grow up.
I'm REALLY anticipating this game now...

and for the record, I WILL dissapear from sept 30th until I beat the game. NO SPOILERS!!! muahaha
Even though the videos have given lots away, they show less than ten new enemies. Isn't there approximately 40 more? Whoo! :cool:

I'm torn between never reading anything more on HL2 until I own it, and reading every spoiler thread I can find!!!

Originally posted by SilentKilla
Do you ever have anything good to say? The thread has already been made, so say something worth saying, or dont say anything. This is the general discussion, seems like all you trolls jump on anything that isnt offical news from valve, need to all grow up.

Uhm.... I did... i said you'd probably kill it by attacking one of its legs thus removing its balance... that IS on topic.. and a valid point right?

Right, so you grow up and stop picking what everyone says apart
your wrong. you always have the, pointless thread.... attitude. and then you say something that goes with the thread to cover it up.
well people can walk on two legs, i assume takin out one leg the strider can still gain balance :)

anyway whats with people saying that the weight limit of the manipulator is the same as Gordon's weight?? He picks up dumpsters for god sake, how many of you gamers weigh that much? There is an upgrade to the manipulator as the game plays also... they wouldnt show us cars getting jerked around by bullets and then NOT let us pick them up with the gravity based weapon.

*I am 99% convinced they'll have some cooler enemies than what we've seen, because they keep talkin in interviews about how they want people to be surprised!!!