Striders and Coastline get the 1024 treatment.

Moto-x_Pat said:
Damn, this bittorent piece of sh1t is slow! I'd rather just download them the regular way. I'm getting a quick 0kb/s cool!
Have you got a router or software firewall? It won't work unless its been configured properly...
Wolf said:
Have you got a router or software firewall? It won't work unless its been configured properly...

Yeah, but I'm not going to all of that trouble for a movie I have watched 1,000 times with higher quality. It's working now anyway...90 kb/s on a cable modem.
Ive got 3mb cable (blueyonder gave me an extra mb for free! woo!) and i get nearly 400K from direct downloads....

and 5kb from BT......

the fastest i ever saw it go was 80Kb while downloading a song.....

and no im not a BT noob i realise the # of seeds needs to be high yadda yadda yadda.
I forwarded my ports, but it's still sucking. I wish they would just put it up on Steam to see how it goes.
This was my first experience of BitTorrent and mine started at about 5kb/s, slowly rising to about 50kb/s (1mbit cable).

Then I exited my Steam client and the download speed "magically" doubled to about 100kb/s - I realised Steam was a bandwidth hog while trying to play SoF2 last night.

Christ, can anyone put those two vids on a fast server?
1024 x 768 in bink player *aaaaahhhhhh* that's beautiful

Well d/l Striders en Coastline right now. Gonna take some while though, but the endresult will be worth it
I downloaded the Striders and Coastline high res vids, OMG, that was nice with high resolution!!

I...must... get... this.... game... in my... hands!!!1 :D
i just got the strider vid and its seemed to play at 800x600 or it was 640 resized.
How do you know what your uploading ( with bittorent)?
AJM2K3 said:
What's up with BitTorrent? I've never been able to download anything above 5Kbps. The firewall maybe? Anyone know what ports I need to forward if so?

dl the latest client... had the same problem... worked for me...
Too bad it doesn't show the state that HL2 is currently in, but just the way that they were shown at E3. The MP5k placeholder models and visible bullet hits through object bug are still in there. Also FSAA and AF is off.
why download them from there when you can whatch the same videos on
3 of them are in a new resolution which people have been waiting for for a while.

We arnt downloading them just because they are on a valve webiste lol.

I dont think anyone here is quite that sad..... :dork:
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I dont think anyone here is quite that sad..... :dork:


*tumbleweed comes rolling by*

...I wouldn't be too sure about that... :stare:
lol oh ok gotcha :p well i tried to get them also but "craptorrent" was to slow :( 42 hours to download a video?!?
Striker said:
lol oh ok gotcha :p well i tried to get them also but "craptorrent" was to slow :( 42 hours to download a video?!?

you need to wait at least 10 Min before the download speed start rising. :p
Does anyone have a non-BT mirror for these vids? I have the craptacular Linksys BEFCMU10 v.2 Cable Modem which crashes whenever I use BT. I've managed to get Psyche but the other two won't DL.
The BT protocal needs updateing, but we all know what the creator is working on now don't we ;)
The main site says "they are now in 1024x768 resolution and a lot more detailed than the ones that were originally released." ...a lot more detailed? does that mean all the vids look nicer? I thought maybe because the vids are recorded with the newest update of the source engine?
No there simply the complete set officialy released, rather than taken off the CZ bonus disc, 1024x768, the sound quality appears to be less compressed to, its good for those who want the complete set.
i grabbed the strider and coastline vids and they seem, well, not that great anymore. especially coastline after having played FarCry.
obsidian said:
i grabbed the strider and coastline vids and they seem, well, not that great anymore. especially coastline after having played FarCry.

Right, since the measure of an impressive game is bright green foliage and the Coastline video has NONE WHATSOEVER.
Alot of you guys dont seem to understand BT. BT is for turining on and then going to bed, it is not for fast downloads for the individual user but it is alot faster for everyone to get then to go to Fileshack. Also dont use the normal BT client it suck, use Shadow or Azeures.
It's also a lot cheaper for Valve as they don't have to pay for the bandwidth :/

Smart business! Blizzard are also doing this now with game trailers.
Daiceman9 said:
Alot of you guys dont seem to understand BT. BT is for turining on and then going to bed, it is not for fast downloads for the individual user but it is alot faster for everyone to get then to go to Fileshack. Also dont use the normal BT client it suck, use Shadow or Azeures.

ABC client works pretty well too.
I cant play these files! it say to choose programs and it doesnt recognize these file extensions! Help!
thanks but another question is that these files are small like 8kb, sorry i dont know much about this.

and still i have the problem of not being able to see these :frown:

when I try to bink it or smack it it says error.
is this how you use it?
thanks,and know im dling at 7kbs :sleep:

edit: I think they have a website to increase speed from their servers
I have DSL
Give it a moment, it will pick up speed.