STUCK at Water Hazard!!!



:sniper: Here is where I am:

I guess you have to drive your hover thingy over the jump and thru the tunnel on the right of the picture. But everytime I try this it seems to be blocked by some invisible wall. Is there something I have to do first? I can walk through this tunnel but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to go thru with ur craft cos I get heavy chopper fire on the other side.

Thanks in advance.
There is a flammable barrow behind something, you have to shoot it(on foot) and it will blow these 2 metal things.... Then you hop on your craft n keep goin.

Not really discriptive but just thought i'd post somtin.
As Minerel has implied, you have to get your boat under the pier in order to have the appropriate speed necessary to make the jump.

There is a break in one of the containers on the far side. Inside the container are some flammable barrels. You can probably figure out the rest.
thanks for your help guys. I had managed to get my boat under the pier another way :) thats probably why it was blocking me.