Stuck in Benefactor level



I've been stuck for 2 months now in one level and Sierra can't even help. When you get all you weapons taken away and you get the Gravity gun... I killed the soldiers... and can see the Gravity beam in front of me, but how do I get to it? One 1 door there is a forcefield and the other where I can see the beam of light, Ithere is a fence and I can't jump. Doesn't make any sense why I can't either jump over the fence to get to the beam or turn off the force field wall on the other door to continue the game. I have been stuck here for about 2-3 months now. :(

I would post a pic but don't know how. I did a print screen and pasted it in word if someone wants to see it. (email I guess)
3 Months?!

By the way, press F5 to take a screenshot in-game. If memory serves correct, you need to pull the energy balls out of those column things, that should de-activate the forcefields. Might be a different bit though.
I tried that but I am too far away from that "beam me up" looking thing...
Upload the pic to or something. And btw I think there's a bug where sometimes you can't jump and you have to restart the level. If all else fails just noclip.
What is "noclip"? How do I do it? (And your exactly right... I can't jump at all)

JellyWorld said:
Upload the pic to or something. And btw I think there's a bug where sometimes you can't jump and you have to restart the level. If all else fails just noclip.
Do you have to jump over a fence to get somewhere, it seems?

If you can't jump, you have to restart the level, like someone above me said.
Press the ~ key to bring down the console and type SV_Cheats 1 and press enter. This allows you to use built-in game cheats. Then type noclip (you may have to type a 1 after this - been a while) and you will be able to "fly" (float through walls, floors, the air, etc.) I'd still recommend starting the level over if the jump function is bad, because you'll miss it when you need it.
umm may i ask y u tried to use word to post a pic just use paint
Press F5 while in the game to export screenshots, then go to the Steam/SteamApps/username/half-life 2/hl2/screenshots folder, upload the JPG file(s) to so we can see where you are.
This sounds like one of the common bugs in that chapter. Nothing except cheats or a restart of the level will help you in that case.
Hmmmmmmm,is there a closer view of it?Take like 2 or 3 pictures of whats around you
go into keyboard settings and then adavance and turn on developer console

And when your taking screenshots,turn your FLASHLIGHT on.

We can then see vents,holes,gaps or anything else that could help you!
That worked great!! Thanks for the noclip thing. I turned it on, got into the room and turned it off. Is there a list of things you can do such as the "noclip" command?

Thanks all!!! So happy I can play again... :thumbs:

giant384 said:
go into keyboard settings and then adavance and turn on developer console