stuck in Follow Freeman

This game has no wall mounted guns.

Do you mean the room with celing mounted guns and laser beams everywhere? if soo just go around all the lasers, step on the junk in the room to get over them. Be aware there are plenty of red herrings or dead ends in paths you can use to avoid the lasers.
Go out in the hallway and grab one of the tables. It's tough and tricky to maneuver it into the room, but when you get it in there, slide it over as close as you can to the laser sensors on the left side, then climb the table and jump over them.

After that, it's not too hard to carefully maneuver around the others. You need to jump onto the curving pipes to get over to the laser shutoff button. Hope that helps.

Supersaint thats has to be the hardest way to do it by far.

Just jump on the walls and pipes and its easy.
Yeah, I read in the strategy guide that there's an easier way.

But that's me, I always have to do it the hardheaded way.