Stuck in Our benefactors


Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Arrived at top of tower. there's some sort of chain reaction going on & I havn't time to fart & I get 'Assignment Terminated'.
Need to terminate the gunships quickly with the energy balls. once done start shooting the energy balls at the core with the rotating shields. keep shooting fast and furious
All the times I've gone up there I've only seen the gunship through the red screen. No time???
You have to shoot the big defensive shields rotating around the portal before Breen reaches it, do it fast and you don't have to worry about the gunships.
I only get time to loose off 3 or 4 shots. Do I shoot at my level or the big mushroom cloud above? Ray.
Shoot at the discs spinning around Breen. They should shatter when you hit one.
I've only managed to get off 5 shots at the core.....
Keep running out of time...
Did you dawdle when you were at the top? Like getting distracted by the view or just generally watching it all unfold? (I was) If so, reload a save point before you reach the top. You should have plenty of time to do it then. (:
U have to make it to the top fast enough or else you wont have enough time before breen escapes, or whatever he is doing in that thing.