stuck in the prison at Nova Prospekt

  • Thread starter Thread starter magnell
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Im stuck in the prison at Nova Prospekt. Ive killed everything but i cant find my way out of it. Look at the screenshots below.

ps. I tryed to find help in old threads but i did not find anyone with my problem.


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that does not work ;/. I cant break the window, and if could jump through the window I would come back to where i came from.
If you jump through it doesnt a monster show up with some combines or something? Anyways, jump through the window anyways (I'm 100% sure you can, I think I shot it open, but I recall the jumping part).
Isn't that the spot with the Stalker video feed? Have you tried turning around to look for a gate that just opened? I'm pretty sure that switch just opened a force field or gate.
if you turn the switch in the last picture

a gate will open, you just got to look some more.
ltzgonemad said:
If you jump through it doesnt a monster show up with some combines or something? Anyways, jump through the window anyways (I'm 100% sure you can, I think I shot it open, but I recall the jumping part).

No, you cant shot the windows. im sure. ;(
ranmafan said:
Isn't that the spot with the Stalker video feed? Have you tried turning around to look for a gate that just opened? I'm pretty sure that switch just opened a force field or gate.

Yes. i gate opened. but i cant find anything where neither. ;[.
This ain't the part yet where you have to jump out of the window :) I see you used the switch, now when you exit that room, just go straight ahead and another part of the map will be loaded.
Bobio said:
if you turn the switch in the last picture

a gate will open, you just got to look some more.

I have turned the switch and a has been door opened but i still cant find a way out ;(
affen said:
This ain't the part yet where you have to jump out of the window :) I see you used the switch, now when you exit that room, just go straight ahead and another part of the map will be loaded.

Ive done that. but i just come to a another place where i cant find a exit.
its hard to help u here cos alot of that level looks the same
It does all look the same. I was just there this weekend......isn't where you need to go into a small room next to a gate ( there should be health and ammo there) there is a window or wire mesh on your right. then use the gravity gun to remove the metal bar that holds the door closed and then exit through that door...good luck
Magnell, after using the switch and going straight ahead from the exit of that room, another piece of the map was loaded right? Can you post a picture of that part, because I don't know Nova Prospekt by heart.
I was stuck for a minute too, but there is some room somewhere where you jump down through a broken window. It looks like that one where the other dude said 'jump through the window'.

It's definately a window. That's really all I needed to say I guess.
Here are more pictures at the room i got access to last (and probobly where I should find my way out?)
bouche said:
I was stuck for a minute too, but there is some room somewhere where you jump down through a broken window. It looks like that one where the other dude said 'jump through the window'.

It's definately a window. That's really all I needed to say I guess.

Look at the new picture. this is the room i get access to when i use the switch. cant find the room that you talk about ;(
affen said:
Magnell, after using the switch and going straight ahead from the exit of that room, another piece of the map was loaded right? Can you post a picture of that part, because I don't know Nova Prospekt by heart.

Look at the new pictures above. (pictures at the room a get access to after using the switch).
JImbo_152 said:
It does all look the same. I was just there this weekend......isn't where you need to go into a small room next to a gate ( there should be health and ammo there) there is a window or wire mesh on your right. then use the gravity gun to remove the metal bar that holds the door closed and then exit through that door...good luck

Look at the new pictures. cant find what your talking about ;(
ugh, if none of our advice here helps you, use the one way you KNOW will get you out. Backtrack to a point where you know your way around. Then slowly and methodically take each and every route possible keeping track of where you have tried and eventually you will come to the way out. obviously there IS a way out, don't just run around mindlessly hoping to stumble across the exit.
I think I may know where you are. when you are as far as you can get, try looking around the walls at the floor level. there may be a grating behind a loose chain link fense that you need to remove and go into a vent where you have to jam an object in the fan to get by.
I think this is the part where you have to use the bugbait versus some combine soldiers (part of this level was in one of the bink movies).

d2_prison_040001.jpg -> turn left, throw some bugbait around the corner, the ant lions will attack the combine soldiers. Go right, at the end of that short hallway there should be another hallway with two turrets at the end. Send in some ant lions and try to knock the turrets down. There's a large room to the left with some more combine and 1 turret. Just continue your way, it shouldn't be too difficult to find it from there.
crouch in the hole in the wall, it can't reach you there. Unload your ammo and grenades, easy
Why waste ammo? Run backwards while side-strafing and bounce heavy objects off of his head with the gravity gun. He only hit me once on my first time through...much easier to avoid then the first one on sandtrap.
Rocketman9mm said:
I think I may know where you are. when you are as far as you can get, try looking around the walls at the floor level. there may be a grating behind a loose chain link fense that you need to remove and go into a vent where you have to jam an object in the fan to get by.

I just stacked some boxes and jumped over the forcefield thing