Stuck on ravenholm PLZE HELP!!!

hmm if you could post a few more screens then ide ava better idea of wat to do next i think you av to jump down infont of you, go left n i cant member the rest lol
Has the reverend spoken to you yet? If so then you have to fend off the skeleton thingy's until he sends over the lift, just did it myself lol
looks like the lift has alredy gone over mate ull need to relode to a earlyer point
hope i helped:)
rrrr yes i remember now hes rite you have to basicly wait till he tlks to you then hell send over the lift then you pull the brake lever (whilst in the lift ofcourse and also if you dont want to fend of the zombies just duck in the carraige they cant get to you that way.
bad luck man... you need to reload an earlier save game... this time, get inside the carriage before you pull the lever.

umm i only just got the the roof i havnt pulled a leaver and he hasnt spoken to me yet i have been exploring and couldnt figure it out.
Make sure that you go as close to the reverand as u can but stay on the roof...he should talk to you. If he doesn't I recon there's some kind of glitch and i'd recommend you starting from a recently saved game anyway. Hell, if ur gonna have to go through it again it might as well be on one of the the greatest games ever created :)
Basically, he's sending the basket over to you and you have to wait on the roof fighting off the fast zombies until it gets there.