Students took trip to Valve

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I read that itty bit of writing as "Discr," though what that could mean is beyond me (I mean, the only word I can think of at the moment with discr is discrimination, but that makes no sense :p)
XenoSpirit said:
the boxes look sweet... i love teh one on deh front... looks 0000000!!!! ps about the head crabs uh.... of corse the info HAS BEEN OUT for a long time now... its onl the stupid mods close the threads and deleat the posts ne ways

Poison headcrab classic headcrab~assain... headcrab and one outher i think... of corse if they infest a human you can problably figer out what they will be... id say more but that spoiler extreamist chris will come deleat my post AGAIN

Uh, Xeno? If you've been repeatedly posting stuff from the beta, I'm not surprised that your posts have been deleted. It's not allowed. The spoiler tags are for detailed new info from magazines, and also for info once the game is out.
I think the concept stuff is the best thing about the game, as for the game :) yay :)

lol Brian, you dont have to read it,, but yeh its tempting and still a bit naughty
Looks like it, G0rg. I was wondering about that too.

Someone bug the guy who went to VALVe until he relents and removes the requirement :p.

clarky: That wasn't the point. I was pointing out to him that posts like that will likely get deleted as they contain beta info.
LOL, I reg and when I am at the downloading page, it says "the maximum connection has been reached its max" try again later :(

U bent niet ingelogd

Meh, I hate signing up everywhere all over the web. Anyone got another link?
For the sake of those who didn't read the spoiler by Strikeman I shall use these tags.

Cutscenes were mentioned. I seriously hope that was just a bad choice of word. Part of the joy of Half-life is there are no cutscenes!

Anyone ever thought that maybe HL2 isn't about Gordon Freeman. Maybe you play as someone else but you're lead to believe you are Mr Freeman? G-man perhaps? Has Valve confirmed you are Gordon?
About the T-Shirts. Of course there's a possibility that there will be a T-Shirt in the SE. If I remember correctly, the absolute first version of the Generations pack had a black HL1 T-Shirt with it. The Generations pack where both HL & OF came in different boxes (the old big paperboxes) I mean :) At least a friend of mine bought this version & got one. And I can tell you, NO stores where I live used to have such extras around when HL1 was new. They started with stuff like that like last year :D
I finaly got the movie from their site.

its and the size is 3.56Mbyte.

and the file format is .mpg

I open the file with realone player and windowmedia player but both players does not suppor the format.....................:( :( :(
Oh yeah I almost forget. I played it with QT player and oh man the headcrab roks

awsome. the movement of his Mouth and his legs is amazing. His mouth open and close. that is awsome. :D
Is it hard to register? I don't get Dutch that well you know :D
LOL ript it from, we were much faster :) We even were on some american sites B)
hehe, I barely watch those sites anymore but this shows that I should. These are exciting times, new info popping up from various places and hyping up people again
Sidenote that I haven't seen anyone bring up:

If Valve is working on a new movie for E3, wouldn't that logically mean that HL2 WON'T be playable this year either? And wouldn't that mean that the game is kinda far off into the future? Because usually when games ARE playable @ E3, it means that they are almost finished (ie the company has a stable build that they want to show off). Movies-only of a game @ E3 usually means the game itself won't be out for quite some time. Am I not right?

There's a possibility that they will let us play the game AND see a new movie since there are 2 booths this year (Has any companies done this before in the history of E3?). But I'm not sure companies usually show new footage AND let people play it. Is that common. AFAIK, not that much. But I've never been to E3 for obvious reasons :D
CrazyHarij said:
The truth is out there..

(check avatar)

your ave sukx SON ..............j/k

hehe nice one, but why everybody is keeping posting about the real Gordon ?

who is Gordon ? who is Hordon ? Whos Alex's Mom ?

LMAO :LOL: Your ave roks by the way
Alec_85 said:
Sidenote that I haven't seen anyone bring up:

If Valve is working on a new movie for E3, wouldn't that logically mean that HL2 WON'T be playable this year either? And wouldn't that mean that the game is kinda far off into the future? Because usually when games ARE playable @ E3, it means that they are almost finished (ie the company has a stable build that they want to show off). Movies-only of a game @ E3 usually means the game itself won't be out for quite some time. Am I not right?

There's a possibility that they will let us play the game AND see a new movie since there are 2 booths this year (Has any companies done this before in the history of E3?). But I'm not sure companies usually show new footage AND let people play it. Is that common. AFAIK, not that much. But I've never been to E3 for obvious reasons :D


Just because there will be videos doesn't mean there wont be a playable version at e3. Us punters who aren't going to e3 cant play the game so we need the videos and screenshots. The journalists however will get presentations, videos, stills and possibly a quick play of some of the game. You gotta realise that journalists have already played it and that was back in March, so you gotta believe that it will be much more playable come May 12th.

I think the 2 booths will get different videos showing different aspects of HL2 (with Ati's video being based more on technical stuff then the game itself). The Valve booth will probably have some form of playable version for certain people.
I suppose it's kinda difficult to register on the Telenet Games website to get the movie to you, but I have this solution for you:
tha movie !;
you can download the movie right here; mind you, if I see that the internet connection at my school is getting hammered because of this movie, I will not hesitate to take it down :)

Alec_85 said:
Sidenote that I haven't seen anyone bring up:

If Valve is working on a new movie for E3, wouldn't that logically mean that HL2 WON'T be playable this year either? And wouldn't that mean that the game is kinda far off into the future? Because usually when games ARE playable @ E3, it means that they are almost finished (ie the company has a stable build that they want to show off). Movies-only of a game @ E3 usually means the game itself won't be out for quite some time. Am I not right?

There's a possibility that they will let us play the game AND see a new movie since there are 2 booths this year (Has any companies done this before in the history of E3?). But I'm not sure companies usually show new footage AND let people play it. Is that common. AFAIK, not that much. But I've never been to E3 for obvious reasons :D

first of, to set some things straight, every time I personally mentioned "cutscene" I meant ingame cutscene; there's indeed don't seem to be any movie-cutscenes in HL2, just als in HL, which is good.

second, in reply to your post, we asked the same question at Valve: "What are you going to show at E3 and will we be able to play HL2 there".
They said they were going to show movies and ingame stuff, but there wouldn't be a developer playing the game right there; they were going to play it in the office, record it and show it.
This imho is a very good thing to do; after E3, we will get to see the movies too (and not just some bragging from a guy who saw movies but can't show them *cough* :farmer:); also, if you let people play or if you put a dev there who's playing the game, well, what fun would that be ? I mean, everybody will *want* to watch it, but just like with my own movies, if I show them now, you'll regret it if you get to play HL2 yourself.
Bloody hell, you're a bit bitter aren't ya?

There's no guarantee what will happen but there have been massive indications so far that the game is actually complete. We didn't get that before.
he tells no lies

Edit: thanks for the updated information Strikeman. If they had a playable demo for HL2 at e3 the line ups would be weeks long (for a 2 day expo) and it would be pointless. If they had a dev playing, everyone would be screaming at him to weld crap to other crap, set it on fire and throw it at some combine soldier.
Well I guess you are all right. I want vids too of course. I just would like to see the game being actually playable because that usually means that they are closer to a final product than when a company just shows a video of it.

I hope they come out with a solid releasedate @ E3. If they do & if it's a positive one (like 2 days after E3 or something ;) ) then I don't care if they show us splendid vids or the whole game. I'd love 'em either way :)
there will be no release dates methinks, the game would have to be Gold before e3 for them to KNOW they can make a certain date. Otherwise setting a release date just restricts the time they have to tweak and tune the game, and doesn't give them any flexibility if something unexpected arises (ie Code Leak). Valve isn't stupid and they won't run the risk of upsetting fans with another missed release date.
AJM2K3 said:
Valve isn't stupid
Isn't stupid you say? ;) They miscalculated their release of the game with a year or so (obviously this depends on when they release it). They did the same thing with HL1 in a way. That's not how I define "smart" really ;) But I guess we don't have the whole story behind it so this comment is also kind of stupid :D
Alec_85 said:
Movies-only of a game @ E3 usually means the game itself won't be out for quite some time. Am I not right?
Not necessarily. If Valve announced there would a playable demo at their E3 booth, can you imagine the nightmare as evey attendee in the place swarms their booth to try and snag a precious few moments on the demo computer?

When a game is as highly anticipated as Half-Life 2, a demo movie is the most effecient and practical way to showcase the game. No doubt Valve will be hosting special invite only sessions to allow select members of the press and fan community access to a playable demo.
I just want a good game, if there are movies coming, well fine with me, but the game should be everyone's main interest, not the movies.
Well as long as they don't show ONLY movie then I'm okay with it :)
There isn't enough of the 5th letter to positively identify it as an "r". The letter is an "m", the word is discmastering, and whoever said it before, they would not spell its disk, because that would refer to, for example a hard disk. CD's are Compact Discs spelled with a c. Those numbers on the whiteboard ARE dates no matter who says they aren't. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: everyone GET HYPED, WOOOOOO

Edit: It appears that I am actually NOT the kind of canada ;(
it is an r, look at the other R on the board. it got a verticle line and then a circile at the top and then a line at 45 degreas going from the point of intersection downwords. thats what an R looks like.
AJM2K3 said:
There isn't enough of the 5th letter to positively identify it as an "r". The letter is an "m", the word is discmastering, and whoever said it before, they would not spell its disk, because that would refer to, for example a hard disk. CD's are Compact Discs spelled with a c. Those numbers on the whiteboard ARE dates no matter who says they aren't. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: everyone GET HYPED, WOOOOOO

Edit: It appears that I am actually NOT the kind of canada ;(
I dun get it.The highlited sentence.
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