Students took trip to Valve

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LOL i can't believe you guys! one trip to valve, a white board with some crap writen on it and all this euforia!!! if valve knew some of you would analise so hardly what could only be some D&D notes they would never let anyone in again
Tarkus said:
LOL i can't believe you guys! one trip to valve, a white board with some crap writen on it and all this euforia!!! if valve knew some of you would analise so hardly what could only be some D&D notes they would never let anyone in again
why not... you got some better info for us to get excited about?
Heheh, do seem to over annalyse dont we.....

I have this nice feeling that once E3 comes we will have one hell of alot of stuff to look at meaning we dont have to look at whiteboards..... :rolling:
Wow, this is all good to hear. Especially how most of the work now seems to be about finishing up a few levels, and general tweaking.
well, what is there so bad about nothing to analise? geez, lighten up, some day or another thsi crap will come out and problably will suck because of all our over analising and over hyping

sorry just an opinion like any other
Tarkus said:
wow, gabe alert... is he smileing? weird

he has that atitude that one has when long no see uncles or cousins visit us..

I was refering to the headcrab, but fair enough.
The Mullinator said:
Wow, this is all good to hear. Especially how most of the work now seems to be about finishing up a few levels, and general tweaking.

ahhahahahahaahaahhaah LOL, that is the funniest sig I have ever seen in loooooong terrible time. :LOL:

Q: Why is it that the performance of Steam, in Europe, is (how to put this), below average?
A: Is it really that bad? Ouch. Well, we actually are working on the bandwidth issue in general. Steam will be hosting some exclusive Half-Life 2 footage shortly, so expect this problem to be solved in the very near future.

I think its time to download steam.
should we be worried that they are starting "basic "R2K" anims a week ago, and someone or something (BF) is STARTING the Citadel in two days?

seems like a bit late to be starting things, especially if we're talking about the alien citadel.

hmm. here's the file again, in case you missed it (i always miss the last posts on a page)


  • whiteboard.gif
    26.2 KB · Views: 388
OH DEAR GOD SPIFFAE DONT!, its mindless babble that only they can understand! dear god, u know how easily these rumors start.

Anyway I believe the whole thing is a scripted scene, so at 4/7 Start R2 Citadel animation, at 4/8 Stop R2 Citadel animation.. ETC, it means nothing! leave it!

anyway it scares me that i know this but the photo on this guys desk is a Half-Life 1 texture rofl.
Spiffae said:
should we be worried that they are starting "basic "R2K" anims a week ago, and someone or something (BF) is STARTING the Citadel in two days?

seems like a bit late to be starting things, especially if we're talking about the alien citadel.

hmm. here's the file again, in case you missed it (i always miss the last posts on a page)

Spiffae, now you're over analyzing :)
It's a whiteboard at leveldesign, so it's probably a layout of a scene, that stuff could mean A LOT of things.
Very cool info. I am not the type to get my hopes up for a release or even get hyped up about HL2 over a few pics but there is some very cool stuff in those pics.

- I want that Team Fortress shirt. Now. Give it to me.

- The HL2 box on the far left of that shelf looks similar to the box that the UT2k4 Special Edition came

That's cool stuff, but I can't believe some people actually think it's gonna hit in June cause of that board (not referring to anyone on this board exactly, just the guy who made those pics that implied that was the release). This always happens, a bit of info comes out, everyone here gets their hopes up and what follows is the same old disappointment. I won't lie though I am caught up in the excitement a bit, it's cool to see some of that stuff especially the boxes and the shirts. If those are for the Collector's Edition, I wonder if they are gonna be randomly put in? I hope not cause I must get the TF shirt. I simply MUST :p

Despite all this, I'm gonna risk board-wide hatred aimed in my direction and say that I am still sticking to my "September at the earliest" release date prediction.
PvtRyan said:
Spiffae, now you're over analyzing :)
It's a whiteboard at leveldesign, so it's probably a layout of a scene, that stuff could mean A LOT of things.

Could even be a ... tf2 component.
PvtRyan said:
Spiffae, now you're over analyzing :)
It's a whiteboard at leveldesign, so it's probably a layout of a scene, that stuff could mean A LOT of things.

i'm not trying to start any rumors, just doing a bit of speculations :)

ok, i'll cut it out. I'm sure the game is going fine. I just like this little insight into the process. the dates seem to be pretty spread out for little work on cutscenes though.
It looks like that headcrab is in the stage between a baby and an adult. It still hasn't gotten its colors but it's becoming less translucent.
Not really Spiffae. Making cutscenes or tweaking them or whatever could easily take that long.
How do you know they are dates, They could be timeline branches in a single scene, u just dont know.
G0rgon said:
ahhahahahahaahaahhaah LOL, that is the funniest sig I have ever seen in loooooong terrible time. :LOL:
heh, heh glad you like it. Its always fun to do creative things with with people who troll forums. :E
To continue the over-analyzing thingy, look at the HL2 windowed screenshot, it seems the crosshair with the two indicators next to it is still there.
yeah sorry gorgon i wanted to be the first one to get the full translation here, but i failed lol, and also that translator i used is crap as you can tell lol.
DAMN: they have a chambered nautilus. You have NO idea how cool that is.
TheWart said:

Those prototype game boxes look really cool.

In screen number 20, on the whiteboard appears to be dates with goals on them. (Eli's acting, get final breen, etc).

It goes through 6/3, so the game probably owont go gold before then

I can only pray that this right here says " Start Distribution".

Good lord I hope I hope I hope.

{EDIT} DAMN YOU CRUSADER! You beat me to it! At least I've got a pic of we can all drool over it.... [/edit]


  • Start1.jpg
    88.5 KB · Views: 532
Scunna said:
yeah sorry gorgon i wanted to be the first one to get the full translation here, but i failed lol, and also that translator i used is crap as you can tell lol.

Don't worry about it.:D

Yeah PvtRyan, that is an interesting find.
Apos said:
DAMN: they have a chambered nautilus. You have NO idea how cool that is.
yes I do... it's very cool. It seems to be an office theme. They have the tanks, and then they also have a sculpture on one of the desks.
Fender357 said:
I can only pray that this right here says " Start Distribution".

Good lord I hope I hope I hope.

Surely, I'm not the only one who sees it says "Disc..." not, dist? :|
Spiffae said:
i'm not trying to start any rumors, just doing a bit of speculations :)

ok, i'll cut it out. I'm sure the game is going fine. I just like this little insight into the process. the dates seem to be pretty spread out for little work on cutscenes though.
I guess they do seem a little spread out, of course this is all just speculation but maybe the guy who is working on that stuff is also doing something else as well, and that schedule is on another white board. Or maybe someone else is helping him with that work.

Anyway, im just saying this because its fun to speculate and analyze. :D
It doesn't say "Start Distribution" on the board. No matter how much people want it to say that, it doesn't. Sorry, but it's true.
Fender357 said:
I can only pray that this right here says " Start Distribution".

Good lord I hope I hope I hope.

I think it says "Start disc..." then what could be a "c" or an "o"
Fender357 said:
I can only pray that this right here says " Start Distribution".

Good lord I hope I hope I hope.

{EDIT} DAMN YOU CRUSADER! You beat me to it! At least I've got a pic of we can all drool over it.... [/edit]

to me it looks like "Start Diste....."

What is the R2K? Why does it need basic anims?
What is BF? BF seems to start a lot of stuff.
Why do things keep returning to K? What is "K"

"Return to K's blocked" - I'm thinkin it's like some universal thing that needs to be blocked for a bunch of things... who knows.
oops, thought i hit edit... sorry for the double post.

...and what is "rocksockm"?
Oh man this is worse than knowing nothing...

Not knowing whether you know nothing or not... ^^
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