Students took trip to Valve

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6/3 start disc.......


6/4 BBC news: Mass suicides occured today, Detectives belive this thread is to blame.
Scunna said:
I cant believe those pesky school geeks.....

1) They got to visit valve studios ( i would kill for that lol)

2) They have started a massive post with many arguments on what dis... says. (ppl are using photoshop to read the washboard lol)

3) The bastards said they got life footage of the game on videocamera and kept it for themselves, not even releasing it to the world, I bet they get beaten up at school lol.
you sir, are weird
TheWart said:

Those prototype game boxes look really cool.

In screen number 20, on the whiteboard appears to be dates with goals on them. (Eli's acting, get final breen, etc).

It goes through 6/3, so the game probably owont go gold before then

first of all, PCGamer.DE has already quoted Valve as saying the game will be a summer release, so 6/3 would be right on time.

second of all and more importantly, those aren't dates you're seeing on that picture; those the numbers to certain ingame sequences :)
jeez, you guys are insane, 7/29, 5/20 etc etc is probbly just chapter/level and the lines next to it is the GOAL of that level... nothing to do with dates/release... *g*
Scunna said:
I cant believe those pesky school geeks.....

1) They got to visit valve studios ( i would kill for that lol)

2) They have started a massive post with many arguments on what dis... says. (ppl are using photoshop to read the washboard lol)

3) The bastards said they got life footage of the game on videocamera and kept it for themselves, not even releasing it to the world, I bet they get beaten up at school lol.

Gabe - "we'd have had this game finished by now if it wasn't for those pesky kids" :LOL:
Strikeman said:
first of all, PCGamer.DE has already quoted Valve as saying the game will be a summer release, so 6/3 would be right on time.

second of all and more importantly, those aren't dates you're seeing on that picture; those the numbers to certain ingame sequences :)

well that shoots all these theories to shit, heh.
Strikeman said:
first of all, PCGamer.DE has already quoted Valve as saying the game will be a summer release, so 6/3 would be right on time.

second of all and more importantly, those aren't dates you're seeing on that picture; those the numbers to certain ingame sequences :)
This is the guy that wrote the article - he's the guy that knows exactly what those numbers are about :)
Strikeman said:
first of all, PCGamer.DE has already quoted Valve as saying the game will be a summer release, so 6/3 would be right on time.

second of all and more importantly, those aren't dates you're seeing on that picture; those the numbers to certain ingame sequences :)

Could you tell us if there is any vids you have recorded ?
Fenric said:
haha no no their using ZBrush2, what happened to all their claims of using Softimage heh.

... oh well ZBrush2 is cool

Interesting... wonder if they're building the hi-res models in ZBrush, then using softimage to degrade them for the lo-res model.
G0rgon said:
Could you tell us if there is any vids you have recorded ?

I *could* tell you what vids we made, but are you really sure you want to know ? Cause I will not show them, meaning you'll *know* what I say but you'll also *know* you won't be seeing it.

Could you live with that ? if so, i'll tell you :)
Strikeman said:
second of all and more importantly, those aren't dates you're seeing on that picture; those the numbers to certain ingame sequences :)

Sorry, I have to disagree. The numbers go

These correspond to weeks of the month. It would not skip from 5/27 to 6/3 unless we're talking about MAY and JUNE.
dscowboy said:
Sorry, I have to disagree. The numbers go

These correspond to weeks of the month. It would not skip from 5/27 to 6/3 unless we're talking about MAY and JUNE.
dscowboy - Strikeman is the person that visited Valve and wrote the article. I think he knows exactly what he looked at.
ever considered that's the beginning of the 6th scene :p

and yeah we asked what those numbers meant.

btw, what is all the fuss about ? PCGamer.DE has already quoted Valve saying the game will be a summer release; afaik that'll be between the 21th of June and the 21th of September; even if 6/3 was a date (and again, i'm sure it isn't) it wouldn't really be a problem, would it now ?
Strikeman said:
I *could* tell you what vids we made, but are you really sure you want to know ? Cause I will not show them, meaning you'll *know* what I say but you'll also *know* you won't be seeing it.

Could you live with that ? if so, i'll tell you :)

OK. I am ready. :)
And why would they skip from scene to scene in intervals ov 1/7th? No really, i dont know :(

If they were scenes, did you ask them how far they go up to?
Strikeman, ooo please tell us ur highness
oo please, and remember, use spoiler icons.!
Strikeman said:
ever considered that's the beginning of the 6th scene :p

I'll try explaining it again. Each number is 7 ahead of the last number. There are 31 days in May. 5/27 + 7 only equals 6/3 if 5/31 is the last number in the '5' sequence. The likelyhood that there are exactly the same number of 'units' in the fifth 'scene' as there are days in the fifth month of the year is pretty low. I don't buy it.

Whatever Valve told you, it's pretty clear the numbers correspond to dates.
yeah there's no way those aren't dates, I'm sorry, that would have to be one hell of coincidence, considering:

a) those months are near future
b) dates are in weekly intervals]
c) an unusual way of notating scenes

I'm sure strikeman has signed an NDA which is why he's not telling us what they REALLY mean :D
gooball said:
That "6/3" thing looks like "6/3 dist---", look at the other T's above on the whiteboard. (5/13 citadel)

It really doesn't.
yeah, it's a c

comeon everyone fuel the hype wagon!!!!
@ Shuzer & AJM2k3:
ya maybe you guys are right
or maybe an 'E'

The smudge above it makes it a little hard, but there are some T's on there that sort of wobble.
Cutey_Kaite said:
so what happened to strikeman :(

If I knew damn well what was going on, and people who had no idea told me I'm dead wrong to my face, I wouldn't stick around either... :rolleyes:
I actually decide to study for finals and I miss out on all of the speculation. ;(

What's worse is that I am going out tonight so I can't speculate tonight. ;(

Can somebody briefly summarize what the heck is going on, I don't have a hour to read ten pages of posts. I understand that they went to Valve, but what is this about "6/3"? Give me details please. :cheese:
blahblahblah said:
I actually decide to study for finals and I miss out on all of the speculation. ;(

What's worse is that I am going out tonight so I can't speculate tonight. ;(

Can somebody briefly summarize what the heck is going on, I don't have a hour to read ten pages of posts. I understand that they went to Valve, but what is this about "6/3"? Give me details please. :cheese:
ok, well in one of the pics (this one to be exact )

has a couple of number on the side like 4/29, 5/6, so the last number shown says 6/3 and says "start dist...." (we're hoping it means "start disturbution" ;) ) and we are speculating what that could mean, but strikeman says that thoes are not dates but scenes in the game, so theres more speculation...

yea thats preety much it...
blahblahblah said:
I actually decide to study for finals and I miss out on all of the speculation. ;(

What's worse is that I am going out tonight so I can't speculate tonight. ;(

Can somebody briefly summarize what the heck is going on, I don't have a hour to read ten pages of posts. I understand that they went to Valve, but what is this about "6/3"? Give me details please. :cheese:

We are now waiting for Strikeman the Man who visited valve and wrote the article for a vids descriptions
there is a pic of the valve office with a whiteboard with a bunch of numbers that appear to correspond to consecutive thrusdays in the next few months, the last one on the board is dated 6/3 and has the comment Start Disc..... the rest is covered by a person in the pic. strikeman, who was there, claims the numbers are scene references but we know he is lying :p
Anyone notice that 5/27 is blank. LAZY B******S! GET BACK TO WORK GABE AND STOP DRINKING THOSE SODA'S! Ahem....I want my game.

Anyone considered that Strikeman isn't actually THE Strikeman? It could be just some n00b who saw the name and registered it, in the same way people that play HL MP use the name Gordon Freeman because they think they're being funny and clever and stuff but really they look sad.

/rant done

Oh btw, it clearly says disc, not dist. There is a smudge that makes it look like a 't' tho. The numbers on the other side of the board are also dates but seem to be empty which would suggest they've nothing to do, which in turn suggests the game is done.
HOWEVER, don't get your hopes up. Relax and enjoy the fact that it's almost here! (and I did predict a June release AGES ago).
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