Stun stick and Slam in next version of HL2DM

Oh, Chris Chris Chris.

The release of the winning maps will coincidice with a release of Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, which will include two new weapons: the Slam and Stunstick.

I was just testing everyone's assertiveness! Well done Pi Mu Rho, you've passed!! :D

/me hands Pi Mu Rho a cookie and dies
Danimal said:
They should make bots for HL2DM next...
Captain M4d said:
That would be very hard to do.


They just released bots for CS:S.

I don't think it should be TOO hard.

I would like to see the bots. And maybe 32-player limits for DM.
I cant even begin to imagine how unplayable a DM server with 32 players would be.
.syl said:
I cant even begin to imagine how unplayable a DM server with 32 players would be.
I constantly find plenty of games where my ping is only 50 or less. Those games could use more people in there.

jimmyjam said:
how does a bot use a gravgun

why would it have to?

what if it was hard enough without that gun?


Well, how does a bot use a regular gun? It knows where the player is, how much ammo it has, and where to shoot to hit the player.

If you coded the bots to know where all the "litter" is, it might be able to find the closest trash and throw/catch...

If zombies, antlionguards etc. can pinpoint and throw/kick physics objects toward you, I see no problem with bots doing the same thing. The code's already there.
Doesn't DOG sort of do the same thing in the SP game, when he picks up things and throws them to you?
A guy on a server yesturday told me the update is coming out in a few days after the update telling us about the stick etc etc. Is this true?
Well apparently its going to be released when the winning map from that competition gets released.... So if they have choosen the winning map (out of over 200 maps) already, then it would be getting released soon IMO. But then again, it would take awhile to play every map given to them for hours, to test all areas of gameplay/feat./mapping skills/looks ect ect...

Lets just hope it's soon :D
Brian Damage said:
Doesn't DOG sort of do the same thing in the SP game, when he picks up things and throws them to you?
That'll be scripted tbh. But yeah. I imagine each physics_prop entity is given a name and then Dog is scripted to catch the prop with that name when it's thrown or something like that.

But yeah, same could be done in DM. I would assume it'd require a lot of coding though. I don't think they'd need to know where things were as such, as they could just home in on each physics prop entity. They might need to be told what each one is though. e.g. "I've just picked up a table, it's too big for me to get through that door" or "I cannot pick up this car, it's too heavy" etc.

I think it's possible to do, would be pretty cool if they got them as good as the CS ones. Maybe TurtleRock plan to do it eventually.
Kamakiri said:
A guy on a server yesturday told me the update is coming out in a few days after the update telling us about the stick etc etc. Is this true?
People you speak to on servers certainly know no more than we do on the forums. Usually a lot less, and usually lying :p

The winning maps do get announced in a week though, and so I imagine the maps will be released at some time in February, but there's no exact date.
I heard rumours from a friend it will come out next month... Maybe the update news is just what they are planning? Maybe they just did the model and the basica right now and are squishing bugs...

EDIT: Cure you, Chris_D. Now I must edit my post...
I just edited what I said to be more accurate :)
th3Phallex said:
I constantly find plenty of games where my ping is only 50 or less. Those games could use more people in there.

The problem isn't ping but choke. I ping constantly around 30 but as soon as there are more than 10 ppl on any server, choke goes through the roof.
Yes, I have to put my settings on the lowest and I still get alot of 'choke'.
LamminatedBuddha said:
be good if the revised the grenade also. It's useless as it is

slam is a tripmine u say? should b interesting...
The Grenade useless? Holy crap....
I get atleast half my kills with a nade, nade and grav gun. Most useful weapon i ever had
well, we might get more of a clue on the next weekly update from VALVe
rebb said:
Maybe the Slam is actually the SLAM - a LAM is a Laser-Armed Mine ( or something ) . Just guessing :D

Lightweight attack munitions. I think.
th3Phallex said:

They just released bots for CS:S.

I don't think it should be TOO hard.

I would like to see the bots. And maybe 32-player limits for DM.
They did that because bot man released bots, so they could just modify em..

I would still prefer more maps :|
tripmines are so annoying, but they are fun to place around the map. If the SLAM is a tripmine, I would totally be okay withthat
Just hope they work as well as they did in HL1 DM, Like..someone running after you, turn a corner and stick one at knee height, and keep on running...nice big boom from behind.

Or creep up behind a camper and stick one to the back of his soon as he twitches..bye! bye!

The laser mines virtually made HL1 DM, you could seal off areas, or setup up traps, And they made a nice big target for the crossbow.

I don't think the SLAM would be a baton or something, got the crowbar and the upcoming shock stick to cover that side of things.

And a missille would be silly.
just hope they bring out a patch to turn the laser off on the R-launcher.
I wish that the slam can be more of a detpack than a laser tripmine. I'd like to see those hopwires with that role.

Oh, and i was being sarcastic about the missile.
SLAMs looks like remote mines. Which is always nice, especially with the physics as sophisticated as this.
Maybe the slam is just a nice shoulder-fed bum rush?
that would be kind of interesting, but for me i'm looking for a hl2dm map based of ravenholm
dm_morbid isn't a very good map, but it is set in ravenholm.

One thing I'm wondering is how these new weapons will be incorporated into current maps. The stunstick would fit well as one of the pre-equipped default guns, but is everyone going to start off with a few mines, or whatever, already in their grenade category?
Dinkleberry said:
Indeed indeed. Its now a bad habbit of mine to switch sTRAIGHt to grenade because it does take a while to switch, drop grenade, switch to grav, and fire it. It even has its advantages over the SMG grenades cos you can detonate it in open air.

You're doin' it all wrong. I had the same problem myself. What you have to do is roll the grenade and as soon as you drop it, press g and it should automatically pull out the gravity gun. Should be fairly instantaneous if you do it right.
What exactly is choke from a technical standpoint? Is it a slowdown caused by the server getting bogged down? If so, I guess there is not much you can do about it, such as settings you can put in your config. I get low pings, but netgraph shows a lot of high readings in light blue in the 600-1000 range.
its when the server is sending more packets than your system can handle, i think.
ether said:
What exactly is choke from a technical standpoint? Is it a slowdown caused by the server getting bogged down? If so, I guess there is not much you can do about it, such as settings you can put in your config. I get low pings, but netgraph shows a lot of high readings in light blue in the 600-1000 range.
netgraph #s are how much data is being sent, not ping.
oni_666 said:
just hope they bring out a patch to turn the laser off on the R-launcher.
This keeps the launcher balanaced. So I doubt they will turn it off
The Crowbar will now be included in HL2DM :D