Stupid acts of tyrrany


Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
Well everyone is complaining about hackers and stuff, so I figured that the second part of the problem should be discussed. Admins, they can be good, they can be great and they can be total ass stains.
Will VAC2 really get rid of this problem of total idiots/Corrupt bastards/paranoid freaks? I think not, these are people who for some reason have access to a otherwise really good server.

For example: I came into a game and joined terrorists team, it was all going fine and everything. But I noticed that admin slaps were sometimes issued for some rather strange reasons. I didn't pay attention to it too much. But suddenly I was the only T left and I was under the bridge right where the CT part opens up. Well there were like 2 more CT's left. So I was crawling over to jack the bomb and then run for it. The admin thought I was taking 'too' long. So he admin slapped me multiple times, propeling me up onto the ledge (From T spawn you go left then in the building and then right) there were both the CT's confused at the flying terrorist. I shot a bullet in both their heads. Well, ofcourse the admin was astounded and quite pissed off at this. So I decided to play it safe for a few rounds and use the rusher weapon- mp5.
Well eventually, I thought that his anger had faded. I scouted, so he started admin slapping me for actually sitting watching a person and waiting for them to duck out of cover. Needless to say I lost about 30 hit points from that crap. And I didn't get my 90% for sure kill. I was angry, but I said nothing.
Map switched to office so I figured, okay this map I don't need to rush forward, so I can camp? WRONG. Basicly I was just taking cover in projector room behind the wall reloading. Guess what? Slap slap slap, CT kills me.
I ask, why did you do that? They tell me that I am camping like a ****** even though they were camping on de_dust.
So ofcourse I go on to tell him what an idiot he is. And ofcourse he calls up big brother admin (A bit more intelligent). And this punk has sprayed racial crap all over me... Then I say to the 'big brother' I am frustrated at being slapped for no reason whatsoever except that I am taking my time. It wasn't in the server rules, I think that the class of your clan is shown by immature clan mates. Do you really want to look that bad? So he instead of listening to anything I said, listened to little brother, ofcourse his ego was hurt (Which is about the only kick I got out of that game) and told me I am heading for ban city. Then he killed me at beggining round twice and banned me.

So, tell your stories.
Nomatter how good I do in CS, I never get called a Hacker. Halo PC, now thats a different story. If you think people are retarded in CS, you should see the level of ineptitude in Halo. I stopped playing because it was just too easy to kill people. Kill ratio was usually 10:1, it was just pathetic.
Yeah retards who own servers abuse their powers for fun just because they're retarded and will pick on those who pwn them. I usually just go with the telling them off strategy and getting banned, just a loss there are like a bajillion others.
Just the other day my friend was complaining about how his mouse wasn't working at all. It worked fine on desktop, but in CSS it was completely screwed up. So he checked some of his settings in console and compared them to my settings, and figured out that some admin had changed his cfg files. It's really messed up that admins can change players settings, especially when there are so many bad admins.
its just the way the world works.....hopefully if VAC2 ****s the cheaters, then the Admins will calm down a little
It's still a new game.
but i know what your saying i'm just giving mods a few months to get some basic understanding of computer games ;0)
I sometimes feel that some admins on our clan server may over react a bit. Then again, some players diliberatly taunt admins. Theres a fine balance between having a nice server community and getting a reputation for being kick happy.
The admin most likely pays for the server so he or she can do as he or she likes tbh. I think the kind of admins that slap you for taking too long etc wont be stopped by vac2, but the ones that find someone to be dodgy and then when they confront that individual, the individual calls the admin a variety of names all synonyms of "power hungry retarded 13 year old", then you cant blame them for banning that individual tbh.

And yes, banning, because a kick would only induce the individual to rejoin, shout more abuse, and spam repeatedly why he/she was kicked.

Also, make your cfg's read only then settings wont be saved when the admin messes with them.
You're right, a lot of admins are just as bad, if not worse, than the hackers and cheaters. They can be even more effective at ruining the game and pissing people off than the hackers are. It isn't a problem for me anymore though, as I've found a server where the admins are decent and not jerks... and I pretty much only play there now. :p
xiphrex- That might be true. But, I was pretty much trying to be open minded about it. Going as far as giving up my sniper rights (I don't see why in the world I should stop sniping, because of some retard. But ya know, the server was really good. I mean you say that there are a billion more out there, but its really hard to find a good one) and rushing like a moron even though my team has no need to do so. Terrorist rush on a cs map? Makes no sense to me, I mean okay CS isn't a super realistic game. But do you really think terrorists would run out of the building they are blocked up in, to shoot up some CT's? It makes no sense to leave your guard position. I mean not only that, but these bastards were camping on a de map. The problem isn't this situation by itself, but the fact that the simple concept of a idiot running a server can ruin a great game. (And we must all admit that it takes 20 minutes to warm up and get into the servers type of combat)
Got a long story here, But it shows that even the Admins can get bitch slapped sometimes.

I was playing CS 1.5 on one of the NGI uk servers one night, I'd just entered the game and joined the terrorists team in the 3rd round, So I bought a flash nade and a MP5.

This is on the old Aztec map, I was messing about trying to make a cigarette and by the time I'd made it and lit it and was running to join my team mates, they'd all been killed by the 6 CT's on the other team, So just before I went into the room that has the rope bridge at its opposite entrance, I lobbed in a Flash nade, Then ran into the room to be confronted by ALL 6 ct's,
I thought I was definately dead, since at that time 1 was on 56k with a ping of 195 and they were on pings of less than 60.

So I fired a whole mag from the mp5 from left to right, at roughly head height, And got 6 Head shots, Unfriggingbelieveable!!!

Never done that before, I was astonished, And so was my team, Unfortunately one of the CT's was also the admin, This guy, whose name was Alien, Accused me of using an Aimbot (they were way more rife then, than they are now).

I denied using an Aimbot and just said that it was a very rare fluke, which was True.

He kicked me from the server, without me being able to argue my case.

I promptly rejoined, and tried to argue my case, All the time remaining polite and not giving him any abuse at all.

He kicked and banned me this time.

So I went to the NGI uk forums, and told an Admin there, what had happened, He said he'd Investigate.

The next evening, I went back, and This guy Alien had seen my post and was telling the Admins, that I'd been kicked for using an Aimbot, and also because I'd been really Abusive to him and his team mates, calling him and his mates f*cking noob c*nts and other such stuff.

Basically after reading that, I thought I was f*cked, and be banned from all the NGI servers, and since these were the only ones I could get a low ping on, then my days of playing CS were over.

Unfortunately for Alien, the next 10 posts were from 3 Admins, who had all been playing on MY team that night, unknown to me.

They had seen everything, Then checked the server logs and posted everything that I'd said to Alien, After I'd killed him and his 5 buddies.

The logs showed no abuse at all from me to him and only showed me arguing my case politely and calmly.

Subsequently, I had an apology from Alien, and his Clan lost the rights to renting that server and any other server from NGI.

That may not seem much, but when your a clan that relies on a good, fast server to play on, to practise for upcoming competitions, then your basically stuffed.

Especially when you enter competitions, in the states, with $200K first place prizes.
Well, I have to agree with xiphrex one this one and say that admins own the server so they can do what they wish. In this case, I treat it as I do hackers, or anybody else for that matter: leave the server.
Oni, that's quite. Out there. I am a bit suprised that there is a way to win against an admin altogether, but I guess when there is a greater authority (Fast server) it is possible
Everyone hates abusive admins but we can't do ANYTHING about it.
Ennui posting like mad today...

Tip...CS source is a shite game, theres no tactics or anything or team work like your story reads, neither is there in 1.6 or CZ, its in your head. The game works by you killing people and them killing you. IF you camp you deserve a slap, different maps work different ways. CS source is still so poor at this early stage theres no point wasting your time with cheaters and immature admins. Theres no proper communities worthy of real clans out there either. So until the game is improved or any skill brought to it i wouldnt play. Too many beginners who are new to CS, too many cheats, too much eye candy, not enough gameplay substance, which is what makes CS great. As you can tell i dont like the game anymore. Give it a few months.
Hectic Glenn said:
Ennui posting like mad today...

37 hours ago, I had 250 less posts.

CS:S will suck until we get militia.
I rarely get kicked or banned from a server unless I get disconnected though that might be due to my death ratio :naughty: