Stupid assholes invaded the bus stop across my house.

Kangy said:
Well, think of it this way.

When medical science can't use animals to test things, what's the next lowest form of life they could use?

j00 = t3h 3vil r00.
Kangy said:
I agree 100% with sticking Furries in gas chambers, too ^_^

I believe that is largely off-topic, sir roo.
"Stupid assholes invaded the bus stop across my house."

Life is much better when youre 18+, You wont find people being childish anymore and you can give kids the evil look to make them stfu :)
Just find out where they live and burn their house down or act really nice to them and compliment them or something
Kangy said:
I agree 100% with sticking Furries in gas chambers, too ^_^

Amen to that.

And I am still awaiting you baking them a cake and giving it to them.

BTW, are they still in that bus stop after 3 days?
thats it! nw909 figured it out, the reason they are asshols is because they are homeless and have been living at the bus stop for the last three days!
You should have said something to them, people who act all big and tough usually can't fight anyway.
Step 1: Have your best friend dress up in a cute bunny suit.

Step 2: Have him walk right in front of you on the opposite sidewalk across from the bus stop.

Step 3: Argue for roughly 3 minutes about how he should have gotten out of the way.

Step 4: Beat the hell out of him with a bat.

Step 5: Pretend to steal his wallet.

Step 6: Run away screaming: "Darth Vader is not my father!" with one of his ripped off bunny ears.

Step 7: Watch what happens.
Innervision961 said:
thats it! nw909 figured it out, the reason they are asshols is because they are homeless and have been living at the bus stop for the last three days!
OMG!11won!11 U broked da codes!1!one!
Those guys are just dickheads. You did the right thing by not saying anything back to them, thats exactly what they wanted.

I hate to call them such a lame name as "bullies" but that's exactly what they are. They were picking on you because you were alone and just wanted some kind of response from you. The harder you ignore them, the worse their taunting gets, until eventually they become bored with you.

But when it comes to them knocking you around and shoving you, just try to "block" them. Like, if they start shoving you and saying "You want fight me bitch? Huh, ******?" then just say something like "I don't have time for this" and just walk off, they'll still call you names as you do walk off, but they aint gonna be happy that they don't have anyone to bag now. So, really, you end up winning.

If they keep on persisting and shit, and come back pushing you as you try to walk off and say more shit like "Oh, so you are pussy ******? Is that it? Little wimp blah blah blah" just keep saying stuff like "Whatever, i don't care what you say" and just keep blocking their next move and shit and just walk off