Stupid expansion pack ideas!

How about: HL2: Dig a Hole Through the Earth. Hours of fun, 1 mouse click equals 1 shovel-full of dirt, when you get to the middle, you melt from the heat at the core and get to try again!

Or: HL2: Watch TV. You get 10 minutes of repeating television footage that seems new every time! Huge replay value.
Back when the exansion blue shift was coming out people were jokeing about what would be next for valve if they made another, people were saying "oh it will be a speical forces guy now like the assaisns etc"

I replied, Nope, its going to be "Half-life: Mop brigade" Your job is to Clean up the mess that gordon, barney, the military and xen aliens make.

Using such things as your trusty blue overall jumpsuit with pockets. you wield an amazing arsenal, things such as the ever amazing Yellow mop bucket, a mop, dust pans and more then one type of broom.

Featureing advanced graphicsly affects like DUST, and Dustbunnies! Crawl in vents while using your trusty spray bottle and rag to scrub at those pesky zombie messes that are left behind!

Amazing vechile phyics, be amazed as you zoom around on your highspeed floor waxer, making those headcrab stains disapear.

It's a dirty job, but some one has to do it.
I think that in one of the expansion packs, you should take on the role of one of a strider's legs.
Yeesh, wasn't expecting this to grow so big when I posted it. They usually fall to page 10 in a day =P
Half-life 1.5.
Play as Gordon Freeman as he sits in stasis (or whatever) for 10 years. Great prelude to HL2! Hours of fun!
Best is if you had played as a combine officer or mabye a female assasin.
Varsity said:
Half-Life 2: SimCity17

This one would actually work too... you play the combine leader and have to take over city 17 by absorbing it into your new city. Your time would be slplit between Sim City style resource management and construction, and C&C style RTS fights against the resistance. After all, not every expansion patch HAS to be a FPS ;)
A rpg styled gain exp points by the no. of people you infect as a headcrab..... then you evolve slowly to more devastating enemies until finally you become one of the bosses that we are yet to see???... and have a final showdown with Gordon Freeman......!!!!!!!!!
serious 1= ur part of the combine
jke=ummm every1 is gay n u gotta kill em b4 they all start 2 cum on 2 u
im just surprised there hasn't been too many mentions of HL2: Pimpin' Ain't Easy!

or some such title.. involving Alyx.. i am surprised :p
GTA City 17

"You've been betrayed and left for dead. Now you're taking revenge, unless the city gets you first. Mob bosses need a favor, crooked cops need help and street gangs want you dead. You'll have to rob, steal and kill just to stay out of serious trouble. Anything can happen out here."

Half-Life²: Mc Donalds Tycoon

Build your hamburger empire in the oppressive Halflife2 environment:
-invent new products by doing "research" (Mc headcrab, Mc Antlion salad). You can even pass it along as real beef if you want!
-make contracts with the invading aliens to raise funds as they slaughter mankind
-hire the surviving civilians at low cost, making full advantage of (read: exploit) the difficult situation they are in, while always promessing they may be manager someday.
-design your own Mc Donalds in the most ugly and disturbing colors to take attention away of your disgusting "food"

PS: for some reason I do like the headcrab idea. Fighting your way as a headcrab seems like a real challenge: taking over a body, you may even be able to use real weapons. Sounds able to deliver fun to me...
Half-Life: the Birds
Play as City 17's feathered friends as they run rampage through the City, pecking out Combine trooper's eyes. Features Alfred Hitchcock as the G-Man.


Half-Life: Opposing Sauce
Play as Gabe as you race around the streets of Italy, eating any chicken that gets in your way.
Half Life 2: The Consul
Experience the HL2 world through Dr.Breen eyes.
Spend thousands of hours doing propaganda shots till you get them right
Get raped every hour by a vicious combine elite.
Pet the Hydra as no one in the combine wanted the job , be careful not to get killed.
Live around some stenching and gross aliens
And in the end get killed by the nerdy looking and speaking impaired Dr. Gordon Freeman
Planeforger said:
Half-Life: the Birds
Play as City 17's feathered friends as they run rampage through the City, pecking out Combine trooper's eyes. Features Alfred Hitchcock as the G-Man.


Half-Life: Opposing Sauce
Play as Gabe as you race around the streets of Italy, eating any chicken that gets in your way.

ahahahhahahahaah that should be a mod