Stupid question


Jul 11, 2004
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Does anyone know if you can see a person's flashlight (on thier player model) when it's on? or if you can see the beam from it on the wall?
theres not really a model for it exept on certain guns ie pump shotty, but you can see the beam and where it lands yes.
i haven't really studied this but from when I glanced u can see where the beam is coming shows the beam just under the weapon...further investigaton or screenshot is warranted :)
I was very confused about this myself and it appeared to me that it came form their wrist, like a wrist watch flashlighty thing.

Shut up, it's a real thing.

But now that you say it appears to come right out from under the weapon, I'll have to take a second look.
it always looked like it was coming from their hand.. like they were carrying a flashlight... at least to me.
i forgot, can it blind you . well not exactly blind but impair your vison if it it right in your face
Yeah but since then they know exactly where you are, a few blind shots in your general direction would kill you.

Anyway, I thought it was coming right out from their hand (Pistol anyway), and it just looks freaky. I think VALVe have had a hard time implementing it properly since you can get things like Dual elites, two handed guns, and pistols, they just need one place to put it.