Stupid Question...


Nov 19, 2004
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Erm, in my copy of 3dsmax 7 the arrows that appear when you want to re-scale or move something (x,y,z - coloured arrows) are not showing up...i must have unticked an option somewhere by mistake but im not sure which one...can someone help a noob out please :)
i think its the x key :S
its okay it happens from time to time ;) btw max also has a nice reset function file>reset so if u accidentaly untick any of these options again it will reset all your settings and bring it back to normal :)
I have my own personal keys so i don't know for sure anymore.
just press them all :p
Ah yes the X key lol, must've hit it by accident, i did try File>Reset first as it was the only thing i could think of, but it didn't work. X did though, so thanks for that, can get on with it now :)
Yes the X key i had problems with it as well until i started pressing random keys on the keyboards and found out it was the X key.
when in doubt, Help > Max Shortcuts (or w/e it's called).