Stupid things people have said

I used to think that :(

EDIT: Oh yeah, one of my friends once said (hes not the brightest of guys): I can't go out, I'm going to the eye doctor."


i dont get it ? , a lot of people say eye doctor instead of optometrist.
After watching some old film in black and white, one of my sisters mates turned to me and exclaimed "It must have sucked living in the 40's, with everything being in black and white!".
i dont get it ? , a lot of people say eye doctor instead of optometrist.

Yea, I don't quite get that either.

Tooth doctor is dumb, but eye doctor is very common.

"Eye appointment," "Eye exam," etc. are also very acceptable, while the equivalent with "tooth" is probably not.
After watching some old film in black and white, one of my sisters mates turned to me and exclaimed "It must have sucked living in the 40's, with everything being in black and white!".

LOL, that's a good one if he was being serious. :D
She was deadly serious. She was incredibly blonde though.
"What do you have in that car?"
"A rotary"
"I mean, is it a 4cyl or 6cyl?"
"It's a rotary, it doesn't have pistons..."
"Well, it sounds like you need to change your head gaskets."

UGH...i ALWAYS get that, and its equally annoying each time.
We have a girl in our grade who constantly spurts out stupid lines..

In English, after reading Hamlet in it's entirety - "Miss, is Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo from Hamlet?"

In Biology when discussing racial disease - "But we're not Caucasian, we're Australian!"

One random discussion "Hey, one word Jarrod... shut up"

And another "If Hamlet wanted to know what Claudius was doing, why didn't he just video record his room?"

Two English speeches in "Oh, is it orals today?!"
a former member of our community:

"dude, the passion of the christ is a movie about a man who died for our sins over 3000 years ago"

I paraphrased as I dont remember the exact quote, although I had it as my sig for a long while" ..cant remember his name either as he was only here for a little while ..or as I suspect was so humiliated he changed names
Lol ^

I remember in year 8 I won the "RE" award. This punk came up to me and said "whats up christian boy". And I say "Er, I'm an athiest, I won that award because I was so convtroversial and against religion." Then he says "stop offending my religion man!" and runs off.
Some girl (she was 10 at the time, but still) thought that the First and Second World War was the same (WWII) , and that the First World War was the Viking conquests.
A guy beside me talking about binary: "Ugh, I hate hex. At least this is math-based."
a former member of our community:

"dude, the passion of the christ is a movie about a man who died for our sins over 3000 years ago"

I paraphrased as I dont remember the exact quote, although I had it as my sig for a long while" ..cant remember his name either as he was only here for a little while ..or as I suspect was so humiliated he changed names

haha yeah I remember that. And I think instead of "a man who died for our sins" it was "some dude who lived in israel like 3000 years ago". That's why it was so funny.
it was the funniest shit I've ever seen on this forum
I don't know about you guys, but just about everything Princess Jen said was hilariously retarded...
... so was everything said in response to her.

I remember the instant that thread was deleted, because I had been reading it (but not participating of course :p) and clicked "New Posts" and it was gone.
... so was everything said in response to her.

I remember the instant that thread was deleted, because I had been reading it (but not participating of course :p) and clicked "New Posts" and it was gone.

That's so true.
*commences search for Princess Jen posts for the luls*
I'm just glad I never got sucked into the whole fan club business :D It was epic lulz though
Someone catch me up on princessjen. i've heard a lot about it but it was before my time.
oh I remenber the princess jen incident
Girls that say they love you, but only mean it in friend terms, when they KNOW you truly <3 them.

I think I was one of the few people who kept deriding the person for what they were. Attention grabbing and in all likelyhood not female. I can't even believe some people PMed her!
When boobs are involved, reason and logic are usually the first victims.

Edit - Or, uhh, aren't involved. Lol, topical.
I think I was one of the few people who kept deriding the person for what they were. Attention grabbing and in all likelyhood not female. I can't even believe some people PMed her!

I can't believe the guy who did it bragged about it after.
I wouldn't brag about pretending to be female on the internet.
And the most important question is, why in the hell was that Princess_Jen thread deleted? It should've been reserved for future generations as it stands as one of the most remarkable landmarks in the history of epic threads. Now moderators be honest, how many times have you lost your sleep, and with sweat falling down your spine, twisting in agony, mumbled to yourself the sentence that you know would haunt you for the rest of your life: "Locking would've sufficed"
We need a "classic threads" board where all the memorable threads can go.
I agree 100% and you should need so many posts to see it.
My friend screamed out and I quote "Silly f*****, dicks are for chicks!" across the hallway at school to me today.

Yeah he's awesome.
When someone said that an ESB wasn't anything to do with SOA.

Oh how we laughed.
"It's too bad you think Christian music is so dry and over used. I really do feel sorry for you."

I didn't ask for your pity, I said your music sucks dick.