Stupid things people have said

"It's too bad you think Christian music is so dry and over used. I really do feel sorry for you."

I didn't ask for your pity, I said your music sucks dick.

haha that one backfired badly
One of the more odd things I had was when a friend of mine just randomly said in conversation "But yeah, I really do think there are too many muslims in Australia".

I was like "What?"

He comes from an incredible Christian background. -__-
Only a chatlog can communicate this properly.

Yes, I am Dave.

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:05 AM):
so i have a starcraft iso on my PC

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:05 AM):
and i wanted to put it on my laptop

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:05 AM):
to install starcraft on mah laptop

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:05 AM):
so on my pc i ctrl-copy it

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:05 AM):
then i go to my laptop

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:05 AM):
go to my isos folder

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
and hit ctrl-v

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
but it doesn't paste

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
so i spend two minutes wondering why the **** vista can't paste a simple file

Shamrock says (1:06 AM):

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
until i realize

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
that they're not the same computer

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
or rather that they don't share a clipboard

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):

Shamrock says (1:06 AM):

Shamrock says (1:06 AM):

Dave // cats are the best machineguns says (1:06 AM):
so i pretty much ****ing fail
"York isn't in Yorkshire"
"I think apricots WERE baby carrots" (after a week or so of arguing over whether apricots at the Leeds Festival were apricots or baby carrots)
"Does America use the Euro?"

Many more...
Remember two gags from this hilarious character back in secondary:

'Did you push him over?!'
'Ok a did, BUT I DIDN'T!'

'No I dropped the ruler and it broke'
'So you dropped a shatter-resistant ruler from your desk to the floor, and it broke into three seperate pieces..'
'Wait behind'
One of my friends who hangs out with the stereotypical goths/burnout group who had "NIN" (among many other band names) on his bookbag tried to tell me that Nine Inch Nails is a 3 piece band. I said no, it's 1 man who makes the albums and he hires a live band to play the shows. So he responded with "No I've seen the videos" so I just said ok and left
One of my friends who hangs out with the stereotypical goths/burnout group who had "NIN" (among many other band names) on his bookbag tried to tell me that Nine Inch Nails is a 3 piece band. I said no, it's 1 man who makes the albums and he hires a live band to play the shows. So he responded with "No I've seen the videos" so I just said ok and left
That's not funny so much as really, really sad.
I love MSN. Yes, I am Dave.

Dave // Pimp-Action Shotgun says:
it'd take ****ing forever though
Chase| Jesus Christ: Shaolin Monk says:
Chase| Jesus Christ: Shaolin Monk says:
Chase| Jesus Christ: Shaolin Monk says:
Chase| Jesus Christ: Shaolin Monk says:
HOLY ****
Dave // Pimp-Action Shotgun says:
The mental image
Dave // Pimp-Action Shotgun says:
what have you done?!
Chase| Jesus Christ: Shaolin Monk says:
Dave // Pimp-Action Shotgun says: