Submitting News?

hehe, only the staff at can post news :p.
All news should be sent here: [email protected], if the news is front page material it will be posted.
yes, i realise i can't post the news, but i was asking how to submit it, i apologize for my misleading question.

just email it to [email protected] and give as much info as possible so the newsy peeps don't get tired and confused, which happens a lot to them, the poor little mites ;)
Dante said:
yes, i realise i can't post the news, but i was asking how to submit it, i apologize for my misleading question.

All received this time so me or one of the newsies will get it up within 24 hours :)
So then, what you are in effect saying is, all news related items should go to some specific email address?

(Hey I thought I'd give you mods another chance to put it in this thread. I didn't think 3 times was enough, see :p .... Also, I'm currently too scared to go anywhere else in the forums yet as I *still* haven't finished it - it must be savoured like fine wine! As you surely agree...)
Hey no worries, I haven't completed it either, still on Highway 17. Playing DM instead :E
Hell yeah - I had such great fun earlier stealing people's grav gun pickups. Then smacking them with it :p It has to be said the grav gun is by far the most useful invention for a game for a loong time.

On a similar matter, some 'other' sites are reporting the news of the addition of the stun baton and crowbar soon ... front page newsworthy?