Subway vs. Quizno's


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
I think Quiznos is better cause they load mah sammy-wich to teh top! I also love the green peppers you get! mmmmmmmm
Oh a good one :)

I would have to say Quizno's too .. but .....

When it comes to tuna sandwiches Blimpie get's the prize :)
Togos all the way. I hate subway. Quiznos is all right with me, too :-P
Close race here...

Pro's of Quiznos
-Better tasting
-Toasted subs
-More interesting sandwiches

Con's of Quiznos
-More expensive for less food (compared to Subway)
-The store is further away (for me)

Pro's of Subway
-The stamp card. I have a bunch of 'em
-Spicy Italians kick ass
-Cheaper than Quiznos and you get more food
-I know a guy that works in a Subway and I get free food
-The one near me is open 24/7

Con's of Subway
-Pretty simple subs
-Not much else really...

Winner: Subway
Subway is far superior to Quiznos solely because of the chicken teryaki sub..... that thing kicks so much a$$...
Subway subs are crunchy. Who thinks it's at all decent to make a crunchy sub?

I like quiznos a lot, but it's hella expensive.

Here in canada, there's untoasted subs of comparable quality at Mr Sub, for about half the price. I get the assorted deli on a semi-regular basis. Sooo good.

So: Quiznos and Mr. Sub tie for first.
quiznos? subways? fuk that woadie im on some rallys shit. or sneaky petes. whut yall know bout that sneaky petes yo. str8 up.
GhettoFab said:
quiznos? subways? fuk that woadie im on some rallys shit. or sneaky petes. whut yall know bout that sneaky petes yo. str8 up.
AmishSlayer said:
-I know a guy that works in a Subway and I get free food

me too. well actually i know a guy...err, knew a guy... who's dad works in a subway. and i don't get free food ;( . although he did bring in some sandwiches for our 8th grade health class....
[edit]wait, no; we actually had to pay for the 5-inch long piece of sandwich we got.
I ate for like 2 years at subway. But it's just not exciting anymore. I tried every sandwich/bread/topping combination. So I moved on ...

I expect food to be interesting and exciting, not just "food" :(
I like to eat Subway for a snack, and its a bit cheaper than Quiznos, but Quiznos is a real-meal sandwhich. The only bad thing about Quiznos is that its damn expensive for a sammy-wich. Oh yea, I also h8 their "small medium large" classification system. Stick with inches!
Pressure said:
In Soviet Russia subs eat YOU!

heheh /me gets an image of Pressure being eaten by a sub

for me its a tie between Quizno's and Subway.. it depends on what ur in the mood for..

do u want quality?
or quantity?

quality = Quizno's
quantity = Subway

hmm.. Mr. Sub isn't bad either.. :frog:
Has anyone ever heard of Togo's? I'm just trying to see if it's just a bay area california thing... cuz Togo's makes some damned good cold sandwiches.
I work at subway... so it wins automatically cuz im so cool :smoking:
quizno's is 1239085235 times better than subway, even if it is more expensive(plus they are the only restaurant i know of that serves vanilla coke). if i want a quantity sub i can go to winco and get a 2 footer for $4(and they are just as good as subway's subs too).
not to drum up an old thread.. but i am eating a sub right now and damn its YUMMY!!! :frog:

i hadn't eaten a sub for over 2 months now.. shame on me!! :|
where is the poll you fool!? how will we ever know the truth????
Don't know either, and what's a sub anyway?
Pressure said:
In Soviet Russia subs eat YOU!

LOL. Funny

Kinda like that, "In Soviet Russia, car drives YOU!"
hmm....I know Subway is a fast-fod restaurant, but what's Quizno's ?
Sprafa said:
hmm....I know Subway is a fast-fod restaurant, but what's Quizno's ?

Quizno's is one of Subway's biggest competitors. The real difference between the two, Quizno's offers toasted subs, while Subway doesn't. I, personally, don't like toasted subs.
Quizno's is fast food too I believe. Anyways, I won't make a decision. I like both, for different occasions. Sometimes I feel like subway's, sometimes I feel like quizno's.
A sub sounds real good right now, too bad I'm too lazy to go out and get one. ;(
Quizno's SOOO has the better soccer team!

... Oh wrong kind of vs. thread.

But seriously, quizno's's (sp?) classic italian, c'mon, it cant be beat.
Subway is going to start doing toasted subs in the Fall... I work there.. thats how I know... Anyhow I called off tonight cuz I hate working there. IT SUCKS!!!
Tredoslop said:
Don't people lose more weight when they eat at Subways?

Depends. You can make horribly horribly fattening sandwiches there, or you can go light and loose weight :) GO JARED!