Sudden death and Spies


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
I know many people don't like Sudden Death mode as much as they might not like criticals (killing them...)

Anyway, I think SD is an interesting Add-on.
Slightly different rules can make a huge difference.

Good teams will change strategy , probably having more attack classes and medics...and more spies.

Spy rocks in SD.
It's great fun to take out camping enemy engies sitting duck behind their sentries, forgetting that if he is back-stabbed, his sentry will NOT kill the spy anymore.
As long there are no other sentries/enemies around covering him it's really easy kill (cloak, run up to him,uncloak, backstab him right behind his sentry) and valuable support for the own team.

Wait, a sentry will deactivate in sudden death if you kill its engineer? I didn't know that. Does the sentry just ignore the spy, or does it ignore every class?

I will have to test this.
When you kill an engineer in Sudden Death everything he built blows up.

I was always a spy, besides being a pyro, demoman and scout
Azner Backstabs hurt a lot. :/
When you kill an engineer in Sudden Death everything he built blows up.

There's me not wanting to risk dying and ALWAYS sapping the sentry first! :O

This makes Spies SO much better in SD. Probably too good.
I could have sworn the Sentry stayed up....I mean, I remember seeing lone Sentries being alive while I just killed the engie, and died to his Sentry....and it killed a couple other guys...

Unless that was a fixed in a patch I don't know about?
I could have sworn the Sentry stayed up....I mean, I remember seeing lone Sentries being alive while I just killed the engie, and died to his Sentry....and it killed a couple other guys...

Unless that was a fixed in a patch I don't know about?
Yeah, got fixed... two or three updates ago, I think.
Depends on map if i go spy, some of the hydro routes with the tiny paths are a pain in the ass, i would rather play a soldier then risk trying to squeeze passed un hit. I'm too inpatient really thats the problem if i justed waited a little till half the team were dead... sigh.
I don't mind sudden death, it seems to change everyone's strategy to a much more cautious one, which is a quick, refreshing change of pace. I notice a lot more calls for medic too.