Suggestions for New Weapons (with standards)


Apr 29, 2004
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Alright then. I'm sick and tired of nothing that isn't retarded going on in this section of the forums. So:

What we have here, gang, is a god damn brainstorm. We're gonna come up with idea's for new weapons. Old premise, NEW RULES.

Rule 1: Weapon has to be idealistically more than just a gun. It has to have been derived from some sort of Science! (i'm using "Science!" as a term with a slightly different connotation than "science" is) that is currently being discussed. I'm not going to ask you to go into any in-depth technical knowledge of how said weapon will work, because quite frankly, no one cares. This is all analogous to how the gravity gun, or zero-point field manipulator, was derived from popular theories concerning zero-point energy field theory that was somehow hip back in 2004. Use whatever scientific field you want to, hell use fairy magic if you bloody want, as long as it's awesome and can be justified to exist within the context of the Half-Life continuity.

Rule 2: It has to work in some matter that brings about a change to the tactical nature of the game. In other words, it can not be merely a copy of what has already been made. No more crossbows, no more submachine guns, no more hand-thrown grenades, no more rpgs. If you can find a twist to the mechanics that govern the nature of weapons currently in the game, have at it.

Rule 3: No douchebaggery.

Incentive to discuss: We really have nothing else to do except bullshit around with speculation we've already been through half a billion times. It's time to start bullshitting with new stuff, even if it won't exist in the game. Who knows, maybe someone at Valve still reads these forums and will get inspired to do something related to this franchise again. Maybe they'll get excited about it again. I'm sure they're bored after the past decade of working with Gordon. Let them know we're still excited about this shit, man.

Real incentive to discuss: Best idea gets a god damn kiss, how about that?

Zero. Point. Energy. Gun. You. Bad. Person.
Some form of weapon that causes blindness on the enemy, so they can still hear you but reaction is slowed.
A weapon that causes the Combine to turn Emo & start cutting their wrists & writing poetry.
A heavier, tank-like vehicle. No more wiry buggy.

A remote control scanner-type thing. You operate from a console. Could have good puzzle-solving potential.
You all... just read the title... didn't you...

A douchebag weapon.

edit: Seriously, this thread is going to get the same treatment as the other thread. No amount of rules can stop it!
Zero. Point. Energy. Gun. You. Bad. Person.

I am aware that the grav gun can use gnomes as projectiles, I was talking about an actual gun that shoot gnomes. This gun is to gnomes as regular guns are to bullets
Aperture Science Quantum Tickler

The Quantum Tickler, a device for the manipulation of the minute and strange quantum scales, was one of the technologies achieved by Aperture Science during its pursuit of portal and advanced AI tech. The United States Army was initially interested in the prototypes, but field testing of the device was less than satisfactory. The Tickler was simply too unreliable. After this failure, Aperture discontinued the program. It elected instead to transfer staff and all relevant research into the larger department working on the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device.

Left Click - Tickle

When you fire it at an enemy or object, the results may not entirely be predictable or desired.


- Shattering
- Loss into a short-lived microscopic black hole
- Loss of individual batches of particles/pieces (limbs, knobs, etc)
- Cloning
- Sets on fire
- Sets rebounding off of surfaces like a rubber ball
- Phasing partially through surfaces
- Falls into a black "rift", cycling between dead/alive states continually until the player moves close enough to look within and observe

Right Click - Inertia Manipulator

Right click to suppress a large amount of your own mass, enabling you to make long and high jumps. Works for enemies and props too, but enemy accuracy will naturally suffer if they are airborne.


Trigger-to-Fire Time: 3 seconds

Clip: 20 shots

Reloads: 2

The Quantum Tickler runs on a finite charge which can only be replenished by powerful Dark Energy storage stations. So the biggest limitation is the setting, the only stations powerful enough to replenish the weapon are located in dedicated Combine stations and outposts. In the Outlands or Cities, there will be few if any opportunities to replenish the Tickler.
I've got one thing to say about weapons after watching District 9 last night. Holy shit! We need some alien weapons like that in HL!! The human weapons in D9 were also awesome. Makes HL's weapons look like pea shooters in comparison. Vector CR-21 assault rifle anyone?


How about a weapon that resembles an AK 47 but shoots a beam like the Psy(?) Gun (The one that's in GMod & SMod) & when the beam comes into contact with something it causes it to swell & burst, how awesome would that be!?
Man-Hacksaw. A jury rigged manhack bolted to the front of a pneumatic pistol w/ power source. LMB spins up the blades to give you the classic 'manhack grinding sound' and cleaves zombies in two, RMB spins up and launches the manhack at the enemy (which of course shatters on impact). Ammo is scavenged from destroyed manhacks.

Oh, the good times I had with a manhack + gravity gun in the original HL2...
I'd love to see the Harpoon or the Sawblade come into use for other enemies, I've always wanted to cut a Combine Soldier in half.
A.....(dum)(dum)(dum)(dum).....(dramatic silence and drum roll)........CHAINSAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!

WOW that was original!!!!!1!!!1!
I've got one thing to say about weapons after watching District 9 last night. Holy shit! We need some alien weapons like that in HL!! The human weapons in D9 were also awesome. Makes HL's weapons look like pea shooters in comparison. Vector CR-21 assault rifle anyone?




I'd like to see a cool new sort of gravity gun.

For example you could make a gun that creates a time distortion around an object and slows it down (the space time surrounding the object will be slower then the one you're standing in) which gives you time to respond and kill/destroy it.

So basically everything you shoot at will move in slow-motion for a short period.
I want the return of the hand-held Tau Canon, ammo could be a problem though...maybe have it use suit energy or something.
How about a portal gun more along the lines of Opposing Force's displacer, crossed with the gauss gun? The idea is that it becomes a sort of portal severance device. You fire a portal at someone's elbow and their lower arm falls off. Headshots, chestshots are instant kills, but enemies typically survive if they're missing chunks from elsewhere (so ok, this is less of a weapon idea than an overhaul of how NPC deaths are handled). Primary for a rapid firing portal that slowly fills enemies with holes, secondary for a charged portal that will drill a person-sized hole through the side of a Gargantua. Ammo is limited of course.
H.E.V Tesla Charge

Press a key (Valve can decide) to activate the H.E.V Tesla Charge, which violently electrocutes any enemy within shotgun range. Takes power directly out of your Suit Armour and can't be used while sprinting, flashlight etc.

You get this about 25% through the game. When activated you can see electricity swirling around you, once an enemy comes into range some electricity breaks off and hits the enemy. This isn't a weapon that you hold it actually comes from the HEV suit itself.
Focused Microwave Emitter; cook your enemies and cause metal to spark :D

Renders the rollermines and manhacks useless and causes synths to retreat to avoid damage, but unsure about the human combine that might have artificial protection in their clothing
Focused Microwave Emitter; cook your enemies and cause metal to spark :D

Renders the rollermines and manhacks useless and causes synths to retreat to avoid damage, but unsure about the human combine that might have artificial protection in their clothing

Yeah, but that one actually exists.

We need stuff that is totally impossible in real life.
High Density Quartz Accelerator

Accelerates subatomic particles to the speed of light in a given direction causing is to interact with the atoms of the target creature. Depending on type of enemy and category of quartz fired, it will cause target to:

Change Mass
Turn into sludge

Atomic Stripper Rifle, strips atoms off the target, effectively causing it to disentergrate
I would like to see a return of The Guass Cannon and Gluon Gun from Half Life
those guns were awesome
I'd love to have seen more "human" weapons that had been modified to some extent by the Combine. I know the AR2's development is probably an imitation of our ballistic technology since it would seem all the Combine know how to do is assimilate and build-on to existing technology, and it's kind of a moot suggestion in the long run, but it still would've been kinda cool to see an altered AK with a good size of its iconic semblance.