Suit zoom and firing...


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
0 it a bug that I cannot fire when zoomed using the suit zoom key?
You can't shoot while zoomed. I'm guessing the crossbow is the only zoom capable weapon.
AgentSmith said: it a bug that I cannot fire when zoomed using the suit zoom key?

not sure but i was thinking the same thing

EDIT: the onlything iv been useing the suit zoom for is perveing on alix's a$$
no shooty while zoomy
Cross bow has abuilt in scope, but thats it
what you do is zoom then let off zoom and shoot really quick, this provides tighter shots at farther ranges.
AgentSmith said: it a bug that I cannot fire when zoomed using the suit zoom key?

yes, it ia possible to zoom shoot with some weapons

Slight spoiler:-
On the boat section you receive a very powerful gun. It can be zoomed and fired
i think the trend is that you can't shoot a gun you're holding while zoomed. other guns, however, may be different :)

not sure about a turret gun though, didn't try.

lordy, this game is great.
There's not a hell of a lot of point to the suit zoom - the machine gun (and even pistol) is so inaccurate at long range anyway. Although it is good useful with the magnum.
While we are on the subject of things working or not does the quick change on the weapons work for anyone? You know, where you scroll and it changes to that weapon without clicking select? I have it enabled in the adv controls but it doesn't work.