Suitable Temp for Athlon XP's?

ok now im worried... Im buying retail version of 3200+ XP, will the retail Heatsink/Fan be enough to keep it cool ? (under 50-60 degree's C), i am also buying two case fans, one in, one out.
IS it worth investing in Water cooling (with non-conductive "water" liquid my mate has been raving on about :P)
oldagerocker said:
ok now im worried... Im buying retail version of 3200+ XP, will the retail Heatsink/Fan be enough to keep it cool ? (under 50-60 degree's C), i am also buying two case fans, one in, one out.
IS it worth investing in Water cooling (with non-conductive "water" liquid my mate has been raving on about :P)

Not water cooling, unless you're heavily into overclocking (and even then, it's more of a 'my rig is better than urs omg' type thing, IMO). The stock HSF should be fine; If for some reason it's not, buy a new HSF.
Also, @ pingui: Try lowering the VCore voltage, if you can find it in the BIOS; It'll be under one of the tabs towards the left, around other things involving the CPU. First, I just wanna see what it's set at, just lmk.
I'm sorry if I missed this but was is your room temp. and do you get a case temp reading?
er I dont know what the room temp is, its not hot
case temp, dont get a reading

My bios says the Vcore is 1.60, Asus probe says its 1.744.

Another Vcore option was on manual, I set that to 1.65, now asus prove reads it as 1.638 or something.

The temp dropped about 4 degress, nothing much.
pingu said:
er I dont know what the room temp is, its not hot
case temp, dont get a reading

My bios says the Vcore is 1.60, Asus probe says its 1.744.

Another Vcore option was on manual, I set that to 1.65, now asus prove reads it as 1.638 or something.

The temp dropped about 4 degress, nothing much.

Alright, good job, that's what I was gonna have you do :)... If the system becomes any less stable at ALL (which it shouldn't), put that setting back.

Case temp pretty much shows up as MB temp in Asus probe (not necessarily the same thing, but the closest measurement you're going to get).
Case temp ranges from 38 - 43 C, thanks for the help btw, now max temp it reaches whilst playing games is 67C, still its pretty damn high.
pingu said:
Case temp ranges from 38 - 43 C, thanks for the help btw, now max temp it reaches whilst playing games is 67C, still its pretty damn high.

Do you have any case fans Pingu? Your case temps are super high, leave a side off? Have you cleaned the dust off your heatsink?

67c is waaay too high.