summer date

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just asking, when does summer end, because if hl2 comes out mid summer, ill have a better understanding of when it comes out.
when it gets hot enough for me to jump in a pool. that is when hl2 will come out...
out...when it gets hot enough for me to jump in a pool. that is when hl2 will come

My apartment pool just opened, and its quite warm enouhg here in Ohio to go swimming, but summer starts june 21st and ends in sept. i think.
Expect the game to come out sometime from late June to mid July. :)

Knowing the exact middle of summer isn't going to help you, and why did you come here of all places to ask when summer begins and ends? 0_o

So now you know when the game comes out, and that is all we know.
it was over 100 degrees two weeks ago and i went swimming, but summer hasnt started. I guess you need to ask poseyjmac when his summer begins.
hey like i said when its hot enough for me to jump in a pool, that is when. i dont make the rules!
i think some valve person said it was between Jan.1st and Dec. 31
tCh said:
i think some valve person said it was between Jan.1st and Dec. 31

So summer equals almost an entire year? (yes, I know this was posted in the 'Valve Speaks' thread)...:)
Late June to Late July. That sounds pretty solid for me.
Valve said "early summer" in an interview I read...
blahblahblah said:
summer never ends when you live in the state of Arizona :O
So True,

Valve never really gave specifics. But if i had to guess i'd say July to early august.
June 21st...July...Aug...Sept 21st.
August 6th is the middle of the summer.

Again my guess is July 20th.
I've got july 18th as my date for the release, but my recent pc gamer, does not mention HL2 at all on thier release list, but Doom 3 is put down in june, and it would be a good marketing decision to release after or b4 Doom 3.
Impulse147 said:
I've got july 18th as my date for the release, but my recent pc gamer, does not mention HL2 at all on thier release list, but Doom 3 is put down in june, and it would be a good marketing decision to release after or b4 Doom 3.

so then, what would be a BAD marketing decision? :D
if i had to guess i'd say sept 30

that would be a very bad idea if valve did that. releasing the game on the previously missed release date is not a good idea.
so then, what would be a BAD marketing decision?

well releasing on sept. 30th like i mentions above, or releasing within a week or so of Doom 3 release, because most ppl will want both games , but most ppl don't want to dish out 100 bucks in the same week.
so then, what would be a BAD marketing decision?

well releasing on sept. 30th like i mentions above, or releasing within a week or so of Doom 3 release, because most ppl will want both games , but most ppl don't want to dish out 100 bucks in the same week, even if it is for 2 great games.
Impulse147 said:
well releasing on sept. 30th like i mentions above, or releasing within a week or so of Doom 3 release, because most ppl will want both games , but most ppl don't want to dish out 100 bucks in the same week.

the joke is, you said it would be a good marketing decision to release before or after doom3. what this would mean is every date would be a good marketing decision.
well to be more specific, either 3-4 weeks b4 or after the release of Doom 3.
poseyjmac said:
the joke is, you said it would be a good marketing decision to release before or after doom3. what this would mean is every date would be a good marketing decision.
Except the day Doom 3 is released...
If I remember well Doug Lombardi said in a interviewthey're targetting a "First Half of Summer" Release date...
hah, in a video interview I saw he said "mid-summer, roughly"
In the words of rick ellis, "We mark Summer's start and end somewhere between Jan 1st and Dec 31st..."
They said they are just putting the finishing touches...ENOUGH FINISHING TOUCHES, RELEASE THE GAME!! :sniper:
They said they are just putting the finishing touches...ENOUGH FINISHING TOUCHES, RELEASE THE GAME!!

well said... i could give a rats a** wether the crane shadow goes through a box or any other minor details.
they should just release it on sept 30 so they can do the same thing with the hl2 release as they did with the hl1 release.
staddydaddy said:
they should just release it on sept 30 so they can do the same thing with the hl2 release as they did with the hl1 release.

thats the most predictable. they obviously wont make mid summer, so apparently sept 30 with seem to be an obvious date of choice. yes...its real "cute" for laughs and giggles. aww the same date a year later..yes lets all pet valve on the head take some pictures with the baby and go home :hmph:
I think it will come out this June around the 15. They have finished the box art for the game. I saw it on a website, the two boxes had finished art work on them and the first box cover had Alyx and the other had Freeman.

The pics were taken in valve and no Im not talking about the school kids who went to visit them a week before E3. You can see writeing on the back of the boxes describing the game. If that's done I think they game will be out in the next 3 to 4 weeks, that's soon but I think they can do it.

Dose anyone remember what the "white broad" said about 6/1 from the pic of the school kids going to valve?

remember when gabe was all insistent, saying that it *WOULD* most definitely be released on sept 30? he never said sept 30, 2003.... that's the only reason why i say sept 30, 2004. I would laugh my ass off if that was the case... but i pray that it isn't cuz i need something to support me through summer school :-D
June 22 - September 22

Late July (22-31) - Early August (1-9)
My sig is answering the question. They don't seem to know :)
They don't know exactly. Rick Ellis' "Summer is a Whole Year" reply was him pointing that out in a mildly facetious manner...
I wouldn't expect it out June/July at all.. if it does come out this summer it will have to be August/September.
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