summer date

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Did anyone see that walmart are selling it on pre-order for july 4th?
Retailers don't know the release date.Otherwise we would know it as well. They're just guessing.
30 sept 2005 ;) i am sure of it because i was talking with Doug yesterday while drinking a cool heineken... ;p
i think they should purposely release it on the same day as doom3...huge sales battle! it'd be fun to see which one sells more copies the first week.
summer starts at the start of june, ends at the end of august. unless you're being mister fancy pants equinox.
As stated numerous times in this thread already:

The northern hemisphere's actual, astronomical summer dates are June 21st to September 22nd [Southern hemisphere would be December 21st to...uhh March 22nd or so - but Valve isn't in the southern hemisphere, so pffft]

Although, most game companies that I've seen, when they say 'Summer Release' Generally mean anywhere in Q2 and Q3, so it's around April or May to late October.

Despite Rick Ellis' response (which in completeness is:
9. Probably unanswerable, but I'll try my luck anyway, heh: Do you guys mark summer as any basic time from May to October, or are we going with actual yearly summer from June 21st to September 22nd? (mid-summer this way would actually end up around my birthday in July, but hey, that's fine with me - that'd be an awesome present ). Maybe you could throw out a month for me (wouldn't have to be accurate, I can accept delays)?
*** We mark Summer's start and end somewhere between Jan 1st and Dec 31st...

Now you really didn't think I'd answer this one did you?
I'm pretty sure we can all tell that his actual meaning is "I can't really answer that." [Hey, I tried though :D]

Personally, I hope it goes gold tomorrow, but I suspect sometime around July 30th - August 10th would be a more probable 'mid-summer' release date.

I live in Australia and i don't know when you guy's summer is but i think September 1st will be the release date... hopefully 2004.
It came from Valve, it came from the mouth (or head) of Rick Ellis, it's on white, cloak this already :borg:
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