Supa Healthy Diet


Jul 26, 2005
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Yup, its another fitness thread.
After thanksgiving I played the annual b-ball game with my family and friends. Towards the end of the summer time I was in tip top shape. Afterwards I got my job at a callcenter and I didn't realize what a toll it's taking on my fitness. I was still able to rip the ball away from most people but holy cats, my stamina stinks. I was extremely winded after the first game and breathing was extremely painful.
Now that my schedule has changed for work, its time to get myself into shape again. I've already got a pretty good workout routine, but my diet sucks.

I've read short recoil's posts on his diet before, but much of that is unavailable to me. Walmart and a few smaller grocery stores are pretty much my options. I do have a GNC around too.

I need my stamina back. What should I start eating?
Take a lesson from whales, walk around with your mouth open, but instead of plankton collect scalar waves.
Take a lesson from whales, walk around with your mouth open, but instead of plankton collect scalar waves.


Heard yams & sweet potatoes are pretty good for yah
If you're going to be burning lots of calories, being very active it's likely you'll need to put some form of carbohydrate in your diet.

Good old oats are on of the best things for this.

Keep your protein and good fat intake up however, eat plenty of fish, nuts and healthier meats (game, deer, rabbit etc)
Eat plenty of green veg (brocolli, spinach, kale are all great)

i recomend eating carbs earlier in the day (so oats for breakfast) then tail them off as the day ends so your mid day meal might consist of a bagel with some cream cheese and vegetables but your last meal would be pure fat and protein (a tin of fish and some eggs) ...its called a carb cut off and it'll mean you'll have plenty of stammina without getting fat (which is what carbs do)
Today I had rice with a pork/carrot/tofu/zuccini mix on top and miso/soysauce/chili paste sauce. It was good

If you want a healthy dessert that will also impress any girl you bring over, try this. Slice a pear in half lengthwise and cut out the core. Chop up some almonds and toss them in a pan. sprinkle cinnamon and nutmeg over the pear halves and put them face down over the almonds. Bake for 30-40 minutes and then flip the pears over and cover them in maple syrup and bake for another 5 min. Scoop up some of the almond bits and put them on top. Take it out and put whipped cream on top. Tastes awesome.
Maple syrup and whipped cream, healthy?! I think not. Sounds delicious, though.
whipped cream isn't that bad. It's pretty light so you don't actually get as much fat as butter or something. And pears are healthy and so is maple syrup. Beats cake any day.... except for Tuesdays. Mmmm cake Tuesday.
Steroids. That about covers what you need.

I am joking.

(note if your genitals get smaller, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
I reduce my breakfasts to fruits and milk only and I try to eat a salad at lunch
Steroids. That about covers what you need.

I am joking.

(note if your genitals get smaller, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

I thought steriods shrunk your nuts, but enlarged your doodle.
Kinda like getting a bigger gun, but not enough ammo for it to be useful.