Super happy NPC spawning guide

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Luke0086 said:
To spawn a friendly turret:

(Npc_create npc_turret_floor)


This is more or less what I said a few posts back, just spelled out a bit more.. but.. can you make the turrets NOT attack each other?

(you could also probably change the "citizen" to like the turrets and they wouldn't avoid/knock them over.. but.. of course the turrets liking turrets example I explained shows that things don't always work as expected..) ;)


- Notes
xdiesp said:
how do you see them? "Skin" is there: ent_fire antlionname skin 1/2/3 makes antlions skin change

That's odd, I didnt see that one. I'll have to try it. Do you have to rename the npc first?
Madcat: yes! Note onfriendly fire: every npc can now be set friendly or not,but what about the player? Do we still have to go edit the gamerules.cpp? I guess so,but there must be a way...
yeah but i hope i made it more simple for the people who are new to spawning.

As you know, the turrets attack each other because they are connected to npc_combine_s in some way. some of the combine soldiers u fight in the game are npc_metropolice, some are npc_combine_s. u can make the turrets stop attacking each other by making them friendly to npc_combine_s. but then also the turrets wont target some of the combine soldiers u encounter.

for this very reason also u cant make the citizens be friendly to the turrets, because if they are going to attack combine soldiers who are npc_combine_s, they will also be frightened of the turrets.

i dont think there is a way to fix this. altho if ur spawning all ur npc's for a gangwar u can just spawn npc_metropolice.

By the way, can some1 explain to me how to get the Blue grav gun earlier in the game? there is an explenation earlier on in this thread but i dont get it :naughty:
there's the super gravity gun mod that let switch it at anytime. Anyway,it's not so fun... Use physcannon_maxmass 539 to lift anything but people and vehicles.
xdiesp said:
there's the super gravity gun mod that let switch it at anytime. Anyway,it's not so fun... Use physcannon_maxmass 539 to lift anything but people and vehicles.

where can i get this mod? i've worked out how to change it so the grav gun can pick up any mass but i wanna be able to throw people about and electrocute em!
Luke0086 said:
By the way, can some1 explain to me how to get the Blue grav gun earlier in the game? there is an explenation earlier on in this thread but i dont get it :naughty:

You more or less load a game with the level you have the blue gravity gun, (or go map d3_citadel_03, and wait till you get it) then go to the console and use
map d1_trainstation_02
(or whichever map you want)
and then just use impulse 101 to get all weapons, the grav gun you get will be the blue one.

I think that's right.. :-/
I tried changing skins on the citizens but it doesnt work:

ent_fire joe skin 1

(after I renamed the citizen to joe)
madcat: because for citizens group models and submodels are involved; try it for the antlion. Please,can you tell me where did you see the full ent_fire imput list?
Notes said:
You more or less load a game with the level you have the blue gravity gun, (or go map d3_citadel_03, and wait till you get it) then go to the console and use
map d1_trainstation_02
(or whichever map you want)
and then just use impulse 101 to get all weapons, the grav gun you get will be the blue one.

I think that's right.. :-/

ok i tried that but i still get the normal one :bounce:
xdiesp said:
madcat: because for citizens group models and submodels are involved; try it for the antlion. Please,can you tell me where did you see the full ent_fire imput list?

it was in the console, I cant remember how I did it. It was one of the ent_ commands
I see this under ent_info npc_citizen:
input: skin
input: SetBodyGroup
let's head this way!
would it go something like this?

Ent_rename npc_citizen joe

ent_fire joe setbodygroup <something>

what would I put after setbodygroup?
well I renamed a citizen to jim and tried ent_fire jim setbodygroup 0 and it didnt do anything :/
I haven't gone far neither...but this is the right way,we simply have to find out what we have to insert after setbodygroup. Maybe a Source coder could help! Personally to set names I use:
ent_setname joe
Is thee anyway to turn on the 'friendlyfire'...or change team like 'enemy' or sth like dat so tt we can attack friendlies? thx...:)
Is there anyway to turn on the 'friendlyfire'...or change team like 'enemy' or sth like dat so tt we can attack friendlies? thx...:)
xdiesp said:
I haven't gone far neither...but this is the right way,we simply have to find out what we have to insert after setbodygroup. Maybe a Source coder could help! Personally to set names I use:
ent_setname joe

I found this and I looked at setbodygroup and it says insert an integer after the setbodygroup command, like 0 to whatever
ch4m3l30n said:
Is there anyway to turn on the 'friendlyfire'...or change team like 'enemy' or sth like dat so tt we can attack friendlies? thx...:)
Hmm... I dont think HL2 has that kind of option. :cool:
ALL I WANNA DO IS MAKE KLEINER AND ALYX INTO RAGDOLL. they wont die tho... how do i do this, ive been searching and cant find it. getting very frustrated
madcat: me too,but that doesn't seem to work

ch4m: to enable friendly fire against allies you must edit gamesrules.cpp and them compile it
everybody listen: if you really like to spawn things and would like to show your edited games to people,my mod HL2:Substance hires both spawners and mappers. All you need to do is to pick up a single or multiplayer map and add things with a certain common sense. Contact me...

Madcat: anyway,I always edit with developer mode on,so I see a lot of strange messages. When you spawn a citizen in a place where there isn't any,or there are only "real rebels" and not "citizens",the messages say the name of the submodels and skins being loaded. They all come from Group02,and they all show the full directory+filename tree. To see this tree,the groups and the submodels,exec Model Viewer,choose "load" and explore the "humans" directory
I dont understand, what do I type in the console to change the model of a spawned citizen?
anyone know why

1. each time i make a strider it is in the ground with its head popping up, but if i spawn it in the ceiling nothing happens! (in big maps like construct ofcourse)

2. cant make gunships at all

3. is it possible to summon Synths? i know it is to make Stalkers

4. whats the command for irifle? i when I do npc_create_equipment weapon_irifle and then spawn some soldiers they have nothing!

5. is combine elite possible?
Shadow][ said:
anyone know why

1. each time i make a strider it is in the ground with its head popping up, but if i spawn it in the ceiling nothing happens! (in big maps like construct ofcourse)

2. cant make gunships at all

3. is it possible to summon Synths? i know it is to make Stalkers

4. whats the command for irifle? i when I do npc_create_equipment weapon_irifle and then spawn some soldiers they have nothing!

5. is combine elite possible?

1. use "sv_cheats 1" then "noclip" to fly upwards a bit then use "give npc_strider" instead of npc_create.

2. dont know

3. what are synths?

4. dont know

5. as far as everyone here knows, elite aint possible coz the npc name is still npc_combine_s just like a normal combine soldier.

does anyone know how to get the blue grav gun? :smoking:
map d3_citadel_04
changelevel d1_trainstation_01
sv_cheats 1
give weapon_physcannon
impulse 101
Luke0086 said:
1. use "sv_cheats 1" then "noclip" to fly upwards a bit then use "give npc_strider" instead of npc_create

3. what are synths?

ah thanks

1. the strider works but for some reason it shoots from the corner of the map

3. synths are the walking combine aliens that u see in the citadel tower (like giant headcrabs/antlions) but more bigger
I wanna know how to give gordon freeman a rifle! He should have a rifle!
Madcat: the imput command is the right one,is the objective I still don't know: a number or a full directory tree? Still experimenting...

Luke: to spawn a weapon,arm someone with it and then kill him. To have a synth there doing nothing,change its model with another object's or npc's one. To have elite combine,help us find out should we write as object x in this command: "ent_fire npc_citizen setbodygroup x". It should work the same for the npc_combine_s as well. Go ask some source pro or coder,we need your help!
I still cant figure out what to put after setbodygroup, we need some experts in here!
Luke0086 said:
ok i tried that but i still get the normal one :bounce:

Ya, what Shadow ][ said..

are you sure you're doing it -exactly- right..?

Before you change to the trainstation map, you HAVE super physcannon, right..? And you're using the "map" command ONLY to change to transtation, yes..?

Let me know if you're still stuck.. it should work..


- Notes
Anyone know how to spawn gun turrets? Not the floor ones that you can knock over, the ones that rip you to shreds :laugh:
madcat: now I *have* to sleep a bit,but when I come back I'm gonna try switching the doll and mortar synth models,to see the effects.

And,the garry's mod lets you spawn dolls. In fact,the shortest way to increase our spawning abilities would be using a modified version of the garry's mod,programmed to spawn anything at will.
you mean those turrets that are on the floor and have a blue lasers? i think they are built into the map as a solid object
Notes said:
Ya, what Shadow ][ said..

And you're using the "map" command ONLY to change to transtation, yes..?

That would, of course, be "changelevel" as Shadow ][ said.. not "map" ;)
Shadow][ said:
you mean those turrets that are on the floor and have a blue lasers? i think they are built into the map as a solid object

The ones with 3 legs
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