Super happy NPC spawning guide

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Notes said:
Ya, what Shadow ][ said..

are you sure you're doing it -exactly- right..?

Before you change to the trainstation map, you HAVE super physcannon, right..? And you're using the "map" command ONLY to change to transtation, yes..?

Let me know if you're still stuck.. it should work..


- Notes

yeah when im in the citidel i get the blue grav gun but when i use map d1 blah blah it just resets my weapons, and when i use impulse 101 i just get all the normal weapons. shadow suggested using changelevel instead of map, so i'll try that wen i get bak from work! :thumbs:
madcat75 said:
Anyone know how to spawn gun turrets? Not the floor ones that you can knock over, the ones that rip you to shreds :laugh:

i dont know about the ones with the blue lasers but to spawn one of the turrets that are in the ceiling type "npc_create npc_turret_ceiling" :eek:
Shadow][ said:
4. whats the command for irifle? i when I do npc_create_equipment weapon_irifle and then spawn some soldiers they have nothing!

If you mean the overwatch rifle it is the ar2
"npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2"
IS there any possible way to turn off the "you killed Eli\Dr. Kliener now you start over" rule? i really hate it.

The downloadable mod FRIENDLY FIRE allows you to kill your friend NPC...couple of bugs but for the most part works fine....The biggest problem is that you cant kill main character NPCs without restarting the probably isnt possible to turn this rule off but if somebody knows how to do this plz tell me.
Luke0086 said:
i dont know about the ones with the blue lasers but to spawn one of the turrets that are in the ceiling type "npc_create npc_turret_ceiling" :eek:

I mean the ones where you take down the first helicopter during the boat ride
Luke0086 said:
yeah when im in the citidel i get the blue grav gun but when i use map d1 blah blah it just resets my weapons, and when i use impulse 101 i just get all the normal weapons. shadow suggested using changelevel instead of map, so i'll try that wen i get bak from work! :thumbs:

Shadow is of course correct, sorry for the confustion.
That sucks that the combine get to use a sniper rifle, but not gordon!
There isn't even a model for a sniper rifle. The Combine Snipers just have the lazer sight coming from their feet.
madcat75 said:
That sucks that the combine get to use a sniper rifle, but not gordon!

Ya, at first I kept looking around the bodies after I fragged 'em for their guns.. :(
madcat75 said:
I mean the ones where you take down the first helicopter during the boat ride

You mean like:

That..? (though that doesn't really have 3 legs..) I think that one is just like furniture with a function attached.. cause you can't even point at it and give it a name..

Or did you mean something else..? The only ones with 3 legs I can think of is the ones that you can knock down..
does anyone know how to make friendly antlions respond not only to the bugbait primary fire,but also to the secondary?
Notes said:
You mean like:

That..? (though that doesn't really have 3 legs..) I think that one is just like furniture with a function attached.. cause you can't even point at it and give it a name..

Or did you mean something else..? The only ones with 3 legs I can think of is the ones that you can knock down..

Yeah I mean that one in the screenshot. Would be awesome to spawn anywhere in the game :p
xdiesp said:
does anyone know how to make friendly antlions respond not only to the bugbait primary fire,but also to the secondary?

How about summon an antlion and make it respond to bugbait anywhere in the game?
ríomhaire said:
I can't get the "setrelationship" to work

Does that mean you want some help with it..? What are you typing? I make my "friendly" turrets like this:
bind l "npc_create_aimed npc_turret_floor; wait; ent_setname myt"
(that way I can make it, name it, then "catch it" with "E" (use) before it falls.. for some reason, if the ones I spawn fall over, HL2 will always crash for me on this level)
ent_fire myt setrelationship "player D_LI 99"
ent_fire myt setrelationship "npc_combine_s D_HT 9"

.. and just make sure they aren't aiming at each other.. ;)
Of course this is only tested in the prison level where you get 3 turrets normally.. other places you'd probably need to set your D_HT relationship appropriately to make them hate the desired target.
And as someone somewhere pointed out, they'll still be feared and attacked by any citizens..
ktimekiller said:
thanks monkey!

EDIT: do you know how to get rid of dead bodies? besides throwing them a million miles away...

Just look at the ragdoll, or anything you want to remove, and type ent_remove. I binded to a key :P
oh yeah, how do you spawn father gregory with the "other" shotgun in his hands? The brown shotgun that he carries around in ravenholm.

Something like

npc_create_equipment weapon_something; wait; npc_create npc_monk
madcat75 said:
oh yeah, how do you spawn father gregory with the "other" shotgun in his hands? The brown shotgun that he carries around in ravenholm.

Something like

npc_create_equipment weapon_something; wait; npc_create npc_monk

I think it's "annebelle". Alyx can also use it I think
I've been playing around with this setrelationship thing, and not only can you set an entity to hate/like a whole group (ie npc_combine_s), but also specific named npc's.

So if you create 2 antlions both named 'selected', and you use

ent_fire "selected" setrelationship "selected D_HT 500"

those 2 antlions will try to kill each other but not antlions that have not been named 'selected'.

Note for antlions before the Sand Traps level, they will attack you whether or not you carry the bugbait, unless you use setrelationship to make them friendly towards you. But then, they only respond to a bugbait throw and not squeeze.

How this selective relationship setting is helpful is that say you create several npc's that are usually hostile, but make them friendly, you can make them not attack each other, but still attack hostile npc's in a single line of code. Just name all of these converted friendlies "friendly", then use the setrelationship thing to make "friendly"s friendly to "friendly"s.

ie. ent_fire "friendly" setrelationship "friendly D_LI 500"

Then, a friendly zombie won't attack a friendly antion, but will attack a hostile one, etc.

Now all you have to do is use setrelationship to make other frienly npc's, like alyx, barney and citizens (and after sandtraps, antlions also) to like whatever is named "friendly". Then, whenever you convert a baddie to a "friendly", or spawn a new "friendly", they will not attack. But keep in mind to set "friendly"s to not attack alyx and barney, etc also whenever you create them (I don't think you can make an npc group like/hate another group/individual in they console - it has to be by a named npc).

Understand? Confused? Try it out, it should make sense in due time. It works because all of the friendly npc's are named "friendly". To make sure, try doing ent_fire "friendly" ignite, all of them should ignite, not just the one you named last.

This should also work to make friendly turrets not attack friendly turrets. Just make sure the like factor for friendly turrets is a higher number than the hate factor for combine (haven't tried it yet though).

However, I'm still trying to make alyx, barney, friendly npc's or more than 4 citizens follow you. It may also be necessary to make antlions follow you, as they don't respond to the bugbait squeeze.

BTW who said the GMan can take a lot of damage? 2 shots from a turret killed him!

Also, get two antlionguards to fight, they just growl at each other and fall dead!

Warning! Headcrabs that fall off zombies are still hostile!
YangMan said:
ie. ent_fire "friendly" setrelationship "friendly D_LI 500"

Ahh.. that seems to have done it.. on a quick test, they didn't shoot at each other! Maybe that's why the friendly turrets in the game have a name.. (turret_buddy, I think..?)


Now if I could just figure out why it (almost?) always seems to crash when my spawned turrets fall over. I've been able to get it to run in debug mode by "attaching" to the running process (after compiling with debug options) but it crashes hard enough that I can't break out to debug until I kill the process, then I don't see anything useful in the debug panel.
The turrets didn't crash for me, I used the Route Canal map. Also, best to use autoexec.cfg rather than in the console (unless you're testing), as the console seems to only hold a certain amount of code in one line. Once I entered too many setrelationships in one line, and some of it was automatically cut off... the turrets attacked me and would be picked up automatically when spawned.

Now I just have to find a way to get friendly things to follow you... Any clues anyone?
Reply to an old question: To get rid of the massive ammounts of bodies from experimental aftermath I used the secondary fire from the i-rifle. Cleans up the mess real good.
Dark Quartz said:
Reply to an old question: To get rid of the massive ammounts of bodies from experimental aftermath I used the secondary fire from the i-rifle. Cleans up the mess real good.

How do you get the i-rifle?
It seems whenever I spawn for example a zombie and alyx in a big distance from each other they dont see each other and dont attack I would like the zombie and alyx to go kill each other anyone know a command?
madcat75 said:
How do you get the i-rifle?

I think that would be the pulse rifle, or ar2(?) the one that shoots the glowing balls secondary fire that dissolves corpses.
I've got a question, you know the 'background01" maps? How can you use them in the game and be able to look around and move as well?
The only thing I've been able to do was "give" new enemies from the static vantage point (on the actual menu screen) from the console.

It's great on the C17 one with the metro's patrolling everywhere and you send out a bunch of headcrabs, making the cops come and beat them down with their stun batons!! Headcrabs get pwned! :eek:

Still not able to move though. I even tried entering +moveforward or whatever the command is.
Yeah, I know. Some guy once managed to do it. You know the menu screen where people claim they see the G-man, he proved them wrong by noclipping over to him, turned out just to be a citizen.
Heh one funny thing I noticed about combine snipers is that after you kill them, they dont have a gun anywhere that has dropped. It magically dissapears.
madcat: if you set a citizen hostile,then save and reload,does he/she remain hostile with you? Seems not...
I've recently played around a bit more with the turret things. Apparently, they will still shoot you even if they 'like' you, and will not shoot any combine that you spawn even if they 'hate' them.

You have to get them to attack a combine you didn't spawn first, then any turret you spawn after that will not attack you and will attack spawned combine... Strange. Maybe if I named them turret_buddy like someone said, instead of 'friendly'?

xdiesp: If when you reload the npc's return to their normal state of liking or disliking you, then perhaps you'll need to be careful with spawning npc's that normally hate you then reloading...

Anyone know what the source engine does to change antlions to like you and respond to bugbait squeeze? It's obviously not the bugbait itself that makes them like you. And how do they toggle whether turrets like you or not, and whether npc's follow you or not? IF someone finds out how, we could try mimic it in the console. Or is that all dependant on which map you're on?
chamaleon: none,you have to call the friendly fire mod creator and ask him if he gently wants to share a collaborattion with your HL2:Substance mod - I did it and it worked!
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