
Redneck said:
Heh, good point but I don't think you can kill yourself while your omnipotent, godlike etc. I know, it's a paradox.
There is this sword that can go through anything, There is this shield that prevents anything from going through it... What happens in you whack the sword on the shield, it does what a normal sword would do to a normal shield... Do you remember warcraft, When you used the cheat with the 100% will kill and immortality, if you own attack your unit, you will see that he will die normally like a normal unit fightin another normal unit... can you think?:|
Alright smarty pants then what superpower would you want?:smoking:

BTW your argument is based on the mechanics within a game therefore it is void.
The power to make other superpowers mine! Like I would just touch them or something and I would get their powers, but not as concentrated as Rouges.
If you guys really did get your powers, I think that the your goverments and military forces would like to have a chat with you. :p
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmoveably barrier? The unmoveable barrier moves and the unstoppable force stops. Ooh, I'm so clever, me.

Ideally, I'd like the superpower to do anything I want, but I think that's going a bit far - it's just too damn good. If you were a superhero in a superhero ensemble, the scriptwriters would cut you down to size because otherwise you'd just dominate. So I'm going to work on the assumption that it has to be something quite specific and limited. In which case, invisibility, and controlling it, would be cool. I can't really think of anything else...except maybe an affinity with machines, like in that comic.

/me talks his microwave out of suicide
Probably anything with time. Like Prince of Persia stuff.

Or superintelligence.
Rizzo89 said:
Not a superpower!!!

Redneck said:
Like I said before, the ability to do anything you can think of. Come on you can't beat that, because this ability contains every other ability that has already been mentioned in this thread and much much more:cheese: .
You'd too powerful. You'd probably end up killing yourself.
The Soviet Union.

-- in soviet russia, superpower has you lol
to give my life a saving system complete with autosaves, quicksaves, quickloads, and unlimited save slots.

That way no matter how badly i fail at something, i can just keep quickloading until i suceed.
Raziaar said:
I always have the most incredible dreams where I have superpowers. The one superpower I always have, is the ability of telekinesis, able to move objects from a distance with my mind, as well as being able to use it to propel myself as if flying. My dreams are always awesome, because i'm picking up people and tossing them around, or tearing out the sides of two buildings opposite each other on the street, down onto enemies.

Some of my coolest dream 'feelings' have been in these dreams.

You might enjoy lucid dreaming then.

I've gotten to the point where I have full control in all of my dreams. At first it was really exhillerating, but now It's just getting boring. I think I will take a break from it for a few months and then try it again.
ríomhaire said:

How is Wolverine not a superpower? He has the ability to heal super fast, which allowed him to get a super-strong metal skeleton and knife-hands.

Wolverine is one of the most awesomest super heroes ever.
Erestheux said:
How is Wolverine not a superpower? He has the ability to heal super fast, which allowed him to get a super-strong metal skeleton and knife-hands.

Wolverine is one of the most awesomest super heroes ever.

Was he born with the super healing ability? Or was it given to him? if it was given to him, i'd say he is a product of technology rather than mutation superpowers.
He was born with the power to heal himself because he was a mutant.

That meant they could install the exoskeleton without it killing him.
Dr. Hartman: Mayor West, you have lymphoma.

Mayor West: Oh, my!

Dr. Hartman: Probably from rolling around in that toxic waste.

Mayor West: I see.

Dr. Hartman: What in God's name were you trying to prove?

Mayor West: I was trying to gain superpowers.

Dr. Hartman: Well, that's just silly.

Mayor West: Silly, yes. Idiotic, yes.
Ability to manipulate structure of atoms

w00t, create Uranium out of trees
theotherguy said:
You might enjoy lucid dreaming then.
Been trying Lucid Draming / Astral Projection for so long! I need so much more practice tbh.

For my superpower, I'd probably want ghosts' power, from X-Men. but when I turn into a ghost I also become invisible (granted because of the molecules moving further apart it would break up your visibility).
I have no idea what astral projection is, but lucid dreaming can definatley take some practice. I found the easiest method is not to "try" to lucid dream, but to take steps in reality that will eventually reinforce a lucid dream. Constantly telling yourslef "I must be dreaming" in reality, and then trying to disprove that, your habit will eventually carry over into dreams, and you will become lucid easily. Tring WILD or HILD at first is fruitless, and shouldn't be done until you've gained alot of experience in my opinion.
I wouldn't want a superpower. Stopping time, time travel, read minds and stuff like that would just bugger up your life. No one would like you because you would act so powerful and clever.

It would suck not being normal.
I wouldn't mind being able to fly. And i mean with huge massive white wings with soft white feathers. None of that "stick your arm up while shouting "AWAY!" nonsense. :P Chicks would dig the wings ;)
Ren.182 said:
I wouldn't mind being able to fly. And i mean with huge massive white wings with soft white feathers. None of that "stick your arm up while shouting "AWAY!" nonsense. :P Chicks would dig the wings ;)

the government would definatley not dig your wings.
I'd have the ability to minipulate matter.
I'd like the power to rejuvenate myself and others. Extend life, cure disease etc. It'd be cool to make my grandparents young again and go clubbing with em.
Warbie said:
I'd like the power to rejuvenate myself and others. Extend life, cure disease etc. It'd be cool to make my grandparents young again and go clubbing with em.

I bet your grandma would be HOT after you turned her young!

I can think of one art teacher that'd be made 18 straight away, though :)
Warbie said:

I can think of one art teacher that'd be made 18 straight away, though :)

You know you'd find your grandma HOT, admit it. Why else would you turn her young? :laugh:

Kidding... I was just trying to find some way of making fun of your desire to turn your grandparents young.
Redneck said:
Alright smarty pants then what superpower would you want?:smoking:

BTW your argument is based on the mechanics within a game therefore it is void.
I gave the sword, thats a chinese philosphy but lets syop being nerdy:)
I said i wanted the full power of the elements wich involves darkness light time energy and much more, just that theres no god mode... dam you took it:)
Last week i had one of my rare good dreams and basically i had the ability to quicksave/load... that was interesting
If I could have one superpower I'd want China
The ability to do anything.

1) Telekinesis
2) Time-stopping
3) Teleportation/the ability to teleport any object
4) Fly
5) Heal
6) Fireball
7) Bone Spirit
8) Revive the dead to do my bidding
The ability to perform Alchemy without the need for a transmutation circle.
The ultimate super-power is Absolute Telekinesis.

The ability to manipulate matter and space-time on any number of scales in any number of ways at any point in time. Want to go back in time? Just make everything except YOU go backwards. Want to fly? Move the universe around you. Want to become invisible? Let lightwaves pass through your body. Oprah came on, and you're just too damn lazy to sit up and grab the remote? Make a new one out of thin air.

Plus, I can give myself laser-eyes, and zap the shit out of the sun.
the ability to manipulate the laws of termodinamycs and all that shit to alter the atoms of the world

I will ruel!
Darksabre said:
The ability to create more superpowers, or to wish for more superpowers...either one.

Lol, we can all wish for super powers Darksabre...

I would want all of Remy LeBeau's powers!!!!!
