Superstring Theory in Half-life 2 *Possible spoiler*


Jul 7, 2003
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I was watching the kliner video and noticed what Dr.Kliner was saying. He mentions the LG Orbifolds which stands for Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds. This is a system of supersymmetry in a cone-like shape. This, in turn, corrisponds almost directly to the Superstring theory, which is the leading theory in theoretical physics. I won't get into details on the Superstring theory, it would take a while to explain (suggesated reading "A Brief History of Time" or "Hyperspace") but what this means is Dr.Kliner is getting ready to bend/distort space-time. Gordon with be teleporting through a wormhole, going to a parallel universe, and/or time traveling. Most likely, thats what the equations in the E3 video have to do with, they were pretty blurry so I couldnt get a good look at em.
Its a theory at least. I'm not up to snuff enough on my theoretical physics to say anything about it, but it seems as good as any.
It's possible. I haven't heard of that LG Orbifold things, but I've heard of some wormhole theories. Interesting theory...
Are those books you mention fiction or non-fiction titles? Is it theoretically possible to bend time-space (in reality)?
I don't believe in Superstring Theory, I think its a bunch of rubish. And yes I read the books by Micho Kaku. They talk about the universe being made up of 10 dimensions and stuff... Hah! Give me a break... The equations for their theory has so many holes, that whenever they find another one, they create a whole dimension to compensate! Talk about gimmicks... Heh, and they still believe the Einstien-rosen bridge leads to other dimensions or places in the universe like a wormhole. Its just a area of space with intense gravity! Just because it can bend light, doesnt mean it can bend space itself, especialy when space itself does not exist as a fabrication of physical content whatsoever.
Can someone give a link about these things please?
You don't need a physics degree to understand simple concepts.
I know alot about physics, and it doesn't take a genuis to understand how absurd some of these theorys are. But thanks for trying to put me in my place for no apparent reason. I love it when people create a post just to discourage someone from posting their opinions. Especialy when they believe you need a degree for your opinions to be worth listening too. :\
I have mentioned Superstring Theory here at least 10 times, most recently yesterday, but nobody seemed to listed, probably because they have no idea what it is. The functions in the e3 vid do describe something 10-dimensional, which is just more proof.
Originally posted by Adam
You don't need a physics degree to understand simple concepts.
I know alot about physics, and it doesn't take a genuis to understand how absurd some of these theorys are. But thanks for trying to put me in my place for no apparent reason. I love it when people create a post just to discourage someone from posting their opinions. Especialy when they believe you need a degree for your opinions to be worth listening too. :\

I personally think you're full of it bud. I have a math degree and I looked at some articles about orbifolds and string theory and they are quite involved and make little sense to me.
end of hl2 = gordon is sent back in time to black mesa in order to stop combine and the accident!!

in hl3 you gotta assasinate yourself! NOOOOOOOO!
how in depth is your knowledge? im just testing because many people like to add uninformed opinions to forums just to sound important. Its not possibe to have an "opinion" about physics, you have to collate facts and come to a decision.
You say u have in-depth knowledge, so thats ok, but it has to be tested by someone so that the forums dont just become a playground for boasts and uninformed rubbishing of the great minds of physics.
i for one am certainly not gonna pit my wits against stephen hawking on the subject, cos hes certainly more expert than i am, and he knows more of the facts.
I will admit, I don't know much in the area of mathematics, but Einstein himself failed his math classes. He's genuis was in his ability to think in physical pictures. Einstein always began with the simplest possible idea's and then, by describing how he saw the problem, he put it in the appropriate context.

No matter how abstract or complex the mathematics are, the general theory expressed as a simple unified picture describing it's properties, methods, and interactions allows even the simple minded to understand the theory, and be able to notice mistakes that would otherwise be hidden in a mass of twisted cryptic mathimatical expressions. If you read 'Beyond Einstein' by Micho Kaku, (Pioneer of Superstring Thoery) Mr. Kaku even admits to many scientists using gimmicks to fill in holes in their theorys that would have otherwise destroyed the entire foundation of their work.

Now please stop bothering people with opinions about everyone. If you have something to say, let it be about this topic at hand. Stop posting about others selfworth. It's annoying, and overall immature. I'm not trying to attack you, so why attack me?
not trying to attack me?
i did say its ok because you have more in-depth knowledge, its just that ive bin annoyed by uninformed people in the past, so i was just checking ok?
I second that however, "especialy when space itself does not exist as a fabrication of physical content whatsoever." err, Umm from what I've thought personally, aside from the fact that empty space is not in fact empty as in quantum foam (i know old stuf, shoot me) is that everything is designated, i mean perhaps its just the fact that I look at the world from a computer standpoint, but the same as speed and temperature of particular place in space-time would have to be designated would not also empty space also have a physical manifestation, I dont know if its in the same sense or perhaps just a fault in my human reasoning sort of how we regard black as a color even though its an abscence of all color, i mean its still their and can be seen and observed even if its only in regard to something else can't it?
Sorry Goddamn Freeman, that was aimed at anyone who would do that in general, not meant to be directly related to you. Anyways I can't perticipate in this thread anymore, for a reason which I can't explain right now, except that it has to do with my own work. See you all in the other threads.
Originally posted by Adam
Sorry Goddamn Freeman, that was aimed at anyone who would do that in general, not meant to be directly related to you. Anyways I can't perticipate in this thread anymore, for a reason which I can't explain right now, except that it has to do with my own work. See you all in the other threads.
roflmgdfao, i'll guess he was caught participating in forum chat on the job and was yelled at and put it in that manner to make it sound like his work was related to the topic?
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
we regard black as a color even though its an abscence of all color
Based off of that why in the name of all hell do we regard african's as colored? They are uncolored! I am colored white boy, and like i'm pale and I went to the beach and got a slight tan and my mom is like oh you got some color, its like No! I lost some color of the opposite spectrum of what's visible!
LoneDeranger: good catch on the E3 vid, I'll see if I can find some of your posts about it.

Adam: This thread is about what Half-life 2 is using as reality, not actual reality. And the Suerstring theors IS the leading theory in the physics field meaning several thousand physicists that have dedicated years of study and research to it think it's correct whereas you, with little to no understanding of higher math and physics, say it's false. The same sort of people told Galileo that the world was flat and that the sun and planets orbited the earth. And as for space-time warping with intense gravity, you don't have to believe in the superstring theory for that, Einstin is the one that came up with that (not superstring, the warping of space-time from gravity)! Ok, Im going to stop, cuz I want to stay on topic.

Dile: do a seach on the web for "Superstring Theory" you can prolly read up on the idea.
Warping space and time.....? Cool! :D This has to be the most logical theory, think about it.

Valve have said that "the enire game is set on earth" which means that there will be no Xen (yay!) However, the concept art with 'teleport' labeled on it hasn't been designed for nothing.

Valve also said that they plan to mix alien landscape with earths (to replace Xen.) Ths could be because:

a) Kliener's experiment goes wrong, causing the Xen and Human universes to merge

b) You are teleported to an alternate reality where Xen is merged with earth

c) You teleport into the future to find it taken over by the combine

Well, thats the end of my theories, anyone else got any ideas...?
now I'm positive that they use the Superstring theory, I just re-watched the video and Dr.Kliner mentions the CY Manifold which is the 6 other dimentions (out of 10. We live in the first 4 dimentions) compacted down and "curled up" to the size of about 1000 billion billion times smaller then an atom. This is gonna be a bad ass game. Those valve guys really did their homework...or have some interest in theoretical physics.
I like the idea of a bit of convincing time travel physics, but in relation to self assaination, surely that creates a paradox that destroys the whole universe and makes a new blank world with pink pixies that resemble doc from back to the future.
Originally posted by Lobster
I like the idea of a bit of convincing time travel physics, but in relation to self assaination, surely that creates a paradox that destroys the whole universe and makes a new blank world with pink pixies that resemble doc from back to the future.

My god, we have a good plot for HL3 and HL4! Someone e-mail Gabe!

lol subs and lobster :0)

Whilst I'm no Physics expert (my knowledge extends to just beyond the basics) PrimalGod has a very interesting theory here, and although it might not have a lot of solid proof behind it, the concept itself makes for a good game. After all, the first game was based on Xen being a border world or dimension and teleportations, which I assume even leading physicists still have only a rudimentary understanding of how to apply practically (I've read of them being able to teleport a beam of light across a room - correct me if I'm wrong). So for Half Life 2 to evolve to include the space-time concept would be a great step forwards for the story, and very interesting to play - even if it does entail creating a temporal paradox that destroys the entire universe :0)
About time travel in HL2, in the HomeLAN interview with Gabe Newell, when asked about City 17's design, he replies that not only was it influenced by Valve artist Viktor Antonov (who is from Romania), but also that it "resonates what we're doing in Half-Life 2 with the past and the future."
I think Kliener may have been trying to make some sort of device you could use as a weapon. Im thinking something that would let them warp you to anywhere you wanted, maybe something like the translocater in UT. Alyx says that its the first time they have had any hope in fighting the combine, so its definatly going to be used as some sort of weapon. Maybe its to go back in time, but I have my doubts about that. Could be used to get into some important Combine strongholds or something perhaps. Of course its all just theories at the moment.

Its also not surprising that they are trying to open a rift in space time, that was pretty much dr.Klieners job at Black Messa.
Possibly they are trying to re-create the weird space-deforming weapon that the strider uses (as seen in my avatar). Not only would it be powerful as hell, but you would get that cool light bending effect while it powers up.
wow a suicide ending would be a 1st in pc gaming i think.
but imagine the press
"Valve forces 3 teenagers to suicide in final trilogy game half-life "
I really think that this may be the first real time we've hit upon something. My own logic leads me to believe that this is indeed a teleporter of some type, either through space or through both space and time. This seems to be supported by the teleporter art and the mention of "familiar" areas. I'm proposing that the player might end up back at Black Mesa because it's either the center of the alien infestation because it was where the doorway opened, or the player must stop the event from occurring. Stuff may get really freaking interestin in this game. :)
As a side note, my frame of mind for physics is such: We all laugh now about how they believed the universe worked 200 or even less than 100 years ago. I think in a century or so we'll all be laughing again.
Yeah, the experiments in HL1 was about teleporters, so it's likely it will contineu like that, hehe
Originally posted by Direwolf
I think in a century or so we'll all be laughing again.
we wont but someone will...;(

But in the interviews Gabe said that it will all be in city 17 (city +boat+familiar setting) no xen no labs.
So if there is time travel it might be in the city itsealf?
We don't really know all that much about City 17 though. Who knows what could be "inside" it? *Lifts eyebrow*
Originally posted by Tropico
wow a suicide ending would be a 1st in pc gaming i think.
but imagine the press
"Valve forces 3 teenagers to suicide in final trilogy game half-life "

Shall we have a poll to see how many of them will be from this forum?
Originally posted by Tropico
we wont but someone will...;(

But in the interviews Gabe said that it will all be in city 17 (city +boat+familiar setting) no xen no labs.
So if there is time travel it might be in the city itsealf?

He said its MOSTLY City 17, but not all. I asked him about Black Mesa, but he never responded.
you will go back to familour places he said. so who knows.. we will get to see black mesa again! i can hardly wait