Superstring Theory in Half-life 2 *Possible spoiler*

Well if you are going back to Black Messa then I bet that your goal has something to do with the test chamber. The incident was caused there and that was what allowed so many Xen aliens to arrive on earth in a very uncontrolled way. Perhaps the test chamber still remains and is still acting as some sort of anchor for Xen aliens to keep on arriving on earth. So maybe Gordan will have to go back to Black Messa and do something to the test chamber to put a stop to the portals that may still be opening.
that would be some sick game play fighting your way through zen infested black mesa complex.... those would fun times. hope they put that in
Maybe they're trying to figure out the Strider. In the end of the 600meg vid, he bends reality twice (the first time to destroy a building and the second to kill Gordon) or has somebody already said this?
correct me if i'm wrong, but what if the strider wasn't bending space time. You know how when u see something extremely hot the edges around the object look destrorted, what if his gun began to burn with such intensity that everything around it looked destorted? I might be totally way off here...

lemmy go see the video again
i dunno its very good idea unthought of but think about it for a sec its a game i dont think theyd go that far with it.
The only thing you can tell it's bending is light. If it were bending space-time it would "suck in" what was right in front of it, instead of affecting how it appears.
Why not? HL1 had a ton of teleporting, I think the idea is completely valid. And I wouldn't try and underestimate what Valve could put into this game.
Maybe your correct.
but the players need somthing have not been seen yet.
I'm pretty positive it is official that you go back to black mesa. I think it was mentioned in the e3 demo..oorr I read it somewhere.(planet half-life mabe) I dont quite remember right now.

I think in the story the whole world is infested now and freeman ends up going back to black mesa to get to the root of the problem. I thought freeman was supposed to be working for G-man who was working for the U.S. government or something like that.

Originally posted by uberneko
Maybe they're trying to figure out the Strider. In the end of the 600meg vid, he bends reality twice (the first time to destroy a building and the second to kill Gordon) or has somebody already said this?

I wouldnt rule out that insted of 'bending reality' it's just shooting a large blast of some kind. :x oh well it doesnt look so tough.
Long time lurker, first time poster...

Well Valve have stated on many occasions that we will visit familiar locations.

HL was exclusively set INSIDE Black Mesa (well, appart from Xen). Therefore the conclusion can be reached that we WILL go back to Black Mesa as its the ONLY FAMILIAR PLACE!!! :)
well ok new idea how will we be getting there? someone said no portals is this true
Originally posted by SFA
Long time lurker, first time poster...

Well Valve have stated on many occasions that we will visit familiar locations.

HL was exclusively set INSIDE Black Mesa (well, appart from Xen). Therefore the conclusion can be reached that we WILL go back to Black Mesa as its the ONLY FAMILIAR PLACE!!! :)

Wasn't Black Mesa nuked in Opposing Force? Or atleast blown up.
yes it was but there was parts of it under ground like huge bunkers there can be alot left.
Originally posted by PrimalGod
I was watching the kliner video and noticed what Dr.Kliner was saying. He mentions the LG Orbifolds which stands for Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds. This is a system of supersymmetry in a cone-like shape. This, in turn, corrisponds almost directly to the Superstring theory, which is the leading theory in theoretical physics. I won't get into details on the Superstring theory, it would take a while to explain (suggesated reading "A Brief History of Time" or "Hyperspace") but what this means is Dr.Kliner is getting ready to bend/distort space-time. Gordon with be teleporting through a wormhole, going to a parallel universe, and/or time traveling. Most likely, thats what the equations in the E3 video have to do with, they were pretty blurry so I couldnt get a good look at em.
Michio Kaku = God, or at least a Demigod, but he's God in my book
This could also have to do with the Combine, if you factor in what Alyx sai about striking back. My theory, Kleiner is working on something that will close the "wormhole" between Xen and Earth, thus cutting off the Combine from it's Xenitian counterparts(I do beleive some Xen ally themselves with the Combine, while less intelligent ones don't)

You've got to remember, they wern't looking for a way to stop the Combine altogether, but rather a weapon to deal a blow to them. If it was a portal, who would go? Gordon's just an officer in the Resistance, he's sure as hell not invincible.
Re: Re: Superstring Theory in Half-life 2 *Possible spoiler*

Originally posted by 2ltben
Gordon's just an officer in the Resistance, he's sure as hell not invincible.

Thats determined by who is playing as him. Some people are more skilled then others.
ok so what got like 4 really good ideas in this tread. whats the best one so far?
I really really really need to make a reply here, although I usually tend to just read what others are saying.

Many people here say the Striders gun bends time/space.
Did you ever consider the fact that it could just be bending light?
That would result in the effect visible in the vids. Bending time/space would actually deform matter (which is less likely then bending light, as the matter would also have to be shaped back to its original position) Also, as far as I know, bending light is theoretically more plausible because we have not discovered any instance of such time/space bending anomaly. And I'm pretty sure Valve will try to be as true as possible to known physics. Bending light can be the result of (again - afaik) at least high gravitational force. (Large masses seem to bend light that passes by, stars etc).

Also many people are bringing up theories about time travel. But I don't think there has been any time travel in the original halflife and time travel will only ruin any logical storyline, as it A) can't happen as time does not really exist and cannot be influenced therefor - debate me on this one) and B) It would cause for plot holes all around because once you go back in time the future has already changed significantly and this would result in the future not being the original future, thus creating a paradox. (not too sure if you follow me)

I like the whole dimension thing but I doubt it's limited to the 10 dimensions in that Superstring theory. Now flame me.
i started reading about the superstring theory a while ago..... I got very bored
bige: i see where your going with that but shhh... your crush my hopes of getting back to black mesa :D
Half-Life 1 story was written by award-winning horror novelist Marc Laidlaw. I am sure he will not dissapoint us with HL2 because he is writing the story again. I do not belive that he would include such a thing as time travel. With the way that half-life 1 was presented it would seem that Marc had written a script and valve latter made half-life 1 following the script in great detail.

With that said i do not belive valve or for that matter Marc would add something a *cliche* as time travel. But since it was stated that we will be seeing famillier places and in half-life 1 we were for the most part in black mesa, i am 100% confident that we will be returning there. But as i said before it will probably be to the demolished and nuked black mesa.

but no matter what happens u can be assured that Because an award-winning horror novelist is writing the script for HL2 it will be a very good story.
you can't rule out time travel completely. If valve goes with the idea that time isn't a stright line, but has different "off-shoots" for different possibilities, it could work, but I think that is more complex of a story then it would need to be.

As for the striders, the gun is bending light, so it's probubly some sort of gravity cannon (as intese gravity bends the path of light)

resonance cascade - well, a resonance is like an echo or vibration. A cascade is a exponental energy output. So logically this means something along the lines of a echo or vibration that get exponentially more intense.
There's no way we can really understand what a resonance cascade is, I haven't opened up any wormholes to other planets so far, what about you?

Also, time is not real, it is only a unit of measurement, so timetravel is impossible. However, faster than light travel is also impossible because the matter would be deformed when decreasing from faster than light or light speed. However, I beleive wormholes are "tunnels" that create a wrinkle in matter for a shortcut between to destinations.
well ben, if you believe in wormholes, you have to believe in time travel, its a simple consequence of a wormholes existance. Of course there's 2 problems with going through a wormhole. One, as you approch the center of the wormhole, time slows down because of the intense gravity as light is being slowed down and bent into a circle (you would actually see mirror images of yourself as the light is creating illusions of you like a hall of mirrors. Then there's the problem of the amount of energy needed to create a wormhole is in the area of the Planck Energy (10 ^19 billion electron volts)
But this is all theory, until we fully understand the space-time continuum(odd spelling isn't it?) there's no real way to prove this. Take Star Wars for example, physically, lightspeed is impossible. As Michio Kaku stated, the hyperdrive probably shrinks space so there's a short travel, near, but not over, the speed or light. Either that or starships offer some sort of protection from being distorted beyond imagination, or becoming a pile of jelly, when exiting hyperspace. I think the Resonance Cascade opened up a wormhole, however, because it seemed that was a pretty powerful laser, and the sample was an alien power source that charged it even more, so that amount of voltage probably opened up a wormhole or caused some other distortion to the space-time contiunuum, and the thing Dr. Kleiner and the scientists are working on is something to close that wormhole, and they fight to prevent the Combine from stopping them. All in all, it probably has something to do with the Citadel, that I do know. Personally, I want to be surprised.
Doesn't Gordon Freeman have a degreen in Theoretical Physics? :)
i think the the answer to space and time will come from the quantum realm of physics since objects of the quantum realm seem to travel instantly from a to b.
Originally posted by 2ltben
There's no way we can really understand what a resonance cascade is, I haven't opened up any wormholes to other planets so far, what about you?

Also, time is not real, it is only a unit of measurement, so timetravel is impossible. However, faster than light travel is also impossible because the matter would be deformed when decreasing from faster than light or light speed. However, I beleive wormholes are "tunnels" that create a wrinkle in matter for a shortcut between to destinations.

i agree with you on the impossibilty of time travel, but i beg to differ on light speed travel. with all due respect for einstein, its never been done before, so its impossible to predict what will happen

that is, of course, unless someone can provide me a formal step by step proof on how exactly over-light-speed travel will have those exact effects on the body.

also, somebody provided an excellent link to an article on the resonance cascade. im pretty sure its one of the first posts in this thread. it gives an excellent description of it, but frankly i dont know how that ties into the actual opening of wormholes and teleporting (<-- which is also impossible due to one of the laws of thermodynamics [the first or the second one, i cant remember exactly]). but then again thats the whole point of HL, so im not gonna be all like "oh thats so imposible, this game is so unrealistic" because that is the whole point of it, to expand the current knowledge of science and making a *really* good game out of it. its so immersive because theres always the doubt in the back of your head that says that theres always a possibility of it happening, who knows? we all knew the earth was flat 600 years ago.

comments, rebuttals?


EDIT: heres the link i meantioned, brought to us by nothingman: Resonance Cascade {By Covax}
I'll refute in a little while, I have 4 more programs to write in java for my CS class. They are due tomarrow for my midterm! heh
Time travel IS possible
Time maybe only a caculation, but its a caculation that depicts the change of day to night, and young to old. Einstein even said that if Humans could create a ship that could reach the speed of light, then all we would have to do, is circle the Earth at the speed of light, that it would work. I agree that travelling into the past is impossible, however, it has been proven (Even with todays technology) that time speeds up the faster a object moves in relation to the objects around it. I can't get into detail about this cause I forgot where I read this at, but it was very interesting.
Also- About the superstring theory, it sounds actually like a pretty good theory. I have my own theory to what happened/happens in HL1 & 2 but I'm going to wait to beat the game to see if I'm right :)
<Raises hand> Has anyone actually mentioned the fact that whether time-travel is or is not possible is irrelevant?
It's fiction remember...

Sorry if someone mentioned that already but I couldn't be bothered to trawl all the 8 pages of debate.

(PS: I've ALWAYS said they were trying to get some kind of teleportation device up and running. But no-one would listen. Without wanting to sound conceited: Go me ;))
Originally posted by 2ltben
Also, time is not real, it is only a unit of measurement, so timetravel is impossible.

Since I was born I have travelled forward in time roughly 24 years. And I would suggest I am getting rather good at it because I appear to be getting faster!

As I understand it (which is perhaps not very well) our nearest star is 4.3 light years away. That means it would take you 4.3 years to get there if you travelled at the speed of light.

The rather odd thing about it all is that you would also get there instantaneously. The traveller experiences no passing of time.

Time is a very strange thing indeed.