Support my team, wear my paint.


The trailers for 300fps at are ace. I'm dying to see that DVD

"Support my team, wear my paint." <- I've wanted that t-shirt for ages :E
No, no, thbe best paintball t-shirt is the one from evil that says "Are those my balls on your face?"

BTW, rat guns are crazy, so are nasty and strange impys.

I just ordered my 2k3 outkast, 68/45 crossfire and a red halo B. In feb. for my b-day Im going to get a red annoed E-blade and a red and black freak kit, new pneumatics, sidewinder regulator, orracle bolt, red cocking rod, and some other stuff if I can afford it.

Yeah, the viking set-up was a bit too much so I had to settle for this.
Sgt.Igneri said:
No, no, thbe best paintball t-shirt is the one from evil that says "Are those my balls on your face?"

Yeah, my mate's got one of those. It would look a bit odd on me though, considering that I'm a girl. :P

Ah you lucky thing Igneri, I was only just able to afford my stock Impy. Oh well, the paintballs break the same..
speakin of paintball, have u seen that m4 replica of a paintball gun? Its pretty sweet. I like paintball but i think the guns look ridiculous with the big hoppers on top. Another thing, i dont think some of the "top" players are really any good considering they use several hundred rounds a match. If u were in a real fight u would have to reload and couldn't just shoot off round after round like that (unless u had m249). So it kinda bothers me how they dont really use accuracy, just spam paintballs.
It's all about t-t-t-t-t-t-tactics

And u still have to reload, a hopper only holds around 200 balls.

(btw those videos sucked.... who wants to fight around big inflatables when lying in the mud and hiding behind trees is so much more fun)
pHATE1982 said:
It's all about t-t-t-t-t-t-tactics

And u still have to reload, a hopper only holds around 200 balls.

(btw those videos sucked.... who wants to fight around big inflatables when lying in the mud and hiding behind trees is so much more fun)

K im assuming you dont know much about paintball then, since they were playing speedball, which usually is a field with "big inflatables"...very very fun too.


Shippi, i just bought an impulse too. Its stock, no vision but its still gold :)

I have a halo B, and in about 4-5 months my gun will pretty much be as good as the rat ones. (Except for the look of course, im keeping the standard look.) I cant wait till the equalizer board comes out for the impulse, the guys in the video were using a prototype EQ board, they will be available soon though. Its $150 for the equalizer board, which of course has the new vision eye too.
JonTheCanuck said:
speakin of paintball, have u seen that m4 replica of a paintball gun? Its pretty sweet. I like paintball but i think the guns look ridiculous with the big hoppers on top. Another thing, i dont think some of the "top" players are really any good considering they use several hundred rounds a match. If u were in a real fight u would have to reload and couldn't just shoot off round after round like that (unless u had m249). So it kinda bothers me how they dont really use accuracy, just spam paintballs.

If you want realism, play Airsoft. The only way you're gonna get rid of the hopper on top is to either a) feed them by hand... or b) Get a warp feed.

Paintball is never going to be realistic, because of the nature of the paint. They're quite large (and delicate) so you can't go firing them at over 300fps, they're not perfectly round, so they won't fly straight, they're not heavy, so wind effects the flight... like I said, if you want realism, play Airsoft. It's cheaper too.

And just because the top players use hundreds (thousends in some cases...) of paintballs doesn't mean they're not good. There's a lot of skill involved, it's not spray-and-pray.

But everyone has differnet opinions. Personally, I can't stand woods-ball. It's too slow. If I don't see anyone after 5 minutes I just want to stand in the open and yell "Shoot me!" But I have some friends who love the stealth and open areas. Whatever floats your boat, I guess

Ridic - Yeah, I'm gonna start upgrading mine next year. I've getting a blade trigger for it for Christmas, and I'm gonna replace the internals, get Vision, and get a freak set.
SHIPPI said:
If you want realism, play Airsoft. The only way you're gonna get rid of the hopper on top is to either a) feed them by hand... or b) Get a warp feed.

Paintball is never going to be realistic, because of the nature of the paint. They're quite large (and delicate) so you can't go firing them at over 300fps, they're not perfectly round, so they won't fly straight, they're not heavy, so wind effects the flight... like I said, if you want realism, play Airsoft. It's cheaper too.

And just because the top players use hundreds (thousends in some cases...) of paintballs doesn't mean they're not good. There's a lot of skill involved, it's not spray-and-pray.

But everyone has differnet opinions. Personally, I can't stand woods-ball. It's too slow. If I don't see anyone after 5 minutes I just want to stand in the open and yell "Shoot me!" But I have some friends who love the stealth and open areas. Whatever floats your boat, I guess

Ridic - Yeah, I'm gonna start upgrading mine next year. I've getting a blade trigger for it for Christmas, and I'm gonna replace the internals, get Vision, and get a freak set.

im getting a dye ultralite myself....or a boomstick i dont know.
well if it requires thousands of paintballs in some rounds, then obviously theres a little spray and pray. If u need that many shots to hit someone, then yur accuracy kinda blows. But i will admit that tactics would play a large part and its not just all in the shooting.
JonTheCanuck said:
well if it requires thousands of paintballs in some rounds, then obviously theres a little spray and pray. If u need that many shots to hit someone, then yur accuracy kinda blows. But i will admit that tactics would play a large part and its not just all in the shooting.

again, you actually need to play first before saying things like that. When you shoot 100's to 1000's of rounds each game 50% of them are just covering fire. Ya know, if you see an enemy run behind cover but cant hit him, you pound the area with a lot of rounds so he stays there and dosnt move at that time.
i have played paintball, i play it all the time. I dont have enough money to shoot off rounds at trees. Each one of those bad boys costs 10 cents :o But in real life a soldier on a battle field actually only has about 300 rounds that he can carry at a time. So they dont quite spray like that. I dunno, i just prefer realism, and i know paintball isn't meant to be, but thats just my opinion.
well, like we said, its usually big time tourny guys that use tons of rounds each game. THey could care less about how much paint they use, since they win money all the time. I dont feel like doing the math for 10 cents for each paintball, but you can get 2000 TOP of the line paintballs for $50, and probably 2000 medium quality ones for 30-40 $$.

edit..btw, wut kind of marker do you play with? IS it owned or do you rent? I ask this cause its so easy to shoot tons of paint with these super fast guns...15balls per second - 30+ bps. Though that may seem like a lot with say a 98 custom, or one of the more common, slower guns. (Not that the 98custom is always slow, i saw a 98custom with $600-$700 worth of upgrades that was shootign 22bps.
i usually just rent when i go. Can't afford all the equipment. Plus i'm cheap so i stick with the low end rentals hehe even tho the guns suck ass and can't shoot straight. They curve off and jam and i often find myself shooting air at the baddies.
Woodsball and speedball are totally different games really. In woodsball there is no point in blasting trees, you can just send someone around them while you keep their heads down with a few shots. In speedball the fields are so small it's pretty difficult to do that, so you have to use loads of paint for the same effect.

Jon, I think you'd enjoy airsofting more than paintball. It's a lot more realistic, and it's a helluva lot cheaper. One of the sites I go to is a paintball/airsoft site, and it's quite creepy watching a group of masked soldiers carrying 'machine guns' amble past. I'm not really into 'playing soldiers', but I must admit it looks pretty fun.
i probably would enjoy it alot more, but there aren't any airsoft places around where i live :( not to mention guns cost like $300. I watched a few videos on it and looks like a blast.
That sucks :( Are the paintball sites near you pretty big? If so, maybe you can suggest to them that they should run Airsoft too... just an idea. :)
SHIPPI said:
That sucks :( Are the paintball sites near you pretty big? If so, maybe you can suggest to them that they should run Airsoft too... just an idea. :)

nah, we only got the one paintball place here, and its small as hell. It's not very good either. They load the place up with chicken wire so u hafta be like 5 feet away from someone to shoot them or yur paintball will hit the wire and just spray.
Downside with airsoft is that you waste more ammo than paintball, and the biggest problem is that you cant feel it most of the time.

I like airsoft, for looks...not play. I was playing with 2 top of the line pistols in my basment with my cousin and if the pellets hit your clothes you cant feel them. Even if you have regular clothes on, like a t-shirt and shorts. 90% of the time it hits you in the clothes you cant feel it. Though it really stings when it hits you in the skin.

Oh yeah, airsoft pellets curve a lot more. You may get 15-30 feet before the pellet goes completly off target. (15ft being outside, 30 inside)
Ridic said:
Downside with airsoft is that you waste more ammo than paintball, and the biggest problem is that you cant feel it most of the time.

I like airsoft, for looks...not play. I was playing with 2 top of the line pistols in my basment with my cousin and if the pellets hit your clothes you cant feel them. Even if you have regular clothes on, like a t-shirt and shorts. 90% of the time it hits you in the clothes you cant feel it. Though it really stings when it hits you in the skin.

Oh yeah, airsoft pellets curve a lot more. You may get 15-30 feet before the pellet goes completly off target. (15ft being outside, 30 inside)

I'm a very serious Airsofter and I have a few points/questions about your post.

1.You can't feel it most of the time? I play with 500~FPS guns. That's enough to give you stitches at 15 feet. (Yes, I'm serious)

2. I'd LOVE for you to show me these two "Top of the line pistols". Their probably 100~ dollar gas blow backs that shoot 250 FPS.

3. Yes, airsoft pellets curve if you buy the wrong weight BB's. My 450 FPS SR-16 can nail a coke can consistantly at 45 feet outside. I'm willing to be a fair deal your using .12's or even .2's. Gas pistols should use .2's minimum. I prefer the new .23 for gas pistols. .25+ for upgraded AEG's.

My friend shot me in the stomach with his MK1 (About 400 FPS) from a couple of feet away and I beat his ass after I pulled the BB out of my skin. It was later I noticed there was a hole in my shirt. Can't feel it through your T-shirts? Try playing with real airsoft guns...
actually there are only few guns that can shoot at 500fps. So you dont play with them too often. And if someone cant feel a .2 pellet from a 250fps gun when it hits their cloths, there not gonna feel a 500fps pellet when it hits your 2 layer + clothing, maybe a shirt, maybe a sweathshirt, plus camo etc. You certaintly dont feel it when it hits your gear either, unless it hits something hard and makes a noise. Iv played airsoft plenty of times man, its not as effective in game. Quite annoying too when you hit someone and they dont feel it.
Ridic said:
actually there are only few guns that can shoot at 500fps. So you dont play with them too often. And if someone cant feel a .2 pellet from a 250fps gun when it hits their cloths, there not gonna feel a 500fps pellet when it hits your 2 layer + clothing, maybe a shirt, maybe a sweathshirt, plus camo etc. You certaintly dont feel it when it hits your gear either, unless it hits something hard and makes a noise. Iv played airsoft plenty of times man, its not as effective in game. Quite annoying too when you hit someone and they dont feel it.

I'm really starting to doubt your word.

1. Any AEG that's not an SMG can be upgraded to 500FPS.

2. I play with them every weekend.

3.You OBVIOUSLY have NEVER been shot by a 500 FPS gun.

4.No, you don't feel it when it hits your gear. But it is usually pretty loud yes.

5. I'll tell you now 4 layers of clothing is still going to sting with 500 FPS.

6.The reason we play at 500 FPS is so people don't cheat. Scenerio:

"You didn't hit me"

"Yes I did, pull up your sleeve"

*Pulls up sleeve to reveal huge welt*

There's your "Paint" right there to all you paintballers. :)

And you still haven't shown me these "Top of the line pistols"