Suppose your desktop looks like this

The Brick

Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score

what do you do?
You get a new video card, because that one is broken.
HDD is probably bugged, doesn't take alot of GPU power to opererate XP :p
It's the video card ninnies. Bad driver, hardware, or overheat. Mmm artefacts.
Yup, i would tend to agree. have had a similar thing myself when a GPU began to die.
What card do you have?

A cheaper alternative would (could) be to buy a new fan/heatsink.
Nah, a new fan cant heal a broken card. That shit is dead.
Oh. It just looked like artifacting to me, not a permanent broken card.
Oh. It just looked like artifacting to me, not a permanent broken card.

I tried fixing two of my 9800 pro's with new fan/heatsink and it didn't make the problem go away :(
Well on my first one, it did for me too. But the other ones were toast.
Toast doesn't make for a very good video card. Was it buttered?
Yeah it's toast, and it sucks at that.

It's a Sparkle 8800gtx. Cost me 499eur 18 months ago. Cooling isn't the problem, drivers neither and underclocking didn't work. It doesn't even manage to boot into windows anymore. All I get now is sparkles, pretty much. I tested my pc with a 7800gt and it worked fine. Anyway, I'll be trying to get a replacement under warranty (if it's still valid :x). In the meantime, I'll be buying a 7950 GT for 40eur from a friend probably. It doesn't even perform half as well, but it's the cheapest option for a proper card, I think. But I haven't really looked yet.

weee pro css on a laptop :D
Yeah it's toast, and it sucks at that.

It's a Sparkle 8800gtx. Cost me 499eur 18 months ago. Cooling isn't the problem, drivers neither and underclocking didn't work. It doesn't even manage to boot into windows anymore. All I get now is sparkles, pretty much.

I lol'd.
I got a really nice deal on a second hand 9600gt for 60 euro inc shipping. I hope it will be here before saturday.

No word back about my 8800gtx yet (I asked the shop about the warranty etc, damn assholes don't have a phonenumber).

Druckles, no. It's just a shortcut to the base file folder of quake 3.
Nice, don't overclock this one eh? :p

Going back to you guys and your 9800 pro problems, I have the 9600XT (model before) in my old PC (just a media & work PC now) and it's been going since 2 months prior to HL2s release! Just over 4 years! The fan started grinding earlier this year, then stopped, inspection revealed the fan actually completely died!? In a haste, I whipped it out, bought a custom HSF for it, installed it and it's STILL going now, like it's new. ?110 that cost me, and it's lifetime is incredible.

As I was saying to Brick earlier tonight, buy BFG. My card has the BFG 10 year guarantee, their nvidia cards are a bit more expensive but well worth it.
Install Windows 3.1, then get the latest graphics card drivers.
I would hit the monitor 2-3 times hardly, and then the desktop will be fixed. :E
I got a funky effect like that back in the days when I overclocked a 266mhz pentium2 to 500mhz. It didn't just do that to the monitor though, it did that to every monitor and TV in the house.

That CPU didn't last long :LOL:
Not drivers, it's really broke. Doesn't get into windows while it works fine when I simply swap it with a 7800gt.

Progress is slow, the person I was going to buy the 9600gt from hasn't responded in 4 days. :/ I'd hate if this deal is not going to happen.
Dear Sir,
SFPX88GTX768 is phased out. Can you take Sparkle 9800GT 1024mb? Waiting for your reply.

According to my research, the 9800GT 1024mb is slightly outperformed
by the 8800GTX. It is pretty much equal to the 8800GT 1024mb. I will
only have something of equal or better performance.

Daan Smedinga

Yet to receive a reply. But I'm already very happy that I will get a new card :D
After getting no response at all, today I received a new 9800GTX+ :D

Being rude works!
driver: 185.20
3dmark06: 6431
css stresstest: 260.04
lowfps.dem: 88.31
gta4: 25.14

3dmark06: 13200
css stresstest: 493.97
lowfps.dem: 88.98
gta4: 49.08

Installed it today. Ran awesomely fast and cool. It aced through the benchmarks, but when starting xfire about 2 minutes later:



I fired off this email to support.

I heartily thank you for the new 9800GTX+ I received earlier this
week. Until this evening, I hadn't the time to install and test it. I
have now, it gleefully ran through the benchmarks (with good results),
but two minutes later (as I clicked the shortcut to start a chat
application) it crashed with a variety of happy colors.

Here's a photo of it.

I hope this is a driver crash or something similar, but I doubt it
since driver crashes usually do not involve artifacts. I hope it won't
happen again, but in case it does, I want to hereby make you aware of
the problem.

Since this is very similar to the problem with my old 8800gtx, you
could suggest this problem lies somewhere else. Yet my old 8800gtx ran
fine for 18 months, a 7800gt (with which I confirmed the 8800gtx had
problems) ran just fine, and a friend's 7900gtx ran fine for almost 2
months. If you have any suggestions to where this problem might be,
I'll be happy to hear it.

Since this is a replacement card, would warranty still cover this if
the card is faulty?

Daan Smedinga
It crashed twice more in the day after that (but not with such fabulous colors, system just hang), but it's been well since then. Hopefully it stays this way.
Damn dude, that's shit. I've missed playing games with you :(
if mine got a boner it'd probably break my mobo, that card is already wedged into my case with almost no clearance