Supreme Commander details


Oct 1, 2004
Reaction score
The latest issue of PC Gamer has hit newsstands and on the cover is Supreme Commander, the upcoming spiritual successor to Total Annihilation. Shacknews has posted an article outlining some of its features and planned release date:
The big deal with SC is that there is a galactic war going on in real-time and as the Supreme Commander, you can seamlessly zoom in and out of different battles, shifting from a satellite to ground-level view. The action takes place on land, air, and sea with a large variety of units, including "major units" that are huge, hulking pieces of steel many times larger than the standard unit. Think a Godzilla-sized unit marching along with your tanks.

Overall, the article has you coming away with the sense that Taylor is trying to reinvigorate the genre. He feels RTS games don't feature strategy of any kind and he's here to fix that. For instance, you can use a "Base Commander" to handle all resource management while you're off actually dictating the outcomes of battles. On top of that, he wants to create a sense of realism and scale that has yet to be seen; the battleships in Supreme Commander are so enormous, you'd need a dual screen setup to see the whole thing at the ground level view. Supreme Commander is set to release in 2006.
Wow sounds very promising, TA was off the charts, wish I didn't loan out my copy never got it back (for good reason im sure)
This is sorta old, not the article but the info, a guy here a short while ago posted a link with scans that had several pages of info about it, sounds great, I was a big TA fan.
Ya sounds very good, cant wait to get my Pc gamer.
Never played TA though I do know it was one of the first 3d RTS's out there(1997?). Anyway I will check this out.
TA was the bomb of RTS

That said there were things I didn't like (for instance if buildings left your field of view they'd dissapear, units I can understand, but you can't move a building)

Shame the AI never really made it. Still awsome MP game.
Supreme Commander officially announced

THQ sent out a press release announcing it has entered into a worldwide publishing agreement with Gas Powered Games. The two companies will work together on the spiritual successor to Total Annihilation - Supreme Commander. More details on Supreme Commander will be revealed this summer.

Selecting a partner for Supreme Commander meant finding a publisher with our same commitment to developing innovative, high quality PC games," said Chris Taylor, founder and creative director, Gas Powered Games. "THQ is a clear global leader and we look forward to building the Supreme Commander franchise with them in the years to come."

"Our goal with this franchise is to take the RTS experience into the future," Taylor added. "Supreme Commander will deliver an exciting, accessible gaming experience on a huge scope and scale that will allow players to wield unprecedented control over the entire theater of war."
Total Annihilation, too me, was the greatest rts ever made. Better then Command and Conquer, better than Starcraft, better than Homeworld. Out of all the rts, only Homeworld came close to being as good as TA.

The Commander unit was the best as well, marching into battle at the head of my army annihilating all enemies in my path with a single shot.

Any screenshots though?
Screenshots are in magazine, none are officially online yet.

Anyways I just wanted to share this one bit with you all, cause I find it really cool! It's one of the new interface enhancements Chris Taylor is doing. PCGamer said that he showed them all of them, but they only wanted to talk about this one (so other companies wouldnt steal the great ideas)

Supreme Commander will use your mouse-click frequency as an active aid in prioritizing attack strength. In other words, when you're panic-clicking over and over again on the one target you really want to destroy, the game will take note of your intensity and will earmark all available units for an all-out assault on that target.
"A game should be paying attention to your angst," Taylor explains.

What a simple, yet genius idea :D
I would like to see how Taylor would pull it off. If its the spiritual succesor to TA, then we might actually see Clones and Robots doing battle. Expect to see better AI, better graphics, better design and Physics.

In the mean time, someone could mod TA units into Dawn of War to celebrate this news
I predict this game to be off the charts even though im not into futuristic crap really.
non-ta fan's don't understand how huge this is .. we've been waiting 9 years.
Just as Sc fans have been waiting over 7 years.(Sometime in April is Sc)
So yes Starcraft fans would know what you mean, because by the looks of it... Sc2 wont be announced for a very long long time.
Aye, but this is TA :)

SC was great but TA was just another level of gameplay. While SC got very tactical, with choke points, and rock/paper/scissors arrangement of attack, TA got very strategic, with unit choices (go for tanks/aircraft/ect), artillery placement, radar outposts, Naval battles and a lot of BVR battles.

All in all although they were both RTS's TA felt a lot more epic than SC.
Aye, but this is TA

SC was great but TA was just another level of gameplay. While SC got very tactical, with choke points, and rock/paper/scissors arrangement of attack, TA got very strategic, with unit choices (go for tanks/aircraft/ect), artillery placement, radar outposts, Naval battles and a lot of BVR battles.

All in all although they were both RTS's TA felt a lot more epic than SC.
True True....but..
How can you say that about Sc when that includes every Starcraft UMS map in existance?
I use to make starcraft maps(sf, scmd2, all the best tools).

Starcraft Fans have used it's editor to create totally new types of gameplay. There not mods at all either..
From RPG's, to Diplomacys. A Diplomacy...where you don't know if your ally or allies could be allied to your enemy\enemies. You don't know if a guy that has conquered all of Northern Africa is going to attack you in Great Britian. You have no idea. You may not even know someones there. The Rush of that game is amazing.
Then there are Civilizations, Diplomacy while upgrading technology adding a new element.(Not some lame tech tree,it's like going from archers to space ships over the course of the game.)
Then there is Archon Tag\cat and mouse. Pitting Cats trying to find mice, who gather resources build things to stop and run away from the cats.
There are Sexy Pictures 1-?(Lets not get into details)
There are RPG's. Many great ones, many mindless ones.
There are Snipers, where 2 sniper teams are pitted against eachother, using trees for cover, trying to hide etc..
There are RP's where you roleplay out everything.
There is Zone Control. Where you have a series of zones and players start on the corners. Kill get money, you can save up for 250 and take more zones(get more units) or upgrade the range,attack or armor.
There are Bunker Wars and tons of diffrent types of maps.

Starcraft has thousands of levels of gameplay not just 1. It can be a singleplayer RPG, a Multiplayer RPG, a RTS, and so much more..
It's true that SC had a lot of different variety, but if you only include the RTS aspects of both games, then TA wins IMO.
That completely depends on your style.
As Raxx said starcraft is strategic with choke points and such. Thats the kind of the game I like. It's why I don't prefer Warzone 2100\TA. Microing units(to a certain degree(not as much as Wc3)), can play a big part in Sc. Overall Starcraft appeals to me more. Ecspecially considering this fact. Look at TA, lets look at each unit on The Core and The Arm and tell me whats so diffrent stat wise about them..
Now lets look the Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg get there buildings? One Builds, One Warps, One Evolves. In Starcraft, you have 3 extermely diffrent races on how they build, there units, everything about them. Yet the game is extremely balanced in almost every single way. There is no one race that is better than any other. It completely depends on how good you are, how well you can macro and micro, everything. It's why AOE2 could never hold my attention...all the races....mostly the same really..maybe a few uniques..

SC had a lot of different variety
Has! Starcraft still can average around 50,000 and easily get to 100,000 people at one time. Starcraft still has an amazing Mapping community, though the modding community once known as Camelot Sys shut down back in 2001. People have cracked the formats, made there own editors that push everything to the limits. We are\have experimented with players 13-256. We have found patterns in the results they give, we have found how to do 2x speeds and such. Hell Camelot Sys got so into it they made there own AI editors. The community is as strong as it ever was maybe even stronger.

In the end it all comes down to opinon, and for me Starcraft simply suits me. Games like Warzone 2100 and TA well...there just...not my style.. Starcraft provides a more thrilling and rush compared to well..any other game I have ever played.
I must say I'm looking forward to this game. I've still got TA and its add-ons installed and play it whenever I get a chance. I'm thinking of setting up a new community based site around it like, complete with forums. Any of you interested enough in this game yet to join up to yet another gaming forum?
Munro said:
I must say I'm looking forward to this game. I've still got TA and its add-ons installed and play it whenever I get a chance. I'm thinking of setting up a new community based site around it like, complete with forums. Any of you interested enough in this game yet to join up to yet another gaming forum?

I probably would....

But I'd need to buy the game again lol... I gave it to leant it to someone ages ago and never got it back either...
I'd join, just gotta dig out my TA, and expansion pack. I was never good at the game, but I had loads of fun beating on the AI singleplayer skirmishs. Ruling the air, having a, Juggernaught was it called? The huge guy. Having my long range art set up. Oh, can't forget my huge wave of amphibans.
An idea that I've had after playing 'Battle for middle Earth' is for the ability of the commander unit to pick up a tree and send enemy units flying. This would be humourous, useful in some situations and also show off the physics engine (which no doubt Taylor will include). As a mater of fact, the same could apply to him picking up a rock and crushing tanks
Thats TA in the unreal2 engine is it not?

SupCom will be miles more impressive, especially if it has user friendly editors
As the link name suggest, it's TA Spring, running on it's own personal engine.

It's pretty cool, you should check out the videos on their site. Maybe even download the test build they have.
Those TA Spring screenshots look rubbish, the videos are much better. Looks too much like a build and rush game to be of any interest to me though.
An idea that I've had after playing 'Battle for middle Earth' is for the ability of the commander unit to pick up a tree and send enemy units flying. This would be humourous, useful in some situations and also show off the physics engine (which no doubt Taylor will include). As a mater of fact, the same could apply to him picking up a rock and crushing tanks

I know it's off topic but:
I loved making 20 big berthas in the middle of my base and watching the enemy army get destroyed by them when they attacked. Took a long time though.
Oh, the sound of the Big Bertha's going off were amazing...Booom Boooooom Boom Booooom
The fullscale war thing sounds cool. Being able to stragetize like, 5 battles at a time would be fun, and it might actually take some brain power.
Fliko said:
The fullscale war thing sounds cool. Being able to stragetize like, 5 battles at a time would be fun, and it might actually take some brain power.

Unless the AI is something to shout about. Plus setting parameters and priorities for Units and Buildings would be cool.

Just watched the last series of 24, maybe the super weapon could be a nuclear missle that circles the globe a few times (i.e. sudden death weapon)

auron said:
I loved making 20 big berthas in the middle of my base and watching the enemy army get destroyed by them when they attacked. Took a long time though.

You think that ttok a long time, you should build 5 vulture cannons (Big bertha with 6 barrels)
Yeah, I usualy built a couple vultures or whatever they're called also. But I think they had a shorter range and I liked seeing all the enemy ground troops get destroyed miles away from me. So then I just made alot of anti-air and some shorter range stuff incase something actualy snuck in and I owned everything. Only worked for those realy long games on the big maps though.
auron said:
But I think they had a shorter range and I liked seeing all the enemy ground troops get destroyed miles away from me.

Plus seeing your energy run dry in split second