Supreme Commander details

sweet! it's about time they came out with a sequel!
Total Annihilation had one of, if not THE BEST interfaces and control options of any RTS. The ability to make units patrol was always my favorites. I'd have a construction kbot patroling my laser cannon towers and missile towers and they'd be more of less self sufficient because they'd stop to repair them and then continue on their way. I once left the game running overnight, and i only lost one tower.

aaah, the memories. :)
oh this has revived my memories of TA! I remember having a battle with the AI that lasted for a grand total of 8 hours (I was on four hours each day) and it was on the map that was entirely metal. I built, I think, around fifteen big berthas, and I told them all to fire at will. I had several nuclear power plants running at the same time, and I destroyed most all of the buildings in their base after about 6 hours. (I defended from attacks by having six regular artilleray around each big bertha) Most of the time I just walked away and did my thing and listened to the big berthas booming, and after most of their base was destroyed, I made a single bombing run and destroyed their commander and remaining buildings. It was an absolutley glorius victory :afro:

TA had so much diversity...and they seemed to be the only RTS to date to get proper flying dynamics for planes (besides maybe ground control). It was absolutley fun...and I really loved the soundtrack. This new supreme commander is now on my radar ;) thanks for the heads up! I think I'm also going to try out that TA spring, it looks bloody awesome!
WOW! This I have been waiting for a long time! TA was/is the best RTS imo. Man I got go find my TA and that expansion disc.
Because SupCom is the next biggest thing to hit this world since the dawn of time. I lack sleep and I know it.
I would laugh if the commander unit was big. then it could cruch tanks underfoot
Huh.....How come has the mods made a forum about SupCom
seriously, what about games like UT2k7 or Gears of War or even AoE III? Why does this game deserve its own forum, there's not even any internet content for it yet
Teta_Bonita said:
cuz it has its own fat thread. or something.
the BF2 thread got to like 20 pages before they gave it its own forum, thius thing's only got like 4
yeah, I think its a bit of an overkill, atleast wait untill there is some decent info on it...

TA spring is totally cool btw (except for some annoying things)
Totally agree. This deserves a subforum about as much as Serenity deserves a sticky. It doesn't. The BF2 thread had about 40+ pages didn't it, not just 3+?

At least wait until there's a demo before giving it its own subforum, just because the previous game they made was decent and nothing more, it doesn't mean this will be.

Icarusintel said:
seriously, what about games like UT2k7 or Gears of War or even AoE III? Why does this game deserve its own forum, there's not even any internet content for it yet
Yeah, exactly.
decent? DECENT!? OMG give this guy a kick in teh nuts, TA was awsome!
Not decent. It was a truly awesome game that helped shape the RTS genre. SCM is going to be TA x1000000000000000000! I regrettabley agree that this does not deserve it's own subforum yet. There is not enough info.
I'm pretty sure the people behind Rise of Nations used the resource system of TA as a basis for their own (Unlimted that is)