"Surprise" Speculation

Apr 25, 2004
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There is a good chance that the "surprise" might be the maps cut from the original package. Before we heard that each chapter would be 3-4 hrs long, but instead they tone it down to avoid repetitive long parts. Now after releasing the true presentation of hl2, they’ll give us the choice to play the other maps that were left out. If they don’t release them, they may put the maps in the expansion pack later. Or they may be done with the expansion pack. This is only presuming that Valve was telling the truth during this interview.

Q: How long will the single-player be?
A: From what we know, HL2 will be made up of 12 separate chapters each taking 3-4 hours to complete adding to upwards of 36 hours of gameplay time. In a recent interview, Gabe Newell explained,

My dad, who plays and tests all of our games, took some 60 hours to complete it. [and in another question he elaborates that his dad isn't very good, but you should get at least 40 hours out of it, and more depending on your style of play]
Doubtful. It just means more work for them for very little gain. Valve won't have continued making those maps once they were cut, or they'd have been integrated into other maps.
Feath said:
Well done. You wanna go back and play it properly now?

It's not really a problem to beat the game in 8 hrs ... In fact, HL2 is way too short. I played about 12 hrs, and I didn't hurry or anything, I took my time to look at everything and I also died a few times, but it just didn't take me 20 or 40 hours. I don't know WHAT you have to do all the time to play the game that long, but as long as you don't die every 10 seconds, it's not that hard to play through the game in 8 1/2 hours without cheating.
It take around 15-20 hours with exloring properly. I sure would have liked it to be 40 hours though.
It took me a week to finish, playing an average of 3 and a half hours a day. It was just the right length.
If half-life 2 was too short, chances are you were to busy concentrating on getting to the point of the story rather than indulging in the action.. i mean i understand cuz i wanted alot of questions answered but i already knew it was gonna be a dead ending (not necessarily a bad one because, in my opinion, it was a good one) So i tried my hardest to stretch out the game as long as I could and even played it on hard.. yeah hard seem to be the normal setting but there were some areas that i had to set it on normal to get passed.. got too frustrated after a while and lowered the setting a notch. The action is amazing in HL2... I wish there was alot more. Such a great game though.. i dont care if another game comes along thats even remotely as promising, if not more, than HL2.. HL2 would devour it.
A small, naive part of me hopes and dreams that the surprise is an official HL2 mp.

The more realistic part of my brain says it'll probably just be some CS:S updates, or something pertaining to the SDK and mods themselves.

CS:S updates would be cool, but a HL2 mp would be the greatest thing ever.
Official MP would be a great surprise but it's got a snowball's chance in hell of being a reality. :(

More than likely it'll be de_prodigy, maybe a new skin for the CTs and the Ts, respectively. I they'll be the GSG-9 and the Arctic Avenger models.

My naive side is really wishing for a screenshot teaser of TF2: Brotherhood of Arms. That would make my Christmas.
I'd rather they announced HL3 or an expansion pack involving Shepherd or something. Something of substance to someone who hasn't played CS and doesn't want to play CS. Like me. :p
Cpl_Facehugger said:
I'd rather they announced HL3 or an expansion pack involving Shepherd or something. Something of substance to someone who hasn't played CS and doesn't want to play CS. Like me. :p

I dont want no announcement...

I will be pissed if they give us an announcement.
Darkside55 said:
Official MP would be a great surprise but it's got a snowball's chance in hell of being a reality. :(

More than likely it'll be de_prodigy, maybe a new skin for the CTs and the Ts, respectively. I they'll be the GSG-9 and the Arctic Avenger models.

Yeah, I sorta think that may be it as well, but the thing is they already announced the new maps and models a month or so ago so that wouldn't be a surprise.

Plus they have to know how disappointed fans are that all they get for MP is CS.
Either way some hl2 fans are going to be pissed. If it’s the css update with the maps and models then that would be disappointing. They already announced that it will come out in December. That release wouldn’t be worthy to call a surprise since we already expect it. So yeah, I'm hoping it will be hl2 mp or an announcement for the next hl2 installment.
I don't really care what it is so long as its interesting and not something to do with CS:S
they said they'll release the code for the physgun with the sdk .. maybe thats the whole big surprise :x
Apparently theres something in the sdk which looks for TF2 so maybe thats it
Probably TFC: Source, or Ricochet: Source to show modders what they can do with the source engine.
Probably they'll finally include the BIOZEMINADES!!! :rolling:
biozeminades .. what are they? everyone is talking about them, and i have no idea what they are o_O
Messermeier said:
biozeminades .. what are they? everyone is talking about them, and i have no idea what they are o_O

Don't ask that, or they will come and take you away.
Moth said:
In communist Russia, Gravity gun uses YOU!

Oh no! It's happening again:

" The Return Of The Useless Posts: Part 666 Welcome To Spam Hell "

errmmm i hope its some kind of hl2 multiplayer or extra levels or something to do with hl2 and not shitty cs:s
maybe its an 'alternate path' where you get to play as alex, and interact with gordon

and why do all the aliens call you 'THE FREE MAN..' :cool:
That would suck. I mean chickens would be cool, but i expect a little more than that.
If its chickens...iam friggin write a letter...No, wait...TWO!

In all reality im guessing it will be Multiplayer for HL2, think about it...All of VALVES other games have MP, mabye they took it out for some "Suprize", chances are they will charge us for it or something though
the suprise is hl2 co op, jsut look at the picture on the news, it shows 2 people in nova prospekt, u dont fight along with rebels in nova proskept, at least the far person looks like a rebel to me, this is just my guess
wait i was wrong now i think its hl2dm, look at the filename of the picture that is posted on the mainpage
it says hl2dm either one would be awesome, so we just gotta wait