Sven Co-op 2 Media Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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It's been almost three months since the last Sven Co-op 2 update, but today Sven Viking once again surprises and amazes us with a grand update featuring screenshots on a couple of their new models:
"Well, it took longer than we expected (which is not entirely uncommon, I admit), but we finally have the first batch of new SC2 media ready for you!"[br]</br>
"Please note that, while all of the shots below were taken in-game (including the black-background shots), the features themselves have not yet been implemented and WILL NOT be included with the first released version of SC2. Our current plan is to release a beta version of the mod as soon as we have the HL2 single-player storyline working well co-operatively... giving you all something to play (and the mapping community something to work with) while we work on more advanced features."[br]</br>
"Note also, however, that what you see below isn't all we've been working on over the past few months -- Expect another media release in the not-too-distant future. As for the mod's current status: Due to Nev's efforts and Zhyla's, we presently have a majority of the HL2 storyline in a playable state (complete with equipment being carried between levels, etc)... but there are still plenty of bugs to be fixed and problems to be solved before we're done with it."


[br]Don't forget to visit the Sven Co-op website by clicking here!
Piling inside an APC with some comrades to wreak havoc on Combine forces... I can think of nothing better really.

I enjoyed SC1, but this looks to be in another league entirely. Special.
That the Combine Elite isn't it? Well an early design of it. VERY Nice model. This mods going to be awesome!
pomegranate said:
What's the guy in the green armour? Vortigaunt trooper?
No, it's Tor. He's like the vorigaunt commander or something.
The skin (The actual skin parts, not the green parts) looks a bit too much like wood to me but apart from that really kickass shots. Have to agree the white er...thing (Are you allowed to tell us its name IchI?) does look awesome.
Its a combine Super Solider, the actual design is by Valve by I decided to make some changes most notible on the legs. If you have the Rasing the Bar book the concept is on page 109. For a little sneak of things to come I am looking at doing something on page 107 next. Also thanks to Sven who bought me the book on his own birth day, crazy guy i tell u crazy guy.

Also read the website because the news post on our site is a little more indepth about the purpose of each of the characters.
Although sven coop kinda hates releasing renders because at the end of the day people just want to see things ingame there is a shot of the SS and his weapons. Sorry its a render it was used for something else:

Oh I didn't think Sven mentioned this. But here are the stats on whats actually working on each model:

APC: Diffuse, Specular
Tor: Diffuse, Specular, Normals
SS: Diffuse

The SS and APC won't have normal maps because of there size and they don't really need them. But its my fault the SS has no specular map, soz. It should have one. well it does have one. But its not applied in the images. Soz.
These models are very well made..!

Keep up the good work IchI
IchI said:
Its a combine Super Solider, the actual design is by Valve by I decided to make some changes most notible on the legs. If you have the Rasing the Bar book the concept is on page 109. For a little sneak of things to come I am looking at doing something on page 107 next. Also thanks to Sven who bought me the book on his own birth day, crazy guy i tell u crazy guy.

Also read the website because the news post on our site is a little more indepth about the purpose of each of the characters.
You'll need a good animator to make the movements of that creature look real :) (this is unless you are giving it just legs)

I have the Raising the bar and just looked it up :p
Is that supersoldier going to walk on two legs or four? It would be cool if it charged at you on four legs and then rolled and then stood up in front of you chucking you away with it's hand. :p
Garfield_ said:
Maybe the Combine Super Soldier should shine alittle :D
Ohhh I remember Tor.

Have they done anything on Chumtoads yet?
The SS will shine. Like IchI said, the specular maps were not working when we took the screenshots, for some reason.
ichi and friends, everything is looking great. i really like that UN apc.
Ichi, great work, I really like the SS and the gameplay needed to take it down sounds awesome.

One question since you seem to be in the know. In regards to the APC, I would like to know if the sven team could incorporate the Combine APC as a drivable team vehicle at somepoint since there seem to be very "coopish" elemnts to it (driver, rocketer, pulsrifler etc). As a result I wonder if the team has any intentions of adding the Combine APC, since I think it would be Really cool to play with.

Awesome awsome as usual. :)
i love the apc, and the models look good too except for there grainy textures especially the combine one, too much, takes away the life like feel of the combine creatures

edit: unless there are currently w.i.p. models for the combine/alien in which case get the specular mapping done!
The Combine one is part-synth, so I'd assume that it's meant to have an organic, grainy look. Although, in my opinion, it should be a little more beige, as all other Synths are :p

-Angry Lawyer
Can't wait for this, and I'm glad the Svennis team are going to have the singleplayer ready this early. Nice work! :D