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btw the grunts said HOLY SHIT when you threw a grenade at them in HL 1.....so overly statisfying
Dagobert said:
Stupid, stupid Americans.

Who says i'm American?

Alig said:
Your bothered about swearing? uh...why? if your to young to swear then your also to young to play HL2 so don't even complain.

What frances_farmer said. I certaintly don't give a rats ass about god and i certaintly don't care if someone says "oh god..." if that bothers you so much, don't play it or remove the sound file so they say nothing.

So there is an age at which you may swear? I can understand you point of view, But if it was removed from the game would you seriously care?

Minerel said:
Hey im an american! Personally swear words are just other words..
Im athiest. He obviously dosn't watch South Park.

Although I liked the crude sense of humor (sorry), I can't watch a show that continuesly makes Jesus look dumb, and where they swear all the time.

Splinter16 said:
btw the grunts said HOLY SHIT when you threw a grenade at them in HL 1.....so overly statisfying

That's a good one, I think this is actually true.
eLGee said:
Okay. It's okay to blow someone's brains out, but you get upset over swearing? It's an 18+ game, f-u-c-king get used to it!

Exactly my point. I always say that when i get warned of being kicked of a CS server or whatever for using bad language.
h00dlum said:
Exactly my point. I always say that when i get warned of being kicked of a CS server or whatever for using bad language.

Will your day be anyless better if you don't use bad language? Can you truly say that you get grumpy if you can't use bad language?
Arne said:
Will your day be anyless better if you don't use bad language? Can you truly say that you get grumpy if you can't use bad language?

Actually yes. It restricts my possibilities to express myself, which is just plain wrong. Oh, and FYI, there's no such thing as "bad language."
Freedom of speech?

We CAN swear, therefore we swear.
I'm getting tired of people like you, expecting everybody to adapt to your religion. Please realize that not all are christians.
eLGee said:
Actually yes. It restricts my possibilities to express myself, which is just plain wrong. Oh, and FYI, there's no such thing as "bad language."

This is through VoiP right?
I can't believe this thread actually exists... I'm sitting here with my mouth open, wondering if it's real...
I don't actually have a problem with swearing, they are just words after all. However, in terms of scripting, I've often said that people using swearing because they can't think of anything better to put in. Sometimes it's a potent tool that works well in the situation, for instance, when Barney yells out to you about Breen. I didn't actually hear the swear itself, because the combine was closing back up, but the implied message was very appropriate.

It seems that in most cases, people don't have a more intelligent thing to say, so they purposefully go with the more inflammatory and somewhat primal response. It might be useful at times, but in games, I feel like it's just trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

Now, this probably isn't the wisest road to go down here, but I'm slightly concerned about the comment that killing in games is ok because the people aren't real. That seems like some pretty weak justification for something you enjoy. Isn't acknowledgement of the act just as wrong? What if there was simulated homosexuality or abortion in the game? What if in the game you played a drunk who unlocked special features if you went home and beat your wife? Would that be acceptable to you because it wouldn't be real? I'm not a churchgoer, but I have been in the past, and your reasoning seems a little thin.
my belief is that god,allah,whatever YOU call your diety knows whats in your heart and thats all that matters..

besides religion has caused almost every war ever in some way or another..so whats some ****ing cussing compared to that? ;)
Arne said:
He is using bad language on Skype or Teamspeak or Ventrilo right?

Uhm.... those don't use VOIP, afaik... from what I understand VOIP a specific protocol used for phones, not just a blanket term for all type of voice encoding that happens to be encapsulated in IP.
T.H.C.138 said:
my belief is that god,allah,whatever YOU call your diety knows whats in your heart and thats all that matters..

besides religion has caused almost every war ever in some way or another..so whats some ****ing cussing compared to that? ;)

Moral standards are representative of civilization as much as religion. Even coming from a reformed Catholic, I'd rather see a highly religious nation was civilized.
Arne said:
Will your day be anyless better if you don't use bad language? Can you truly say that you get grumpy if you can't use bad language?
Yes. I hate people who tell me not to swear.
Kudos to VALVe, Remedy, Rockstar and any other game company that enter cursing into their games. Let's at least TRY and not let computer games be as butt-****ed by censorships as we have allowed TV to be in some countries.
Arne said:
Why are they swearing in Half-life 2, I don't like this at all.

Now it turns out the zombies are swearing backwards.

I think it's cheap. They didn't swear in Half-life 1 did they (could be wrong here)?

"Hey, eat this you bastard!"

Does that ring any bells
Arne, grow a pair of balls you goddamn little girl. Your a "religious man." Let's see, I go to church daily, I go to a catholic school, I believe in god, and so do my friends. And you know what, I can still jokingly say -


Grow a pair, or dont play the game you little girl.
RabidJester said:
I don't actually have a problem with swearing, they are just words after all. However, in terms of scripting, I've often said that people using swearing because they can't think of anything better to put in. Sometimes it's a potent tool that works well in the situation, for instance, when Barney yells out to you about Breen. I didn't actually hear the swear itself, because the combine was closing back up, but the implied message was very appropriate.

It seems that in most cases, people don't have a more intelligent thing to say, so they purposefully go with the more inflammatory and somewhat primal response. It might be useful at times, but in games, I feel like it's just trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I completely agree.
RabidJester said:
Now, this probably isn't the wisest road to go down here, but I'm slightly concerned about the comment that killing in games is ok because the people aren't real. That seems like some pretty weak justification for something you enjoy. Isn't acknowledgement of the act just as wrong? What if there was simulated homosexuality or abortion in the game? What if in the game you played a drunk who unlocked special features if you went home and beat your wife? Would that be acceptable to you because it wouldn't be real? I'm not a churchgoer, but I have been in the past, and your reasoning seems a little thin.
Would it be acceptable? Absolutely. Would it sell? Prolly not (except maybe the drunkard game, that sounds kinda fun).
RabidJester said:
I don't actually have a problem with swearing, they are just words after all. However, in terms of scripting, I've often said that people using swearing because they can't think of anything better to put in. Sometimes it's a potent tool that works well in the situation, for instance, when Barney yells out to you about Breen. I didn't actually hear the swear itself, because the combine was closing back up, but the implied message was very appropriate.

It seems that in most cases, people don't have a more intelligent thing to say, so they purposefully go with the more inflammatory and somewhat primal response. It might be useful at times, but in games, I feel like it's just trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

I must agree with you here.

RabidJester said:
Now, this probably isn't the wisest road to go down here, but I'm slightly concerned about the comment that killing in games is ok because the people aren't real. That seems like some pretty weak justification for something you enjoy. Isn't acknowledgement of the act just as wrong? What if there was simulated homosexuality or abortion in the game? What if in the game you played a drunk who unlocked special features if you went home and beat your wife? Would that be acceptable to you because it wouldn't be real? I'm not a churchgoer, but I have been in the past, and your reasoning seems a little thin.

When I red the abortion part I was thinking; "Abortion is just wrong, they shouldn't put that in a game." With this in mind, your absolutly right.

But then I have question: Should only religious people be worried about this? Or is everyone acknowledging the act?

T.H.C.138 said:
my belief is that god,allah,whatever YOU call your diety knows whats in your heart and thats all that matters..

besides religion has caused almost every war ever in some way or another..so whats some ****ing cussing compared to that? ;)

I agree that allot of wars, are caused by religion. But the Church has matured now and acknowledges these hughs mistakes.

DreamThrall said:
Uhm.... those don't use VOIP, afaik... from what I understand VOIP a specific protocol used for phones, not just a blanket term for all type of voice encoding that happens to be encapsulated in IP.

All the sites of the creators of the above programs say that it is VoIP.

AJ Rimmer said:
Yes. I hate people who tell me not to swear.
Kudos to VALVe, Remedy, Rockstar and any other game company that enter cursing into their games. Let's at least TRY and not let computer games be as butt-****ed by censorships as we have allowed TV to be in some countries.

Your right you dislike people that tell you not too swear, they should ask you rather then tell you.

"Hey, eat this you bastard!"

Does that ring any bells

Barney sayed that in HL1 right? But is bastard considerd rought, bad language or even a curse?

ShinRa said:
Arne, grow a pair of balls you goddamn little girl. Your a "religious man." Let's see, I go to church daily, I go to a catholic school, I believe in god, and so do my friends. And you know what, I can still jokingly say -


Grow a pair, or dont play the game you little girl.

You should really talk about this with your parents, if you still have them, or visit another church where you are happy. Why this hate towards God?

JFry said:
I completely agree.

Would it be acceptable? Absolutely. Would it sell? Prolly not (except maybe the drunkard game, that sounds kinda fun).

I wouldn't sell these days, but I think it would somewhere in the future.
Arne said:
So there is an age at which you may swear? I can understand you point of view, But if it was removed from the game would you seriously care?

Yeah there is a rough age...when you leave school you become dependent on yourself and can do whatever the hell you want (in UK anyway) like buy a house, live your own life on your own and swear to your hearts content.

If it was'nt ingame it would seem less realistic. I don't think games have enough swearing, GTA:SA being the only exception. When your getting a gun fired at you or a grenade lands on your feet you would swear naturally.
Arne said:
I don't consider it killing because it's fake, but the sounds they speak are real aren't they?

I'm sorry but i'm a religous man.

You suck. Oh, and I have several reasons to say that. Want me to list them?
You should really talk about this with your parents, if you still have them, or visit another church where you are happy. Why this hate towards God?

I think you missed the part where he said he can "jokingly" keyword being "jokingly" say "**** you God", "jokingly" meaning he says it as in not meaning it. Stop being a close minded person and live a little, there is nothing wrong with curse words, their just words, if you didn't know they were curse words and brainwashed by your religion that they were "bad" words then you wouldn't care either if you heard them. The only reason you care is because you've been brainwashed to think the words are inapropriate(sp?). When in reality their just words and hurt no one. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones..
Arne said:
You should really talk about this with your parents, if you still have them, or visit another church where you are happy. Why this hate towards God?

Hate? Maybe he just does'nt buy into the whole god scene? Me too tbh,most of the bible bashers i know/knew are weirdos.Some of my family are catholics and they are ok but they still have a strange approach to the modern world.I feel they need a reality check.

People swear alot.Fact.So ****ing what? Shit **** **** ass bugger bollox piss makes no difference to me.I do not swear when i am sat on a bus full of people,or when in my mothers company,i do that out of respect.But i swear around friends and in forums,if you have a problem with that then **** off asshole,and shove your bible up your religious ass sideways if you dont like it.
Arne said:
I don't consider it killing because it's fake, but the sounds they speak are real aren't they?

I'm sorry but i'm a religous man.

Religion is for FOOLS! it starts wars.... war is hell
dude, if your religious you should know that if you swear its not really a sin unless you say "Oh my God" and something when your pissed off. Otherwise, saying "F-uck" is like saying "BLooke"

Unless your not Catholic/Christian?
WaterMelon34 said:
dude, if your religious you should know that if you swear its not really a sin unless you say "Oh my God" and something when your pissed off. Otherwise, saying "F-uck" is like saying "BLooke"

Unless your not Catholic/Christian?

yes 'oh my god' is considered sacriligious or using the lords name in vain.But 'oh my ****ing god' is ok.
ChronosWing said:
I think you missed the part where he said he can "jokingly" keyword being "jokingly" say "**** you God", "jokingly" meaning he says it as in not meaning it. Stop being a close minded person and live a little, there is nothing wrong with curse words, their just words, if you didn't know they were curse words and brainwashed by your religion that they were "bad" words then you wouldn't care either if you heard them. The only reason you care is because you've been brainwashed to think the words are inapropriate(sp?). When in reality their just words and hurt no one. Sticks and stones, sticks and stones..

I am not brainwashed, thank you :borg:
I can perfectly think for myself'.
Arne said:
Why are they swearing in Half-life 2, I don't like this at all.

Now it turns out the zombies are swearing backwards.

I think it's cheap. They didn't swear in Half-life 1 did they (could be wrong here)?
Oh my god.
Arne said:
If you would.

1. Religious people, where to start?
Most things said in religious books such as the bible are just ageold fairytales, written and composed by probably the best writers at that time (By written I also mean told, seeing as how the bible wasn't composed for a long time).

Man has always had a thing for the unexplainable and as things become more and more explainable through sience religion begins to lose its grip on reality. We no longer need egyptian beliefs about start (Being that they're old pharaoes and other important figures), nor that there's some drawback in swearing throughout your life.

There's *No Proof* for basically anything your religion tells you, whatever it is, it's just fairytales with drops of realism. A very well sown story, if you will.

Now, a friend of mine asked a religious girl at her school this question (Which had quite an amusing response);
"If God is so mighty, can he create a stone he can not lift?"

2. You're trying to convince us that swearing is wrong, even though you think it's more then okay to shoot people. The sounds are no more real then the models and their textures. They're made to think you're actually in the game, make-believe or not.

3. You haven't exactly impressed me with your lame points about swearing being wrong but, it's more then okay to shoot people because "That's just fake blood". The sounds are "real". Oh yes. I thougth it was the intent that counted, not the action?

4. Well, just, you suck. I hate you. Let's go our seperate ways. :thumbs:

Whahaha.... you're fcking hilarious, seriously, you appose swearing but you buy a game where people get slaughtered in the most horrible ways, get sliced by sawblades, get lit on fire and get experimented on? :D

Stop it, you're killing me! :D

And why they swear? Gee, I wouldn't know, maybe because everyone would in that situation they are in?
Dead-Inside said:
1. Religious people, where to start?
Most things said in religious books such as the bible are just ageold fairytales, written and composed by probably the best writers at that time (By written I also mean told, seeing as how the bible wasn't composed for a long time).

Man has always had a thing for the unexplainable and as things become more and more explainable through sience religion begins to lose its grip on reality. We no longer need egyptian beliefs about start (Being that they're old pharaoes and other important figures), nor that there's some drawback in swearing throughout your life.

There's *No Proof* for basically anything your religion tells you, whatever it is, it's just fairytales with drops of realism. A very well sown story, if you will.

Now, a friend of mine asked a religious girl at her school this question (Which had quite an amusing response);
"If God is so mighty, can he create a stone he can not lift?"

2. You're trying to convince us that swearing is wrong, even though you think it's more then okay to shoot people. The sounds are no more real then the models and their textures. They're made to think you're actually in the game, make-believe or not.

3. You haven't exactly impressed me with your lame points about swearing being wrong but, it's more then okay to shoot people because "That's just fake blood". The sounds are "real". Oh yes. I thougth it was the intent that counted, not the action?

4. Well, just, you suck. I hate you. Let's go our seperate ways. :thumbs:


^^^^^Saved me some time.Right on the nail there.
Alright, before I go on, I'd like to say that I am a Christian, I go to church several times every week, and I try not to use "strong language"
That being said:
Arne, shut the pie hole.
You are making Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. look like complete fools and little girls that can't take a swear word once in a while. At my job, I hear about 10 F-words an hour. If you can't take an "Oh s***" in a computer game, how are you going to survive in the real world?
Religion is for FOOLS! it starts wars.... war is hell
Human greed starts wars.

What would you say if an ant lion was running towards you salivating at the mouth,ready to chomp on your head?

2.Oh my god!
3.Oh darn it i am going to die horribly here.
4.Poor creature ..he is simply mis-understood.
5.I give to you my ass on a plate.
PvtRyan said:
Whahaha.... you're fcking hilarious, seriously, you appose swearing but you buy a game where people get slaughtered in the most horrible ways, get sliced by sawblades, get lit on fire and get experimented on? :D
Not to mention pinning people to walls with crossbows. :smoking:

one day said:

What would you say if an ant lion was running towards you salivating at the mouth,ready to chomp on your head?

2.Oh my god!
3.Oh darn it i am going to die horribly here.
4.Poor crature ..he is simply mis-understood.
5.I give to you my ass on a plate.
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