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Alig said:
Yeah there is a rough age...when you leave school you become dependent on yourself and can do whatever the hell you want (in UK anyway) like buy a house, live your own life on your own and swear to your hearts content.

If it was'nt ingame it would seem less realistic. I don't think games have enough swearing, GTA:SA being the only exception. When your getting a gun fired at you or a grenade lands on your feet you would swear naturally.
Exactly, if everyone would walk around mid-battle talking like Dr Kleiner, imagine...

*grenade lands at resistance member's feet*
"Oh fiddlesticks."
"Yes, gosh, run!"
"Holy macrill, take cover!"
*grenade goes off, two soldiers are killed, the rest gather round them*
"Oh please Holy Bush no!"
"I'll kill those Fuddnuckers for this!"
Arne said:
I am not brainwashed, thank you :borg:
I can perfectly think for myself'.

My point is if no one ever told you they were "bad" words, then you would more than likely use them to being none the wiser.
AJ Rimmer said:
Exactly, if everyone would walk around mid-battle talking like Dr Kleiner, imagine...

*grenade lands at resistance member's feet*
"Oh fiddlesticks."
"Yes, gosh, run!"
"Holy macrill, take cover!"
*grenade goes off, two soldiers are killed, the rest gather round them*
"Oh please Holy Bush no!"
"I'll kill those Fuddnuckers for this!"
MiccyNarc said:
Alright, before I go on, I'd like to say that I am a Christian, I go to church several times every week, and I try not to use "strong language"
That being said:
Arne, shut the pie hole.
You are making Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. look like complete fools and little girls that can't take a swear word once in a while. At my job, I hear about 10 F-words an hour. If you can't take an "Oh s***" in a computer game, how are you going to survive in the real world?

Human greed starts wars.
My thoughts exactly. I too am a christian and I dont mind swear words at all. And where in the Bible does it say you can't play games with swear words?! I know it says "do not let foul language come out of your mouth" or something like that, but does it say its a sin to hear those words? nope. All your doing is making religious people look like pansies.
gtfa. ;)
*in response to first post*

Ahhh! Someone like me! I'm never going to play this game because whenever i started ripping my enemies to pieces, and their blood splattered everywhere, they said *gulps* 'oh my..... god

Exactly, Teta!
"Do not let foul language come out of your mouth" != "You can't hear foul language"
If that were the case, I would have to kill myself. :p
Arne said:
Who says i'm American?
So there is an age at blah blah blah

Admins, close this thread please. This is a couple of light-years off-topic.

<dutch>En jij, ga van dit bord af.</dutch>
Dead-Inside said:
1. Religious people, where to start?
Most things said in religious books such as the bible are just ageold fairytales, written and composed by probably the best writers at that time (By written I also mean told, seeing as how the bible wasn't composed for a long time).

Man has always had a thing for the unexplainable and as things become more and more explainable through sience religion begins to lose its grip on reality. We no longer need egyptian beliefs about start (Being that they're old pharaoes and other important figures), nor that there's some drawback in swearing throughout your life.

There's *No Proof* for basically anything your religion tells you, whatever it is, it's just fairytales with drops of realism. A very well sown story, if you will.

Now, a friend of mine asked a religious girl at her school this question (Which had quite an amusing response);
"If God is so mighty, can he create a stone he can not lift?"

2. You're trying to convince us that swearing is wrong, even though you think it's more then okay to shoot people. The sounds are no more real then the models and their textures. They're made to think you're actually in the game, make-believe or not.

3. You haven't exactly impressed me with your lame points about swearing being wrong but, it's more then okay to shoot people because "That's just fake blood". The sounds are "real". Oh yes. I thougth it was the intent that counted, not the action?

4. Well, just, you suck. I hate you. Let's go our seperate ways. :thumbs:


1. I can't proof He exists, you can't proof He doesn't.
About your paradox: You make it sound like God is bounded to His own rules.

2. I'm not trying to convince anyone that swearing is wrong, I started this thread because I don't like it, and I like to discuss your all opinions

3. Then your as wrong too, because killing is a national crime right? We can't play a single game this way, only checkers because the stones don't represent human life.

4. I will

MiccyNarc said:
Alright, before I go on, I'd like to say that I am a Christian, I go to church several times every week, and I try not to use "strong language"
That being said:
Arne, shut the pie hole.
You are making Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. look like complete fools and little girls that can't take a swear word once in a while. At my job, I hear about 10 F-words an hour. If you can't take an "Oh s***" in a computer game, how are you going to survive in the real world?

Human greed starts wars.

What do you say to those people who say the F-word?

one day.... said:

What would you say if an ant lion was running towards you salivating at the mouth,ready to chomp on your head?

2.Oh my god!
3.Oh darn it i am going to die horribly here.
4.Poor creature ..he is simply mis-understood.
5.I give to you my ass on a plate.

I change this situation so a normal Lion coming towards me, because Ant Lions don't exist; I'd probably say 1. SHIT because that's not a curse where I come from, it just means "that brown stuff coming out of your ass".

AJ Rimmer said:
Exactly, if everyone would walk around mid-battle talking like Dr Kleiner, imagine...

*grenade lands at resistance member's feet*
"Oh fiddlesticks."
"Yes, gosh, run!"
"Holy macrill, take cover!"
*grenade goes off, two soldiers are killed, the rest gather round them*
"Oh please Holy Bush no!"
"I'll kill those Fuddnuckers for this!"


ChronosWing said:
My point is if no one ever told you they were "bad" words, then you would more than likely use them to being none the wiser.

The name of God is holy, so that makes me come to the conclusion that I don't call Him in vain.

Teta_Bonita said:
My thoughts exactly. I too am a christian and I dont mind swear words at all. And where in the Bible does it say you can't play games with swear words?! I know it says "do not let foul language come out of your mouth" or something like that, but does it say its a sin to hear those words? nope. All your doing is making religious people look like pansies.
gtfa. ;)

Then let everyone know that this is on my own account.

MiccyNarc said:
Exactly, Teta!
"Do not let foul language come out of your mouth" != "You can't hear foul language"
If that were the case, I would have to kill myself. :p

If someone swears and I don't say something about it, I am equally guilty.
Gee. I didn't know asking god for help while your on fire with a parisitic alien attached to your head was calling his name in vain. So shut up, you would say the same thing if something like it happened to you.
What do you say to those people who say the F-word?
"Lol, i r t3h m0ar h0ly t4n j00!1 j00 s0tp sw3ar1ngz0rz!!1"
If someone swears and I don't say something about it, I am equally guilty.
State the Bible verse that makes this true.
That's right, there isn't one.
Stop pulling stuff out of your butt.
I change this situation so a normal Lion coming towards me, because Ant Lions don't exist; I'd probably say 1. SHIT because that's not a curse where I come from, it just means "that brown stuff coming out of your ass".
I'm offended. Where I come from, both "Sh**" and "a**" are curse words. You've just sinned.
ChronosWing said:
Gee. I didn't know asking god for help while your on fire with a parisitic alien attached to your head was calling his name in vain. So shut up, you would say the same thing if something like it happened to you.

I understand now, this realistic situation has made it quite clear.

MiccyNarc said:
"Lol, i r t3h m0ar h0ly t4n j00!1 j00 s0tp sw3ar1ngz0rz!!1"

State the Bible verse that makes this true.
That's right, there isn't one.
Stop pulling stuff out of your butt.

I'm offended. Where I come from, both "Sh**" and "a**" are curse words. You've just sinned.

State de verse that says it's wrong too say something about it.
So your saying being ingulfed in flames in unrealistic? It could happen to you. Now the alien thing is less likely, but still totally a possibility.
I myself am a Christian and am not afraid to say it, but I simply can't agree with the original poster. I consider games to be like movies, tv or books. It's art, not real, and often portrays things we might find distasteful in actuality. I myself swear quite a bit though, so I'm obviously biased in that direction. I think the best tool a person can have when it comes to these things is a strong sense of seperation between reality and fiction.

As for the lengthy spiel by Dead-Inside (the irony of that name is especially funny in light of atheism), yes, I can't prove that God exists. You see, faith is about believing that God holds all the answers, not believing that knowing God gives you all the answers. People get confused on that point, including a lot of Christians.

As for your paradox, do I look like a ****ing fortune cookie?

Edit: Oh, I'd also like to add there's a lot of semantics playing out here. Point out the verse in which those particular words are forbidden? You're dodging culpability by following the letter of the law instead of the spirit.
Religion doesnt start wars... It simply defends them or allows the aggressors a way to excuse their actions.

Though Wars have started due to hatred of people with other religions, Like the protestant vs catholic.... shiznit (thats for you arne no cussing here) Its not so much the religion involved its the people, these same people who organize pray-ins to remove "liberal" judges are the same kinds of people who using their ridiculously skewed idea of what christianity, islam, judaism, Wiccan, pagan, mormon, scientology is really all about instigate the wars
State de verse that says it's wrong too say something about it.
I never implied that the Bible said I shouldn't say anything about it.
I challenged you for information first, you are unable to provide it.
I hereby label you a fool. Go run to mommy and cry about it to her. She'll give you some sort of response, run back, and try to answer my statements, and fail miserably.
You guys just need to let it go. The issue has nothing to do with religion. I really doubt you are going to change anyones beliefs and prove or disprove the existence of god here in the ol' halflife2.net forums...



You guys can discuss theology someplace where it's relevant.

As for the foul language, I think the original game had a little. What else did you expect from a game with a mature rating?
Common guys this arne is just trying to get some attention. He can't possibly mean what he is saying. Those kind of people died out hundreds of years ago.

If he is serious he is just... Well not a very intelligent man. But then again he is also a religious man so i guess that explains the not being intelligent.

Now for real. If Eli wouldn't say something like you bastard when they kidnap his daughter it would realy draw me out of the gaming experience. Any normal person would respond in the same way if his daughter was kidnapped. You cant just say: "Gosh, my daughter got kidnapped." It's just not strong enough and wouldn't sound believable. You have to notice that he realy cares for her. So as a matter of fact i would care if the game didn't contain any curses at all :/ Its just a part of life. Its not cause you don't like it you can take it away. Its the evolution of language. And its not just english. This is a global evolution, everybody swears these days. And its not a bad thing at all. It expresses emotions.
Kommie said:
Religion doesnt start wars... It simply defends them or allows the aggressors a way to excuse their actions.

Though Wars have started due to hatred of people with other religions, Like the protestant vs catholic.... shiznit (thats for you arne no cussing here) Its not so much the religion involved its the people, these same people who organize pray-ins to remove "liberal" judges are the same kinds of people who using their ridiculously skewed idea of what christianity, islam, judaism, Wiccan, pagan, mormon, scientology is really all about instigate the wars

I think you are forgetting the crusades then :/ The church itself called to arms against the muslims. The church requested that Jeruzalem, the holy city was to be placed back under their command.

Even now the church spreads hatred by discriminating certain types of people. (Gay people for example)

The church is old. Evolution will soon catch up with it and in the future church will disappear. Maybe not in our lifetimes but sooner or later people will realise the church is a bad thing unless the church changes.
(to original poster)

your like those people in counterstrike who ban you if you swear
DaFreak said:
I think you are forgetting the crusades then :/ The church itself called to arms against the muslims. The church requested that Jeruzalem, the holy city was to be placed back under their command.

Even now the church spreads hatred by discriminating certain types of people. (Gay people for example)

The church is old. Evolution will soon catch up with it and in the future church will disappear. Maybe not in our lifetimes but sooner or later people will realise the church is a bad thing unless the church changes.

Again that war wasnt caused by the RELIGION It was caused by hatred, and fear (fear that the muslims would destroy christianity)

ChronosWing said:
war on terror = Bush's holy war.

I am inclined to agree, how sad, DAMN YOU BUSH but again that is a war caused by a man (A stupid, stupid, stupid man) who seems to be of the opinion that all muslims are terrorists
when alyx notices that the bridge has been blown up she says ****ing hell.

thats kind of swearing ;)
Nobody in these forums seems to have a problem with killing people, aliens, combine, etc., in HL2. This is because the people we are killing are in the game and are not real.

If these people are not real, then they cannot sin. Therefore them swearing is not a sin. Although, yes, the voice actors did have swear.

And don't try to argue that listening to someone swear is a sin.

So which is worse:
-You, slaying hundreds (thousands?) of people and aliens that exist in a computer game;
-Or having one of those computer-generated people say "bullsh*t?"
They are just words.

All that matters is the meaning behind them. If they don't *intend* to insult God, or anyone else, there's nothing wrong with that.
Francis_Cole said:
when alyx notices that the bridge has been blown up she says ****ing hell.

thats kind of swearing ;)
I don't think she said that :p
Latin_Jones said:
You guys can discuss theology someplace where it's relevant.

If you feel that this is an inappropriate thread - as I do - then go to
the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page and let the forum administrators take action.

Can we get back to discussing the game now?
Tyrsenus said:
Nobody in these forums seems to have a problem with killing people, aliens, combine, etc., in HL2. This is because the people we are killing are in the game and are not real.

If these people are not real, then they cannot sin. Therefore them swearing is not a sin. Although, yes, the voice actors did have swear.

And don't try to argue that listening to someone swear is a sin.

So which is worse:
-You, slaying hundreds (thousands?) of people and aliens that exist in a computer game;
-Or having one of those computer-generated people say "bullsh*t?"

I vote for number 3;
masterbating (I dont know how to spell it and frankly I dont care) to number 1!!!
tacobc said:
If you feel that this is an inappropriate thread - as I do - then go to
the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page and let the forum administrators take action.

Can we get back to discussing the game now?
Actually, it feels good to discuss something different for a change!
Yellonet said:
And you should be sorry... brainwashed and all.

Sorry again

ChronosWing said:
So your saying being ingulfed in flames in unrealistic? It could happen to you. Now the alien thing is less likely, but still totally a possibility.

I fully agree.

Cyclis said:
I myself am a Christian and am not afraid to say it, but I simply can't agree with the original poster. I consider games to be like movies, tv or books. It's art, not real, and often portrays things we might find distasteful in actuality. I myself swear quite a bit though, so I'm obviously biased in that direction. I think the best tool a person can have when it comes to these things is a strong sense of seperation between reality and fiction.

As for the lengthy spiel by Dead-Inside (the irony of that name is especially funny in light of atheism), yes, I can't prove that God exists. You see, faith is about believing that God holds all the answers, not believing that knowing God gives you all the answers. People get confused on that point, including a lot of Christians.

As for your paradox, do I look like a ****ing fortune cookie?

Edit: Oh, I'd also like to add there's a lot of semantics playing out here. Point out the verse in which those particular words are forbidden? You're dodging culpability by following the letter of the law instead of the spirit.

The Letter was inspired by The Holy Spirit.

Kommie said:
Religion doesnt start wars... It simply defends them or allows the aggressors a way to excuse their actions.

Though Wars have started due to hatred of people with other religions, Like the protestant vs catholic.... shiznit (thats for you arne no cussing here) Its not so much the religion involved its the people, these same people who organize pray-ins to remove "liberal" judges are the same kinds of people who using their ridiculously skewed idea of what christianity, islam, judaism, Wiccan, pagan, mormon, scientology is really all about instigate the wars

That doesn't mean that I agree with the war in Ireland, which is the worst example of Christians.

MiccyNarc said:
I never implied that the Bible said I shouldn't say anything about it.
I challenged you for information first, you are unable to provide it.
I hereby label you a fool. Go run to mommy and cry about it to her. She'll give you some sort of response, run back, and try to answer my statements, and fail miserably.

Give me a few days, my mother is kinda slow.

Latin_Jones said:
You guys just need to let it go. The issue has nothing to do with religion. I really doubt you are going to change anyones beliefs and prove or disprove the existence of god here in the ol' halflife2.net forums...



You guys can discuss theology someplace where it's relevant.

As for the foul language, I think the original game had a little. What else did you expect from a game with a mature rating?

Good point.

DaFreak said:
Common guys this arne is just trying to get some attention. He can't possibly mean what he is saying. Those kind of people died out hundreds of years ago.

If he is serious he is just... Well not a very intelligent man. But then again he is also a religious man so i guess that explains the not being intelligent.

Now for real. If Eli wouldn't say something like you bastard when they kidnap his daughter it would realy draw me out of the gaming experience. Any normal person would respond in the same way if his daughter was kidnapped. You cant just say: "Gosh, my daughter got kidnapped." It's just not strong enough and wouldn't sound believable. You have to notice that he realy cares for her. So as a matter of fact i would care if the game didn't contain any curses at all :/ Its just a part of life. Its not cause you don't like it you can take it away. Its the evolution of language. And its not just english. This is a global evolution, everybody swears these days. And its not a bad thing at all. It expresses emotions.

There ones and zeros they don't have daughters.

DaFreak said:
I think you are forgetting the crusades then :/ The church itself called to arms against the muslims. The church requested that Jeruzalem, the holy city was to be placed back under their command.

Even now the church spreads hatred by discriminating certain types of people. (Gay people for example)

The church is old. Evolution will soon catch up with it and in the future church will disappear. Maybe not in our lifetimes but sooner or later people will realise the church is a bad thing unless the church changes.

Not that I approve of the crusades, but you wouldn't have typed that if it wasn't for those knights.

I don't like it that some religions discriminate gay people, they need understanding, respect like everyone else, and acceptation.

What changes should the Church go through then?

bryanf445 said:
(to original poster)

your like those people in counterstrike who ban you if you swear

I would if I had a server, but i'd kick you first, then ban.

Kommie said:
Again that war wasnt caused by the RELIGION It was caused by hatred, and fear (fear that the muslims would destroy christianity)

I am inclined to agree, how sad, DAMN YOU BUSH but again that is a war caused by a man (A stupid, stupid, stupid man) who seems to be of the opinion that all muslims are terrorists

Bush is just a puppet, a powerfull one, but just a puppet.

we11er said:
They are just words.

All that matters is the meaning behind them. If they don't *intend* to insult God, or anyone else, there's nothing wrong with that.

Those words were sayd in vain, so it's wrong.
The zombies werent calling out to your god.
But one of the many gods that exist in the half eaten brain of a headhumped human being.
That you belief in one true god, doesn't mean that everyone calling out for a god is calling out for your god. And since they arent reffering to your god they arent using His name in vain.
WTF your logic is totally flawed, if someone was in such pain and agony considering the circumstances they have every right to ask god for help, big ****ing deal, take your head out of your ass for a second and realize that all they are is words, who the hell cares how they are used? God certaintly doesn't, stop being close minded. You know if you were in such pain and aggony you to would ask god for help, I just don't understand how thats saying god's name in vain. Once again your being a close minded ****tard, and you sir are a moron. I hope you have a fun an eventful life acting like ned flanders.
They said "shit" in Half-Life as well, so you really don't have a point.

Also, what does cussing have to do with religion? I mean, I can understand the problem with things like "God damn" and whatnot, but why should anybody care if you say "bullshit"?
He's mad cause the zombies say "god help me" backwards no less so its not like you even know unless you take the sound files and reverse them.
BigNamek said:
LOL! What does religion have to do with cussing? And can anyone please define what makes these words bad, or the context they're used in? They are used very appropriately for the situation they're in. When Alyx says "bullshit" she tells Judy (Dr. something, I can't remember) "stop it, I'm tired of your bullshit!" After discovering that she is in on it with Dr. Breen.
thanks for the spoiler, dumbass
There are other forums for discussion about religion, etc.

This particular topic has already gotten a bit out of hand anyways.
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