SWG, better, or worse?


Oct 30, 2005
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I love Star Wars Galaxies, but I wish that they would bring back the old game.
The NGE imo just sucks big time. What do you think?
I played the old one and didnt like it. I got interested again when they said they were redoing it... and lost interest again when everyone said it just got worse.
From what I've heard... much, much, much worse.
I played back in 2003, but then I moved country. I planned on coming back right up until I read about the changes that were made for the NGE... :(
I played the old version, and it sucked. I've only heard bad things about the NGE.
esplin said:
What exactly did they change?

The entire game. Instead of 36 professions, there are now 9. And one of them is Jedi :flame: . The game is no longer a click and press numbers. It is now an FPS suitable for a 7 year old.
The player base is about 93% less than it was before. Smugglers still can't "smuggle". It's not the Galactic Civil War, but the Jedi vs. Sith war. The creators feel that the game is now more "starwarsy" :x . Less content. No more creatures to ride. Everyone is f*king Jedi. Everyone is f*king Jedi.

Less graphical beauty. Exp isn't grinding. It's even MORE grinding than ever before. You are forced onto meaningless missions of which have no impotance. The gameplay is just awful. The vet Jedi's are always bitching about "omg wtf, now you don't need to work for jedi omg". Less weapons. Less accessories.
No point in leaving a planet unless your a Jedi, or buying an item, or the forced mission tells you to. Bounty Hunters can't chase a target into space and shoot them down. All based on the mouse. When dueling, people get in the way of your curser and you fail to kill a target by a few bits of health. The only good people are the ones who hone their skills with the mouse. Medics don't serve a purpose other than rezing.

Traders have lost all purpose, as in, you can loot everything you need, or get it for gaining a certain level. To target and use something isn't mentioned anywhere and must be figured out. Bad customer service. Increased prices.

wtf is SOE thinking!!!! They were making 70x the amount of money then now. They are in it only for money. It's freakin common sense SOE.

Shall I say more. lol
One of the better SWG Emulators just went open source, so you can expect some decent free servers within a year.
And they'll be running the game how is used to be... which it was berable to play.
I played the new one for about 5 min because I was at someones house that had it but I really did not like it. But I have not played the old one so I have no comment about it. Even thought my name is a toon out of Starwars I dont even like Starwars.
I played a trial version. I was roaming the lands for about 35 minutes to find some guy and when I got there the quest was broke I immediatly uninstalled.
WhiteZero said:
One of the better SWG Emulators just went open source, so you can expect some decent free servers within a year.
And they'll be running the game how is used to be... which it was berable to play.

OMFG are you serious :eek: kick freakin ass.

Shadow-warrior said:
Tried the free trial (again) a month ago ...was utter shite

omfg soo true. Ironically, there is an NPC where you spawn in the trial that says every 2 minutes "What a piece of junk!".
Mmmm... SWG entirely was a debacle. I mean, you've got this rich mass of material to work with, and what do you do? You **** up. Royally.
It's such a shame - Galaxies should have been the pinnacle of mmo's.
TwwIX said:
beyond worse!
****ing soe!

Heres what I can imagine with the little kids who play now.

"Grandma, can I play Star War Galaxy?, I have a super cool apprentice Jedi. He can kill things with his real cool stick, PLEASE!!!!???"
*gets pwned by lvl 90 Commando and or Bounty Hunter*

*cries and shoots up school*
I'd kill to play SWG the way it was the first year-ish that it was out. Mainly cause a good chunk of my real life friends played it, and we'd LAN together at each others houses PvPing.

I haven't played NGE, but my guess is that A. No one bothers playing it, and B. It sucks.

Plus, I just quit WoW, so I want to get out of the whole MMO thang.
What is star wars galaxy emulator?

How did they get the source code to host their own MMORPG?

Isn't that illegal? Or is it hosted in a different country?
Yeah. it's illegal, but pretty much every MMO out there has it. EQ, UO, DAoC, even WoW.

I'd love to try the emus out, if other people bothered playing.
EA actually gave their blessing to the Ultima Online emulator "RunUO".

-Angry Lawyer