Synergy Release soon (launch delayed)

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
In the not too distant future we will see the new release of Synergy OB - The coop mod which allows you to play Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1 and Half-Life 2: Episode 2 with your friends. This update will fix many problems with low difficulties.[br]
  • Steam and Steam Community Integration
  • Content Loader System
  • Third-Party Game and Mod Support
  • Complete Level Transitions
  • Multi-Passenger, Destructible Vehicles
  • Player Speech System
  • MapEdit Configuration System
  • Multi-Language Support (German, French, Dutch, ...)
We will keep you informed on the release and update details this Friday. Synergy mod website. UPDATE: News post edited - see page 3 comments[br]
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The new mod

Isn't this mod kind of the same as Obsidien Conflict? :O
Wow, impressive changelist.
Hope they fixed the lag.
wait, so we're going to be able to d-load it DIRECTLY from steam? cool!
Neat. I always thought it would be nice if Valve distributed mods though Steam and Synergy is good choice to start with - it's a mod I like but don't play often due to a lack of low ping servers (well for me at least) hopefully this will get some more servers out there.
Excellent, most downloads for mods **** up for me, but through steam that will most likely stop
Maybe this'll give it a bigger following.
We desperately need good co-op mods on Source, since Sven-Coop 2's development has been slowed down to a halt because they insist on updating their HL1 version. :|
Oh sexy, Zombie Panic Source! is going to be ported too.
Any idea on the other 3 mods to get Steamworks? I'm guessing Zombie Master, Dystopia and Eternal Silence.

Excellent, most downloads for mods **** up for me, but through steam that will most likely stop
Err really? Never had a problem with Steam mods, or heard of anyone with a problem :S
No confirmation on any of the other 3 mods yet, but if you search Steam's listed 3rd party mods registered on Steam here and then omit the ones from HL1 and no longer currently being updated / or released, you get:
  • Age of Chivalry
  • D.I.P.R.I.P
  • Dystopia
  • Empires
  • Eternal Silence
  • Insurgency
  • Minerva
  • Pirates, Vikings and Knights II
  • Zombie Panic: Source
So...pick 3 at random!? I think Minerva is a safe bet.
Well, I can confirm that it ain't Jailbreak: Source, and it ain't Pirates, Vikings and Knights II either (I'm a dev for JB and we're close to some of the devs for PVKII). So that shortens the list by a little bit.

Not that Jailbreak is listed on the Steam mods page anyway :(

I have heard that the first four, will be the first wave, but that's just rumour.
Nor is ZM - we forgot to send over the required stuff to be put on there.
Err really? Never had a problem with Steam mods, or heard of anyone with a problem :S

I don't know, it usually gets messed up somewhere along the way. It'll crash my computer and just slow everything in general. It's an incredible pain in the ass most of the time
Nor is ZM - we forgot to send over the required stuff to be put on there.

You mean you got invited to go on Steam, or you didnt send over the info for the Mod page?

I love that Valve are doing this though, it's very exciting, but I do hope that in the future every mod gets the opportunity (as long as they meet certain criteria) to get on Steam... as it would be a shame for mod developers, if it was simply a small handpicked selection.

P.S. Me and Dogmeat (our coder) are big fans of ZM :D
When we released, we asked about going on the mods page, and there was some info/screens we had to send for it and didn't. We weren't asked to be part of the Steamworks thing.

Nice to see some fans around :)
I've been reliably informed that the mods in question are:

Synergy, Insurgency, Age of Chivalry, Zombie Panic: Source and DIPRIP (yes, I know it's 5 not 4)
Did they sort out the sickness-inducing camera in DIPRIP? =\
Well, I can confirm that it ain't Jailbreak: Source, and it ain't Pirates, Vikings and Knights II either (I'm a dev for JB and we're close to some of the devs for PVKII). So that shortens the list by a little bit.

Not that Jailbreak is listed on the Steam mods page anyway :(

I have heard that the first four, will be the first wave, but that's just rumour.
In that case it surely has to be Insurgency, Minerva and Eternal Silence, since they are the most polished of the rest (functionally, that is).
In that case it surely has to be Insurgency, Minerva and Eternal Silence, since they are the most polished of the rest (functionally, that is).
I wouldn't say Eternal Silence is as polished as the other two. Pirates Vikings and Knights 2, Dystopia, The Hidden and Empires, just from off the top of my head are also as polished.
In that case it surely has to be Insurgency, Minerva and Eternal Silence, since they are the most polished of the rest (functionally, that is).

Minerva isn't multiplayer.
so this is a cooperative halflife2 mod?


I can get it on steam now?
Synergy is fun, but obsidian conflict has FAR better mapping, IMHO. PVKII should totally get this.

We've had to remove some information from the original news post, when contacted by Synergy. The information they posted on their website (which is now gone) was accurate but this wasn't meant for public release yet according to Valve Software, and they've kindly asked for it's removal.

Although the cat is essentially out the bag now, this is web diplomacy and we will turn our attention to letting the mod teams ready for their future launch. (And some damage limitation perhaps)
Hey what's going on he-

Nothing to see here folks
Maybe this'll give it a bigger following.
We desperately need good co-op mods on Source, since Sven-Coop 2's development has been slowed down to a halt because they insist on updating their HL1 version. :|

Have faith, I heard Sven Coop 2 will be out sometime in 2012. Only 4 more years!
This has been reflected in the news post and I've provided some comments above for clarification. We were contacted directly by Synergy.

I just added is if anyone wants to read from source.
Wow, I love Valve.

Screw SVEN COOP 2 wheres Black Mesa Source man, its been years!!!!