Synesthesia - who has it?

What form of synesthesia do you have?

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I get it with music, the most common ones I get are red, blue, violet, gray, black, or a combo. my favorite usually fall under the blue/black category =]

maybe an example would help, the song Zero Signal by Fear Factory is one of my favorite songs of all time, that fits the descrition perfectly

I just realized I don't visualize jack. All I have are numbers and word sin my head. No colors or shapes.
I actually probably realized this long ago, but I am remembering now,
and I taste chicken.


This is what I see with a week. The "camera" is typically focused over the current day, and when I start thinking of different days, it pans across to it, by following the date-arc.

-Angry Lawyer
I just don't understand any of this.

So AL, you will think of the words, "Saturday and Sunday" and they look like that?

I just don't know lol
I have everything except number form. it started out very very vague, basically only vague color associations with music, but now it's evolved and is very powerful and encompassing. i associate sound with taste and color, numbers with color, letters with personality, color and taste.
I think what he means is, when he thinks of the days of the week, they're arranged that way in his mind.

I think I think of them left to right
saturday - friday
Random fact: People who are pitch-perfect usually have it. It allows them to tie specific notes with colours.
yeah. different notes have differnet colors for me. differnt types of sounds have tastes as well. a saw waveform is red and tastes quite sharply. chromatic scale and atonal sounds taste metallic, hearing microtones (tones tuned between semitones) almost makes me vomit if i listen/play around with it for a longer amount of time

as an interesting side note, i never quite figured out why i had such trouble differing between 4 and 8 in math, until i realised they are both green to me
That's pretty damn awesome, Harij :D

I just don't understand any of this.

So AL, you will think of the words, "Saturday and Sunday" and they look like that?

I just don't know lol

The words don't appear - it's just that they have a vague position like that in my mind. When I think of "It's Sunday in three days time", I think of looking near the top right, moving up a little, moving left and down, and then right down to the bottom left. Saturday and Sunday are "taller" than the other days, though, and take up more room. They all loop together in a malformed circle/0 shape.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, someone who has that tell me what 15357 looks like...

brown passing into red and gray.. the color of one letter affects the color of the surrounding letters..

by the way, i think i first realised i had it when i said to myself "how do i make my music sound as purple as aphex twin's?" :P

it's quite hard to explain it or how it works, because it feels so natural. if i type out the letter K and ask you what it feels like and you just go "wtf?", it's odd because to me it's obvious it's brown and tastes/smells like wood, it's what makes it the letter K in my perception.
the "system" or whatever you want to call it is illogical but constant.
It probably explains your like of electronic music - I can imagine the human voice being a bit of an odd flavour D:

-Angry Lawyer
i like lyrics and stuff like that too, but most of the time i prefer electronic msuic because the tastes and colors are so diverse and rich, and the fact that you can customise the sounds to extremes.

i love playing the guitar, but it's always going to taste the way it does no matter how i play it, i can affect it abit with different scales, but with synth sounds you can customise the shape of the sound, and thus its tastes and colors, in a really diverse amount of ways.

i like the voice of robert plant, it's quite purple and blue-ish. thom yorkes voice is green-blue ish. i like the color blue, so most sounds that have some connection with it are automatically liked.

i like songs with lots of reverb and space, because the spacious feeling automatically colors the sound in a more blue shade
Man, that sounds crazy. The closest us normal folk will get is through psychadelics D:

In another odd way (although I think it's self-taught, rather than synesthetic, as I never remember doing it before my early teens) is I tend to picture music as an unbroken line. Pitch changes the height of the line, and it turns into something like a line graph. Rests don't appear on it, though - when a note ends, the line's at the same point. I guess it'd be like joining the notes together with a line on musical notation, albeit with the length of times between notes represented by width.

Crazy stuff.

-Angry Lawyer
I just realized that I do associate colors with days of the week / months. I'll make a chart and post it in a bit.
Yeah it's quite odd I suppose :P I think it has some relation with how i started drawing and painting quite early and always listened to music while doing it.

it kind of reinforces the power of good music, listening to a good track practically creates colors like this in my head:
Yeah it's quite odd I suppose :P I think it has some relation with how i started drawing and painting quite early and always listened to music while doing it.

it kind of reinforces the power of good music, listening to a good track practically creates colors like this in my head:

That last one almost exactly what I get from your track storm1 (except with bits of purple). That's really, really strange.
Once read a story of a blind person who has that; sounds show up as colors.

Yeah, I don't have it. I view everything as what they are... Which means that when I read a story, I visualize it, sometimes fairly detailed.